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    vital sign frases de exemplo

    vital sign

    1. He deployed a relay beacon, to constantly record his transmitted position and vital signs and broadcast to him any changes in the local environment

    2. vital signs, corridor integrity, and a dozen or so other bits of data that informed him he was alive

    3. vital signs, then told me the doctor would be in shortly

    4. passed the nursing station, and there was a wall of television screens monitoring each patient’s vital signs

    5. Fortunately, a quick check of their vital signs showed that both were merely unconscious

    6. Andy knelt beside the other body and checked for vital signs

    7. “Well, sir, the patch would lose its ability to read you, so all your vital signs would register zero and the patch would assume you were dead,” he answered

    8. The damaged implant was quickly replaced and her vital signs returned to normal, but her consciousness was could not be located by the Station’s System

    9. Her vital signs were all right, but the health aide could not tell me about the dilatation of the cervix or the station of the head of the baby as she had not done an internal exam

    10. The inset window closed to complete the forest view but the presidents vital signs were being interpreted as symptomatic of stress, and the PA asked, ‘I’m sorry

    11. The nurses came in, and they checked his vital signs, and they exclaimed: “Oh, my God, he has had a heart attack again

    12. The one to the right was close to his face, showing the vital signs of the mech, the other, equally close to his face, showed the different armaments on the Jagger

    13. Struem, the prison hospital's medical doctor (who was also a prisoner), instructed Viella on the duties, which included taking the vital signs of the patients every hour on the hour, and keeping the rooms and the equipment spotlessly clean

    14. "Who is this?" She said, as Alex rolled the man over and began to check his vital signs

    15. The new grey zone has its vital signs, in its new world, in decisions, votes, attacking, painting a certain picture under a huge power of pride

    16. The beeping ups and downs of our earth's vital signs monitors are fast nearing deadly flat-line silence

    17. Its vital signs are monitored and regulated by international stock exchanges, whose stock ticker is the pace maker of the world's products, consumption, and pollution

    18. All of my vital signs and organs were checked and found to be okay, although my red blood count was low

    19. Vital signs show blood pressure 175/100mmHg, pulse 76/min, respiratory rate 18/min, and the patient is afebrile

    20. Vital signs including temperature are stable

    21. Nurses rushed in and out to check Vitchae’s vital signs every 30 minutes

    22. Her doctor needed daily monitoring of her vital signs so he’d know how well those medications were working – or if they needed adjusting

    23. Getting her mom to his office every day so that his staff could monitor her vital signs wouldn’t have been very convenient; it also would have cost quite a bit to get her back and forth to the doctor’s office every day

    24. One is that the cadaver has no life and I show vital signs filling me with life

    25. They checked Scott’s vital signs and gave him a

    26. While he was there reading al my vital signs, his eyes zeroed on me

    27. Forcing himself not to analyse the stab wounds, he assessed the situation quickly, looked for vital signs and set about giving Geoff Olsen Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

    28. I had been put into an induced coma, my vital signs were deteriorating, my face and body were swollen and my kidneys and lungs failing

    29. She was free, said the nurse who took her vital signs, to change her mind at any point

    30. They check vital signs and change glucose drips and “bag” patients whose respirators went haywire when the power came back on

    31. The nurse put her hand on my arm and told us that our baby was sleeping, that all her vital signs were normal

    32. Now he looked smaller and younger, with his defiant little hair twists and his thin cotton blanket pulled up to his underarms, monitors reporting on his vital signs

    33. Crowley wears his sleep-optimizing bracelet at night, which uploads his pre-waking vital signs anonymously to the Internet

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