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    Use "vital functions" em uma frase

    vital functions frases de exemplo

    vital functions

    1. to keep Earth alive; otherwise the vital functions of the

    2. But what caused his death? It only told that all vital functions had ceased

    3. vital functions and activities of our life

    4. The technicians followed her in briefly long enough to connect a number of wires and tubes to her suit that would monitor her vital functions and the conditions inside her spacesuit, plus provide extra air

    5. participates in many vital functions of the body

    6. Alarms and lights stared to emanate from the monitors, to alert the emergency teams that a patient’s vital functions had stopped

    7. But the break-down of energy-information interrelations between the Formo-Creators of the biological body of “the deceased personality” and UU-VVU-copies of the Proto-Forms of cells, molecules and atoms happens not at once, but duvuyllerrtly, gradually, because they represent in this biological mass the realizational principle of the collective Consciousness of cells and organs that used to provide vital functions of the whole biological organism of the living “personality”

    8. Cholesterol forms part of every cell in the body and serves many vital functions

    9. so many of the ship’s vital functions being routed there

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