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    Use "waxen" em uma frase

    waxen frases de exemplo


    1. In the dim light of the room, her face seemed almost waxen

    2. reason, with a classic waxen stamp, his eyes went to C-zar, to whom he held out the letter

    3. After a few moments, the waxen faced man handed it to him

    4. I do remember thinking how inanimate and waxen the human body looks when the soul has left it

    5. His skin was waxen, water-lily white

    6. 2 Many, the more often they are honoured with the great bounty of their gracious princes, the more proud they are waxen,

    7. 28 They are waxen fat, they shine: yes, they overpass the deeds of the wicked: they judge not the cause, the cause of the

    8. have caused you to multiply as the bud of the field, and you have increased and waxen great, and you are come to excellent

    9. called one of them, and said to him, O you who are waxen old in wickedness, now your sins which you have committed previously

    10. 13 For we will destroy this place, because the cry of them is waxen great before the face of the Lord; and the Lord has sent us to destroy it

    11. 25 If your brother be waxen poor, and has sold away some of his possession, and if any of his kin come to redeem it, then shall he redeem that which his brother sold

    12. 35 And if your brother be waxen poor, and fallen in decay with you; then you shall relieve him: yes though he be a stranger, or a sojourner; that he may live with you

    13. 5 And I have led you forty years in the wilderness: your clothes are not waxen old on you, and your shoe is not waxen old on your foot

    14. 20 For when I shall have brought them into the land which I swore to their fathers, that flows with milk and honey; and they shall have eaten and filled themselves, and waxen fat; then will they turn to other gods, and serve them, and provoke me, and break my covenant

    15. 13 Yet it came to pass, when the children of Israel were waxen strong, that they put the Canaanites to tribute, but did not utterly drive them out

    16. 13 For we will destroy this place, because the cry of them is waxen great

    17. 39 And if thy brother that dwelleth by thee be waxen poor, and be sold unto thee; thou shalt not compel him to serve as a

    18. mask: his face was waxen; his eyes half-closed

    19. Ambrosius lay on the bed, but in the coffin there lay another Ambrosius, white and waxen, Ceri knelt beside the breathing Ambrosius and bent to kiss his lips but Herne’s hand on her shoulder stopped her, “No, My Lady

    20. Another stood nearby and there was a woman holding a waxen image

    21. It was nighttime and a waxen moon hung over the water and sprinkled a dim, cloudy light through the black masses of trees

    22. The slack, waxen face

    23. Iniquity abounds among us, and the love of many is waxen cold

    24. And waxen in their mirth, and neeze, and swear

    25. She lay there stretched at full length, her lips apart, her eyelids closed, her hands open, motionless, and white as a waxen image

    26. Her eyes seemed to grow darker, her face more waxen; still she dragged about at her work

    27. The waxen tablet of the memory which was once capable of receiving 'true thoughts and clear impressions'

    28. You'd hear of odd things if I lived alone with that mawkish, waxen face: the most ordinary would be painting on its white the colours of the rainbow, and turning the blue eyes black, every day or two: they detestably resemble Linton's

    29. She had blue hair and a face as white as a waxen image; her eyes were closed and her hands werecrossed on her breast

    30. Nice to hold, cool waxen fruit, hold in the hand, lift it to the nostrils and smell the perfume

    31. The waxen pallor of her face was almost spiritual in its ivorylike purity though her rosebud mouth was a genuine Cupid's bow, Greekly perfect

    32. “The Waxen Puppet, the red-hot Pins,” said Joan

    33. This time he did not start as he looked on the poor face with the same awful, waxen pallor as before

    34. The waxen face, the high aquiline nose, on which the light fell in a thin white line, the parted red lips, with the sharp white teeth showing between, and the red eyes that I had seemed to see in the sunset on the windows of St

    35. His waxen hue became greenish-yellow by the contrast of his burning eyes, and the red scar on the forehead showed on the pallid skin like a palpitating wound

    36. The old man too came up and kissed the waxen little hands that lay quietly crossed one on the other on her breast, and to him, too, her face seemed to say: ‘Ah, what have you done to me, and why?’ And at the sight the old man turned angrily away

    37. His pale waxen face was still freckled and his eyes were rolled back

    38. You’d hear of odd things if I lived alone with that mawkish, waxen face: the most ordinary would be painting on its white the colours of the rainbow, and turning the blue eyes black, every day or two: they detestably resemble Linton’s

    39. Sister Simplice was white, with a waxen pallor

    40. Now, waxen dead, she suffered the two boys' approach

    41. You felt that her husband, years ago, must have handled her in just such a way as one handled window mannequins, and she responded with the same chill waxen movements, with as much enthusiasm and response as a mannequin; and the husband, beaten off with no blows and no words, had turned over under the bedding and lain trembling with a feeding passion for many nights and then, finally, silently, taken to evening walks and little places across town, beyond the ravine, where a pink curtained window glowed with fresher electricity and a young lady answered when he tapped the bell

    42. Death is the waxen effigy in the coffin when you were six and Grandfather passed away — looking like a great fallen vulture in his casket, silent, withdrawn, no more to tell you how to be a good boy, no more to comment succinctly on politics

    43. They melted like waxen images, their faces collapsed inward on their sharp bones, their teeth protruded

    44. He folded his hands and decided they felt waxen and cold

    45. He saw the bed, and on the mattress that young man, bleeding, white with a waxen whiteness, with closed eyes and gaping mouth, and pallid lips, stripped to the waist, slashed all over with crimson wounds, motionless and brilliantly lighted

    46. Ralph Underhill was waxen pale

    47. His face was transparent white and waxen, and heavy black veins puffed out on his cheeks

    48. The walls decorated with posters, bathing girls, blondes with big breasts and slender hips and waxen faces, in white bathing suits, and holding a bottle of Coca-Cola and smiling—see what you get with a Coca-Cola

    49. The Melipona itself is intermediate in structure between the hive and humble bee, but more nearly related to the latter: it forms a nearly regular waxen comb of cylindrical cells, in which the young are hatched, and, in addition, some large cells of wax for holding honey

    50. But let us suppose that this latter circumstance determined, as it probably often has determined, whether a bee allied to our humble-bees could exist in large numbers in any country; and let us further suppose that the community lived through the winter, and consequently required a store of honey: there can in this case be no doubt that it would be an advantage to our imaginary humble-bee if a slight modification of her instincts led her to make her waxen cells near together, so as to intersect a little; for a wall in common even to two adjoining cells would save some little labour and wax

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