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    Use "whitening" em uma frase

    whitening frases de exemplo


    1. With his knuckles whitening on the steel handle -- skeletal hands topped the wall -- “Hell’s Bane” came slamming down

    2. Gonzalez studied Sheena’s face, his finger whitening as he put pressure on the gun’s trigger

    3. Seeing Frank’s temper rising, Karla struggled against her bonds, trying to call out to him as she saw his finger whitening on the trigger

    4. Conrad Hunter was standing with legs apart, gun aimed at Franks chest, his finger already whitening on the trigger

    5. LP sprang out of bed, did his morning constitutional, shaved, showered and brushed his teeth using whitening toothpaste, and was ready in under seven minutes

    6. Levi looked down at his fingers, busying himself with his whitening knuckles

    7. aestheticians to fix a whitening gel to Ashi’s teeth--not that she

    8. Dawn was just whitening the east when Amalric drew up his hosts in the mouth of the Valley of Lions

    9. “What happened?” her father asked, his face whitening and becoming pasty

    10. strong whitening agent and this may be a factor in considering whether to

    11. Side effects may cause whitening

    12. OLD JACK raked the cinders together with a piece of cardboard and spread them judiciously over the whitening dome of coals

    13. But as I watched, her hands crept out and she reached around his waist and clutched his shirt, her knuckles whitening and her eyes closing as she let herself be held by him

    14. The stars were fading, the sky was whitening, and the cold wind of morning blew pleasantly upon my face

    15. Mercer watched through the rental car’s whitening windshield as his lover sprinted toward a tin-roofed country store

    16. “I know what he means,” she said, her knuckles whitening on the arms of her chair

    17. purple shadows of its high glens, and its tall face whitening in the rising

    18. and quiet; but over his face, as the awful narrative went on, came a grey look which deepened and deepened in the morning light, till when the first red streak of the coming dawn shot up, the flesh stood darkly out against the whitening hair

    19. The man was crouched in a far corner of the cave, his eyes whitening to one side of his face, listening to the far wind trumpeting up above on the frozen night planet

    20. The man took his whitening, puckering hands out of the water and spread them, and he tightened his lower lip and bent his head down to one shoulder

    21. But why are your cheeks whitening?"

    22. On the narrow Augesd Dam where for so many years the old miller had been accustomed to sit in his tasseled cap peacefully angling, while his grandson, with shirt sleeves rolled up, handled the floundering silvery fish in the watering can, on that dam over which for so many years Moravians in shaggy caps and blue jackets had peacefully driven their two-horse carts loaded with wheat and had returned dusty with flour whitening their carts—on that narrow dam amid the wagons and the cannon, under the horses’ hoofs and between the wagon wheels, men disfigured by fear of death now crowded together, crushing one another, dying, stepping over the dying and killing one another, only to move on a few steps and be killed themselves in the same way

    23. They received a Treasury full and overflowing, giving a vigor and a spring to public credit almost unknown before, and to the reputation of the country a dignity unsullied; they found us in peace and friendship with all nations, our commerce whitening every sea, and rewarding agriculture for all its industry, and every one sitting in peace under his own vine and fig tree

    24. His face was whitening with disapproval, and she burst, as she caught a glimpse of it, into a gust of laughter

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    lightening whitening