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    whale frases de exemplo





    1. Archimedes threw himself off the ship and onto a whale that was headed for in the direction of a whaling vessel the pirates had passed earlier

    2. When the whale was caught, Archimedes hopped off the dying whale and joined the crew of whaling humans

    3. Their whale research seemed to involve puncturing the whale with several more holes than before

    4. Archimedes had never seen a humpback whale die from harpoons before and so added it to his memory files

    5. I was seven months pregnant at the time; I remember standing in the rain at Mum’s burial service feeling like a beached whale

    6. Wildlife includes boar, brown bear, lizard and whale

    7. It’s the whale capital of Central America, with 22

    8. And whale call sirens to blow the whistle

    9. Fourthly, Salt fish of all kinds, whale fins, whalebone, oil, and blubber, not caught by and cured on board British vessels, when imported into Great Britain, are subject to double aliens duty

    10. The tonnage bounties given to the white herring and whale fisheries may, perhaps, be considered as somewhat of this nature

    11. mammals - the blue whale

    12. The Roman returned with twenty-two hundred barrels of whale oil and

    13. One of the first things Jon learned was that whales supplied two important resources, whale oil and baleen

    14. Whale oil was used as a lamp fuel and for making candles, as there was no electricity, natural gas, or kerosene for lighting in those days

    15. Sperm whales offer the greatest amount of whale oil, and are the largest whales to have teeth

    16. were launched whenever a whale was sighted

    17. particularly another sail or more importantly, a whale

    18. The captain hoped it was a sperm whale which offers the greatest amount of whale oil

    19. Experienced whalers can tell different whale species by the size and shape of their spout

    20. The crew failed to catch the whale at

    21. The captain’s logbook records the different whale species and how many barrels of oil they produce

    22. A few days after the first whale was spotted, Jon heard another

    23. steadily toward the whale

    24. They realized it was a sperm whale,

    25. and there would be lots of whale oil from this one

    26. ” This is what they called the event when a whale boat was

    27. dragged behind the whale at speeds up to twenty-five miles per

    28. whale until it lay exhausted on the surface

    29. “Chimney’s afire!” Jon helped to kill his first whale

    30. clear of the harpoon rope line when the sleigh ride begins, as he could get rope burns and be dragged overboard by the whale

    31. Of course, killing the whale was just the beginning

    32. whale was towed back to the Roman, where the crew tied it to the ship

    33. After this, a platform was hung over the whale

    34. whale and to cut it into smaller sections

    35. were then used to lift or drag the pieces of blubber into the try-pots for rendering into whale oil

    36. the unsuspecting whale, the officer on board would call to the

    37. the lance that would deal the deathblow to the wounded whale

    38. He would now be an officer in charge of a whale boat

    39. during a whale chase

    40. He would be the officer to kill the whale

    41. buying whale products from the whalers

    42. of oil and whale products

    43. After the return of the Liverpool to New Bedford in 1851, with a full load of whale oil and related whale products, Jonathan

    44. officer in charge of one of the whale boats lowered during the

    45. The journey to the Pacific Ocean and the Bering Sea was successful, and the Liverpool returned to New Bedford in 1853 with a full load of whale oil and related material

    46. who were always in hot pursuit of the whale men when they

    47. They had actually captured only one whale during

    48. It was a frustrating time for Jessie, but not unusual to have long periods of time without whale sightings for a typical whaling voyage

    49. hundred barrels of whale oil and twenty-two hundred pounds of

    50. the demand for whale oil was greater than the supply, and this

    1. "Has he ever whaled it any?" turning to me

    1. The mermaids keened like whales all around the house, singing for their friends to come

    2. As soon as he was up there, Marley Williams Hatch wet his lips and blew out a tune loud enough that all the kangaroos in Australia perked up their ears, and all the whales under the sea sang at once

    3. This individual was possibly off radar as a result of internecine strife within the C-Block or for falling foul of any one of the various killer whales that this particular little fish may have been sharing the pond with

    4. "Just as the whales had done," the bartender said

    5. The real proof of intelligence was to be able to think deep thoughts while straight like the great whales," the bartender said

    6. "How do the great whales solve it?" she asked them

    7. "And the whales solve it with song, my dear," he answered Glenelle

    8. Whales sang in the deeps of

    9. Whales sang in the deeps of the ocean

    10. With garden-like islands, the blue seas support dolphins and whales

    11. Popular species include green and hawksbil turtles, great blue heron, Scarlet Macaw, manatees, humpback whales, bottle-nosed dolphins and coral

    12. This smal central American country is the only one with no Atlantic coastline, nevertheless you see dolphins and whales passing through its Pacific waters

    13. The only country where sperm whales live al year round

    14. With 21 beaches, there are warm water sharks, green sea turtles, and migrating whales and dolphins

    15. (including the whales) and church bells ring

    16. The far south (near the South Pole) is home to whales, penguins and migrating seabirds

    17. You see, hippos in general are among the largest living mammals on the planet, coming in at sumo wrestler size along with a few others like the elephants, some rhinoceroses, and whales

    18. They also have two carpet whales that some people would call cats

    19. Her short story, Whales Call, was selected for publication in the 2011 Spring Edition of Shadowbox Magazine

    20. One of the first things Jon learned was that whales supplied two important resources, whale oil and baleen

    21. Sperm whales offer the greatest amount of whale oil, and are the largest whales to have teeth

    22. Sperm whales do not contain baleen

    23. whales, and the only way to catch them was to hunt them at sea

    24. spent hours learning how to carve intricate art onto the teeth of sperm whales

