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    Use "viable" em uma frase

    viable frases de exemplo


    1. viable and completely restored! the doctors could not explain that

    2. viable, it means there is no truth

    3. "We need to use a new protocol to push the preexisting hypermass distortions over their mass/energy thresholds to achieve a unified anomaly structure and open a viable faster-than-light passage

    4. He was glad he got that done for the last meeting and it was still viable crystal

    5. It is a viable hatching ground

    6. I’ve got three cryo-atom-slice coffins still operating that can copy out souls, but there are few who bring their dead up here any more, at least few that get here in time for me to get a viable read-out

    7. How does anyone ever know for sure if they are doing the right thing in a relationship? Can one ever be totally positive? I don’t think so … I know I want to be with Dave … is that enough? I contemplate not seeing him … no, that is definitely not viable

    8. “I agree that if we are going to find any economically viable materials it is going to be in the environs of B

    9. ‘So who are the viable candidates?’ said Collette

    10. "Not one of the ancient crypts ever found actually contained more than a skeleton and artifacts, so there's no reason, other than the fact that it draws movie audiences, to think a viable hibernation vault will be found

    11. He would have had access to viable ancient media in those days

    12. It can be rejected or retained, accepted and transformed into something viable and stable

    13. that the centralised economy is not a viable solution

    14. could choose to run straight ahead, to the left or right, or backtrack - the last seeming not to be any sort of viable option

    15. This time however, with Ravena's internal ship's scans as a viable inventory of the Guild supplied arsenal, the Elf herself made the specific request of Deni for those very modules---much to Deni's chagrin

    16. most viable solutions to me OK? The Crystal

    17. twice in the same sentence if there is a viable alternative, so I

    18. Worse still, if no-one came for them then they would not have enough supplies to make a viable second attempt at reaching the beacon

    19. For the first time he began to feel confident that their trip was truly viable

    20. After what had happened they were all a little shaken up and carrying Lucy and her rucksack for any distance was not really viable so he could only think of one thing to do

    21. “I can think of a few reasons for that but improved air does seem the most viable

    22. Above: Orion, Leo, Ursa major surrounded by myriad suns too numerous to count, but at least a hundred of those visible containing planets with viable atmospheres for life

    23. “Sorry lads but its no longer viable or realistic we will consolidate the areas that we now have and the beachhead

    24. Though, I don’t have a viable solution at this point in time

    25. He didn't own a car; too much expense to justify; he imagined the hours he'd have to work – over a month of overtime, perhaps, for cheapest to be viable on the road

    26. But how does anyone go about discovering (the) Truth? If Truth is predicated on Natural Law(s) understood as God‘s Eternal Law(s), because such laws (naturally) proceed from God, ―hidden yet pre-determined,‖ and if Humankind‘s problematical interpretation of God‘s Law has rendered its meaning less viable than what was arguably uncertain to begin with, then how or where does anyone proceed in recovering important points of reference? Conventional wisdom, forged by the (social) dynamics of customs and habits and experience, is insufficient

    27. The Democratic Party‘s socialist agenda is not a viable alternative, however

    28. hardship on its people? Should its people, (they cannot properly be called citizens), be held liable for the criminal designs of its ruler(s)? (they cannot properly be called leaders) Should its people be subject to international reprisals by otherwise peaceful nations threatened by its existence? Should its people be perceived as innocent bystanders caught up in the whirlwinds of determined causes or willing accomplices drawn to ―dynamic‖ currents exceeding their moral and physical endurance? Should its people be subject to (economic) sanctions imposed against that nation whose objectionable conduct at home and abroad poses a viable threat to its peaceful neighbors? Is ignorance an excuse, or complacency or cowardliness for that matter? The present situation in Iraq recalls Hitler‘s Germany

    29. Conservatives need to provide (viable) economic alternatives to bilateral assumptions whose differences are oftentimes formal rather than essential

    30. Fidel Castro‘s supporters on the American Left have historically argued that 1) most embargoes are ineffective in subverting autocratic governments (note these are the same people who summarily called for embargoes against Iraq as a viable alternative to war), and 2) that such restrictions promote unnecessary hardship to its citizens and should therefore be lifted if not for humanitarian reasons, alone

    31. The party must somehow recover its political identity as a viable alternative to New York‘s traditional tax and spend approach to running government

    32. ―wickedly‖ throughout his or her lifetime and having died without remorse for his or her dastardly misdeeds, should be considered a viable candidate for hell damnation? I raise this question for consistency sake

    33. Republican Party elites oftentimes remain indifferent, except during the primary season, to blue collar voters seeking a viable alternative to a party that has abandoned its customary standards in favor of secular viewpoints (seemingly) at odds with ―working class‖ values

    34. While on the subject of numbers, please explain how African Americans, who comprise approximately 12% of America‘s population, are over-whelming represented in most major sports? Do they possess genetic traits indigenous to their (own) race or is desire the key motivating factor? I will readily allow that sports have traditionally provided many under-privileged people, from all walks of life, a viable means of escaping poverty

    35. If the scheme proved viable and she could solicit his participation, her cocaine could possibly begin arriving in the United States again in time to avoid an interruption of the flow to their street dealers, considering current reserves

    36. �As of now, no, but if a new viable suspect isn't handed to me by next Friday, I'll have to make a decision about an indictment on the Vice President and let a trial jury free his ass,� was his reply

    37. His prints and his admission that he was with the murder victim from ten to eleven that night makes him a viable suspect for her death,� admitted Steve as he read from his notes

    38. �That leaves us with at least two other viable suspects,�

    39. “The Syclers were doing well, growing to about 260 millimetres, they ate everything that was organic, including plastics, and the protein produced was a viable food source

    40. So, I have to conclude that the only viable course of action at this point is indeed to climb up the summit

    41. As I no longer drive, offering supply is not really a viable possibility

    42. To them, the secular view is the only viable way of thinking and they will often defend it with an anger and ferocity that can only be described as a form of fundamentalism

    43. It must have been an additional comfort to the inheritors of this morality tale as they viewed the remains of once viable settled communities that had succumbed simply because the land that they had killed for had refused to support them any longer

    44. Any nonprofit organization or even simple responsible citizen can introduce it to institutions sponsors, to governments or investors of social programs in level national or international so that they turn viable the implantation of this Project

    45. Now, there is an alternative system that is viable and solution hope to the social problems

    46. With the viable reaching of our Project, the social sponsor will have the flexibility of the choice to prioritize the countries in emergency situation, for instance: High index of social abandonment or hunger; adults’

    47. This Theory turns viable new socioeconomic model as alternative to the model of current human society to accomplish generation of income with distributary justice and the total usufruct of products and services, besides motivating the entrepreneurs to the gain without being predatory competition and without any economic concentration type, such as: of the income, means of the production, communication vehicles, industry of the entertainment and of the knowledge

    48. Activities have been filled out so that it turns viable

    49. It is viable because its cost is zero, because the resources and products already exist and every investment reverts the own country, it only requires new systematics of utilization of the organizational resources with the finality of to enjoy everything that already exists or to produce new products, without there to be consumerism

    50. The obtainment of this amount is unique and viable for who has more than 5

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    viable executable feasible practicable workable