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    Use "wander through" em uma frase

    wander through frases de exemplo

    wander through

    1. Numerous herds of cattle, when allowed to wander through the woods, though they do not destroy the old trees, hinder any young ones from coming up ; so that, in the course of a century or two, the whole forest goes to ruin

    2. Their cattle are allowed to wander through the woods and other uncultivated grounds, where they are half-starved; having long ago extirpated almost all the annual grasses, by cropping them too early in the spring, before they had time to form their flowers, or to shed their seeds

    3. As his bike slowed down his eyes began to wander through the gaps in the mist

    4. The few Nazi and Soviet troops that did wander through found little to loot, and by hiding in the woods, they had avoided being victims of the soldiers’ anger or caprice

    5. We would then wander through the tables until it was closer to the time to eat

    6. The next day they wander through the streets taking note of defensive positions

    7. although the weather had turned to a heavy rain, decided to wander through the narrow streets illuminated by Christmas lights

    8. “Unless you want to wander through life without direction, you need to set

    9. You can wander through the universe incognito;

    10. “It’s not far,” he said, “but we do have to wander through a maze of small streets, and perhaps hop over some puddles

    11. I thought you would be able to journey to the Other World and find your Spirit Guide the way children wander through the forest and find fruit

    12. In a world where it seemed very few of the opposite sex were on a first name basis, why did Anne get to call him Emory? Why did they get to wander through pastures together when she and Garret had to watch their toes for fear of being punished by marriage?

    13. in his saddle and allowed his gaze to wander through the

    14. Nevertheless, they were still forced to wander through the desert like the first human ancestors were forced to, before they could escape Africa

    15. Wander through awned streets

    16. I had a burst of romantic cheer: I’d surprise him at The Bar, and we’d have a few drinks and wander through the empty streets together, hand in mitten

    17. To wander through the meadows still,

    18. I sit—don't even think; ideas of a sort wander through my mind and I let them come and go as they will

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