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virago frases de exemplo
1. But, says Hillary the heartless shrew, harridan, virago (take your pick), parents aren"t good enough
2. this spitting red-headed virago tel him how marvel ous he
3. decently, as the virago of a nurse said, when the gentlemen (the surgeons)
4. THE VIRAGO: Signs on you, hairy arse
5. THE VIRAGO: Green above the red, says he
6. He was not willing to apologize to his virago
7. But she too was not altogether without a flaw, so that there was a division in the town between their admirers and visiters; some maintaining, as I was told, that Mrs Beaufort, if she would keep herself sober, was not only a finer woman, but more of a lady, and a better actress, than Miss Scarborough, while others considered her as a vulgar regimental virago
8. too freely; some of the more careless women also were wandering in their gait—to wit, a dark virago, Car Darch, dubbed Queen of Spades, till lately a favourite of d'Urberville's; Nancy, her sister, nicknamed the Queen of Diamonds; and the young married woman who had already tumbled down