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    very own frases de exemplo

    very own

    1. front of his very own eyes, there was a blue flash and two of the

    2. But at least I was in Greece and I'd read somewhere that 'Greece always gives more than it takes', so with two weeks of immeasurable contrasts stretching out before me on my very own quest with nothing to guide me but sweet ignorance and a ferry, I drained my glass and moved out under a parasol

    3. Most of the passengers were herded onto an old bus whereas my bit of the queue, and by that I mean myself and an older man carrying a huge cabbage, was cramped inside the rear of a much abused and dented van which was to be our very own shuttle up the mountain to Sophia

    4. Plates, statuettes, the framed business license and a calendar hung with equal importance beneath a clock plate and below it stood a kerosene lamp, prominent on its very own shelf, like a holy statue

    5. He rushed back to the country manor house and told his master and mistress immediately that the tomatoes came from their very own greenhouse

    6. Entries were invited from gardeners across the land, the prize being the chance to have your very own television programme about gardening on one of the satellite television channels

    7. Great-aunt Edith showed Annie how to scan photographs and store them as images on the computer, using a collection of her very own black and white artistic poses from her early days in the glamour business, images which would now be considered at best cute but in most cases just as period pieces

    8. your very own television programme about gardening on one of the

    9. If you plan to offer your very own products (It‘s much easier than what you

    10. very own black and white artistic poses from her early days in the

    11. He is our very own fellow, though he is bound now for England; Yes, he's a jolly good fellow, Which nobody can deny

    12. day), and his very own brother Cardinals, who seemed to

    13. carrying his very own relic! Can you believe it?’

    14. And perhaps, had he toiled hard enough and sacrificed enough of his self his many loved ones would have erected a monument of his very own to stand for all time as an indication of his benevolent existence

    15. It was the king’s very own personal signet ring – a golden ring with a blood red oval-shaped ruby

    16. of course, know that it was their very own fear that

    17. Every owner of wool within ten miles of the sea coast must give an account in writing, three days after shearing, to the next officer of the customs, of the number of his fleeces, and of the places where they are lodged

    18. Every owner of wool, who carrieth, or causeth to be carried, any wool to any port or place on the sea coast, in order to be from thence transported by sea to any other place or port on the coast, must first cause an entry thereof to be made at the port from whence it is intended to be conveyed, containing the weight, marks, and number, of the packages, before he brings the same within five miles of that port, on pain of forfeiting the same, and also the horses, carts, and other carriages; and also of suffering and forfeiting, as by the other laws in force against the exportation of wool

    19. At first when we heard this we had dismissed it as bullshit but the rumours kept persisting and began to get more credible so that by today we knew they were true and even which beaches they would land on and that was V Beach and our very own W Beach

    20. “Well, well if it isn’t our very own sharpshooter Pte Lamb W, step right up here and be amazed?” The RSM said

    21. 9/ll was caused by Islamic terrorists, and our troops are being killed by Islamic terrorists overseas and on our very own military bases; yet, our commanders are more concerned about „diversity" and not offending the Muslim community

    22. Once they opt in they can be taken to a one time offer giving them a great opportunity to not only attend the workshop, but to also own the workshop as their very own high end training course after the workshop is completed

    23. And, as silly as such a thing sounds, I’ve come to this conclusion through my very own observations and experiences

    24. “Now y’all put those ribs down, and keep off the hooch jus’ a lil’ while, cause the managers and directors of the Country Cotton Candy fair are proud to welcome our very own benefactor, well-known and loved for his many contributions to the community, especially the ribs, Mr

    25. All Angels are specialised and masters of their very own specific tasks and roles and you can call upon an Angel to help you with your specific needs and they will benefit you with wonderful wisdom and understanding about anything and everything

    26. Angel wondered if she should say anything to Mrs Worthington Smyth but decided against it maybe she would never hear from Pelin again, so she just kept him to her dreams, dreams where she met him and he said that she was truly his very own Angel

    27. creations that had been devised by his very own pupils

    28. The Pompidou Museum of Paris and, not to be caught lagging behind this trendy curve, the Museum of Modern Art in New York, each purchased their very own cans of the artist’s essence

    29. My father was dead, murdered by the vampire who stood before me, my brother in death, and his very own first born

    30. occurred on the exact same calendar day as the day of my very own conception--New

    31. girls produces two little girls of his very own

    32. Not much different from that of our very own humming bird, though the sound that came from her was a lullaby on the wind

    33. What a lesson, but now you have your very own

    34. Most networkers are playing with their very own time bomb, which

    35. Take these suggestions and turn them into your very own action plan! By setting

    36. You see becoming the owner of your very own

    37. Within one year, Marvin saved enough money to obtain his lifelong dream, his very own auto repair shop

    38. A cool, very own youtube feature, in terms of styling however is the fact, that you

    39. I could’ve given her the book and spent the rest of life writing my very own story

    40. You know, the rent for my very own House of Horrors

    41. The other hunters laugh at him and tease him, saying it must be nice to have your very own spirit-friend

    42. This is serious Spiritual love and business we are talking about here, this is not a light matter, the Salvation of your very own soul is in your hands and God’s hands, and The Almighty God Has the Right, the Authority and the Might to Save you, if you are willing to love and accept His conditions and that love is through Jesus Christ,

    43. "You can come onto my fishing trawler, my very own Vickedge," he waved his cap at the plain

    44. Peace Talks that start within ourselves within our very own hearts

    45. All the children in the village were so excited about having their very own school, and some of the parents went to help Impy on his farm

    46. Soon Tabby had her very own tree house, and over the years, more and more grand children came and played in it

    47. He discovered his prize included a year’s insurance and after showing his driver’s license he was handed the keys to his very own red, Corvette convertible, with a full tank of gas and the registration paid

    48. stored in your very own motherboard with your DNA all over

    49. of your very own actions will be revealed to you and in the

    50. God is the father, the kinsman, the loved one, the friend, my very own, and consequently a stranger to

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