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    vicious cycle

    1. He came from a remote region of a far off nation that was locked into a vicious cycle of civil war and warlordism

    2. This inadvertently creates a strain in our relationship with others, as the vicious cycle of retaliation begins

    3. A depleted treasury must find creative ways of raising revenue however dry the well in order to pacify the demands of its citizens; engendering more spending promoting a vicious cycle of tax and spending policies sapping the energies and moral vitality of its productive citizens who grow increasingly cynical while the Rabble grows more demanding and the government more obliging

    4. Indeed they are inseparable from each other and inseparable from the vicious cycle that they engender

    5. 44 million inhabitants, it also generates the income that puts an end to vicious cycle of poverty and of the social abandonment, turning the sovereign and independent country, without hurting vested rights

    6. you are caught in a vicious cycle where the more He

    7. ending vicious cycle where everyone, but the rulers, is victimized

    8. the fear of changing the vicious cycle that will

    9. The common term for this is “vicious cycle,” but I would call it a “social terrorism

    10. This can end a vicious cycle as the animals are sterilised before they are old

    11. It’s a vicious cycle that needs to be stopped,

    12. The reality of life for her was that it is a vicious cycle

    13. " It is a truly vicious cycle

    14. This sent wobbles down the computer, through the chair, and onto the bed, shaking the mattress, which, in turn, shook the chair, computer, and herself more—a vicious cycle that if continued would lead to her fall

    15. All these kids were doomed to produce goofy looking offspring, perpetuating a vicious cycle of nerds prone to bully victimization

    16. It’s a vicious cycle really, but, thus is the circle of life

    17. It was a vicious cycle that I hope the Boblovian Revolution would bring to an end

    18. It is a vicious, vicious cycle

    19. Thus, the vicious cycle of religions furnishes races in either forward or backward directions

    20. Destructive anger creates a vicious cycle

    21. In this way, the vicious cycle goes on

    22. Thus a vicious cycle begins

    23. To come out of such a vicious cycle, one should improve his willpower

    24. loads, and start a vicious cycle of panic that never seems to end

    25. You said it yourself that it is a vicious cycle; why blame me?”

    26. It is an unchanging vicious cycle

    27. This is how and why vicious cycles work in the Universe

    28. Because the gateway 13th atomic weight keeps each 12, or 24, or 36, or 48 cyclic process in a vicious cycle that endlessly repeats itself

    29. But these vicious cycles never duplicate themselves identically

    30. Science calls some of these vicious cycles: General Principles… and has hoisted them above the one law of Relative Equality which actually governs the dynamics of the entire Universe… Simply because these general principles repeat themselves over and over generally… and can be easily recognized as being generally the same

    31. Not the dynamic of vicious cycles

    32. Every vicious cycle is ultimately destroyed

    33. It may sound strange, but the vicious cycles of the Universe actually do function very much like the mechanical workings of a clock, touching each other as little as possible

    34. Instead of evolving and changing on basic levels as it should: the Universe only changes superficially: through the most superficial permutations of unchanging basic, vicious cycles

    35. The basic vicious cycles themselves never change

    36. The basic unchanging structure is evidence of a vicious cycle

    37. By the dynamics of vicious cycles never repeating themselves exactly the same way ever

    38. This is why the value of Pi is an endlessly repeated decimal fraction of a vicious cycle

    39. The orbits of all stars, planets and galaxies work in predictable vicious cycles without ever slowing down because they have the best oil in-between them to insulate them from each other: Space

    40. On our Earth, this particular dance of Organic Life has gone on for over 4 billion years: spreading, flourishing and continually changing in a creative frenzy of vicious cycles and infinite permutations of vicious cycles; following the exact same Path as that of the Universe when it was being formed called The Path of Dynamically Balanced Splitness except the dynamic of the process is now reversed

    41. And all reflective inner totalities that do not penetrate or radiate outside themselves are vicious cycles

    42. This is why the armed forced of the most powerful nation in the world is housed inside a pentagon shaped building that is the purest, most basic vicious cycle possible

    43. Most sexual abuse and rape is kept secret because it works as an obvious vicious cycle

    44. Both of them had already developed vicious cycles of territorial greed and conquest and endless expansion

    45. The vicious cycle of increasing Population density created all the other vicious cycles, and is still creating them, and it is still getting worse and worse

    46. Another vicious cycle

    47. duplication: the prime force behind the vicious cycle of consuming for the sake of consuming and nothing else: the inevitable result of all meaningless consumption is waste

    48. This vicious cycle that needs to be broken if the earth is to be saved from further destruction by civilized humans

    49. The imbalance of one-sided accumulation creates what we call: ‘vicious cycles’ that are frozen and do not change… as opposed to natural ones that do change

    50. This led to the vicious cycle of expanding civilized settlements spreading out over the entire planet

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