    25. whales spout turned red with blood, and the crew cried out,

    26. whales and the processing of the blubber

    27. Once whales were sighted and the captain gave

    28. day was on chasing whales and storing oil in the ship’s hold

    29. He had to plan the route that the voyage should take, and this required knowledge of where the whales would be

    30. On the twenty-ninth, they saw whales in the morning,

    31. Of course, the main targets were the whales, and the E

    32. in that some days were very busy catching whales and

    33. Jones cruised along the west coast of Africa for the entire month and saw whales only one time and

    34. The whales began to show up, and the E

    35. Up until this time, the Milo had seen a few whales but had caught none

    36. expecting to see whales in this location but took advantage of the opportunity and was able to put some barrels of oil in the ship’s hold by the end of the day

    37. Whales have been doing

    38. In 1864, however, it was a rough time for the whales

    39. It was soon to come, but in 1864, the whaleships were out there to hunt and kill the whales for their

    40. ship, Kate Prince, out of Whales

    41. Milo was located off the coast of California where the weather was warm and the whales were close by

    42. At the same time, on the other side of the world, the Milo was sailing off the coast of Mexico in search of whales

    43. During the month of January 1865, the Milo captured a rather large number of whales and spent much of the

    44. whales were captured and processed, and there was a lot of

    45. facetiously, “we have entered into a treaty with the whales, and are up here by special agreement to dispense of their mortal

    46. anything I can’t help, but the whales needn’t owe me much of a

    47. 13, the Milo was actively searching for whales in the Bering Sea along with a number of other whaleships from New England,

    48. The Milo had caught only two whales during this time

    49. whales were also arriving from the southern Pacific; it was the

    50. whales, because when they were killed, the humpbacks sank and

    1. Archimedes threw himself off the ship and onto a whale that was headed for in the direction of a whaling vessel the pirates had passed earlier

    2. When the whale was caught, Archimedes hopped off the dying whale and joined the crew of whaling humans

    3. whaling vessel intercepted at sea

    4. Yankee merchant or whaling ship venturing on the high seas was

    5. in whaling and ships were the most important men in New

    6. Even as a young boy, he could tell that the wealthy men were whaling men, and they had the power and influence over

    7. age, wanted to become a whaling man and a sea captain

    8. many of the young men wanted to find careers in the whaling

    9. discussions with his parents and friends in the whaling business, Jon shipped on the bark Roman as a greenhand under the

    10. Jon learned a great deal more about sailing and whaling during these two years at sea

    11. view whaling from every angle and every level of the ship

    12. oil-soaked ship afire! This was a task for Jon and his greenhand friends during his first whaling voyage

    13. described above was the essence of the whaling business

    14. During the course of the remaining months on this first whaling

    15. This voyage took the Roman from the Cape of Good Hope to the Indian Ocean for South Sea whaling

    16. terms of profit and also in terms of Jon’s learning the whaling

    17. This first whaling voyage was the stepping stone for Jon to become a master mariner and illustrious skipper

    18. ready to move up the whaling ladder and return to sea again

    19. The boatsteerer was a petty officer and was a key member of the whaling crew

    20. While at sea in the winter months, whaling was done in the

    21. Then, during the summer months, whaling was

    22. major trade center for the whaling business, in terms of both

    23. where whaling was best at that time of year, and then up into the Bering Sea during the summer months

    24. However, at this time these thoughts had to be put on hold, as Jonathan had an exciting offer for his next whaling voyage

    25. doing business with a whaling broker in Honolulu

    26. a whaling captain was considered an aristocrat, and he was tall

    27. He was now assured that he had the toughness to take charge and be successful in future whaling voyages, and he

    28. He was also aware of the fact that many of the whaling captains took their wives with them on the whaling

    29. Hawes enjoyed this part of the whaling business

    30. called her diary, Lady’s Journal of a Whaling Voyage in the

    31. during a whaling voyage

    32. It was, after all, a whaling venture and a business

    33. whaling from the perspective of a woman who was actually there

    34. Jessie began to learn that whaling was not always being lonely at sea,

    35. By this time, Jessie was sure that whaling at sea was not a boring and lonely way of life

    36. This was somewhat typical of whaling

    37. did not have time to dwell on the negatives of whaling

    38. It was a frustrating time for Jessie, but not unusual to have long periods of time without whale sightings for a typical whaling voyage

    39. Morgan, which was also heading for the North Pacific for next summer’s whaling

    40. the North Pacific and the Bering Sea where serious whaling

    41. the Bering Sea for summer whaling in the Arctic Ocean

    42. It was the best time of the year for profitable whaling there

    43. because there were literally hundreds of whaling ships in the

    44. A fast vessel with auxiliary steam power, leaving the meridian of the Cape of Good Hope on the first of January, would reach Sydney in Australia in forty days, adding twenty days for incidental interruptions, and leaving the coast of Australia on the first of March, passing through the whaling ground between New Zealand and New Holland, and the Caroline Group, touching at Ponape, and allowing 30 days for incidental interruptions, would reach the Ladrone Islands by the first of June

    45. She would then, visiting the Bonin Islands, Sea of Japan, Okhotsk Sea and North Pacific, be in position about the 15 of September, north of the Island of Oahu, distance from sixty to one hundred miles, to intercept the North Pacific Whaling fleet, bound to Oahu with the products of the summer cruise

    46. the Sea King earlier in the fall of 1864 with the intention of using her as his weapon to destroy the American whaling fleet in the

    47. Islands, having completed a successful whaling season

    48. would now be in search of winter whaling in the southern Pacific during the cold winter season in the Arctic

    49. On this very same day on the other side of the world, the Milo weighed anchor in the Port of Honolulu for winter whaling off

    50. approached, the Milo would head back to the Bering Sea for the best whaling of all, in terms of productivity and profitability

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