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    vicious circle frases de exemplo

    vicious circle

    1. After a while it became a vicious circle, I would fail to have a successful relationship and I would be bitter and unhappy

    2. Possibly more harmful than the guns, he had warned, would be the vicious circle

    3. And then fear would grip her once more, the uncertainty for her child sweeping everything clean, and the vicious circle of gripping emotions and harrowing memories of happier times would start anew

    4. Some other times they seek revenge those ones are rarely ever helped out, revenge fuels their captivity and they use this rage to harm others to an extent is becomes a vicious circle

    5. What chance do our children have to end up entangled in that spiraling and vicious circle we spoke about earlier? Money in, money out?

    6. This in turn stimulates nerve sensitivity, which further inflames the artery, in a vicious circle

    7. When this desire vanishes, there remains no further need for the body, and man is free from the vicious circle of births and deaths

    8. It’s confusing, it seems slightly mad and it’s a totally vicious circle - but your partner may well feel guilt that she has low sexual desire, and that guilt in itself could be pushing her away from you


    10. ” He was weary of the uncertainty, of the vicious circle of that eternal war that always found him in the same place, but always older, wearier, even more in the position of not knowing why, or how, or even when

    11. With her terrible practical sense she could not understand the colonel’s business as he exchanged little fishes for gold coins and then converted the coins into little fishes, and so on, with the result that he had to work all the harder with the more he sold in order to satisfy an exasperating vicious circle

    12. It was then that she understood the vicious circle of Colonel Aureliano Buendía’s little gold fishes

    13. How long this vicious circle will remain active…?

    14. It’s a vicious circle that we are all trapped in

    15. What should be a non-vicious circle:

    16. Nathalie lay down on the bed, thinking that the vicious circle of events with Nicky had to end at some point

    17. The vicious circle goes on-the bad karmas of others forever, eats into your peace and harmony, subtly, but surely

    18. vidual needs met, it is a vicious circle; and more than

    19. As you see, there is a vicious circle: without simple facts and proofs, scientists don’t want to change the outdated system of their thinking and deprive themselves of the possibility to leave the limits of rough materiality, at the same time, without this, they cannot actually register by their imperfect instruments those obvious manifestations of consciousness of all objects of the outer world, because even the electromagnetic Field which they have studied quite well is just the projection dynamics of Fields-Consciousnesses of higher (in frequency and in quality) Levels of Energy-Plasma

    20. vicious circle that made it harder and harder for him to move on to his next career step

    21. son, which following the vicious circle only deepened the boys introspection

    22. You have to do your best to avoid entering this vicious circle

    23. Doctors have used cocaine to counter depression and morphine addiction, but a cocaine addict can then develop depression, so it is a vicious circle; cocaine addiction is sometimes treated with an antidepressant desipramine

    24. ‘I consider, on the contrary, that the two questions are inseparably connected together,’ said Pestsov; ‘it is a vicious circle

    25. This makes small companies and their shareholders unhappy because it creates a vicious circle

    26. ‘But nobody possesses it, so what would you have? It is a vicious circle from which we

    27. We are doomed to walk along this vicious circle forever trying to find the best of three alternatives

    28. Investors anticipating further losses are motivated to sell, with negative sentiments feeding on itself in a vicious circle

    29. So that music, like poetry, travels in a vicious circle

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