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    Use "wicker" em uma frase

    wicker frases de exemplo


    1. They had settled into the plush wicker loveseats overlooking the Caribbean

    2. He slides over and joins Maggie on the two seat wicker sofa

    3. They were lead by a cherub to a wide shady verandah overlooking the gentle waves of the lagoon, a comfortable squeaky swinging wicker couch with big puffy pillows that never got dirty

    4. Vineyard slaves would collect the fruit in wicker

    5. “See what?” I asked, as I jumped up a little in the tattered wicker chair I was sitting on, having been startled by the sound of a voice that had so unexpectedly shattered the silence of the moment

    6. The walls were painted white - Rosemary's white - and the furniture was all wickerwork, two fireside chairs, a small round table, with four chairs tucked in under it and a delicate wicker sideboard

    7. Wicker pigeon baskets smashed up their occupants having either flown away or who were lying dead in a mass of bloody feathers on the earth

    8. at the door, crashing their wicker baskets wildly, and left their

    9. She arrived at ten-thirty as Caroline suggested, but was seated at a glass-topped, wrought iron table under a hanging wicker lamp in the sunroom to wait, by a maid who explained that Doña Caroline would soon return from riding

    10. They sat close, in matching wicker chairs with the softness of yellow lamplight casting a warm glow over their faces, and spoke in conspiratorial whispers while an endless selection of salsa music, blended with the static of another far-off station, played over the speakers

    11. They returned separately to their wicker chairs, first Truman who busied himself with a freshly prepared drink, rattling ice cubes in his glass

    12. (The original manuscripts say that these were wicker baskets with holes in it

    13. “As you can see, it’s fully furnished and complete, themed in wicker and palm fronds, with hammocks matching the silk wall sheets

    14. Sheramiv appeared with two of the Atoning and enough wicker chairs for thirty people in six neat floating stacks

    15. reached into a big wicker basket

    16. Steam billowed up, sending several frightened naiads scrambling out of the water with half-woven wicker baskets

    17. With signs, Leonardo indicated to the masters of the region that should walk up to the large door and protect the main entry of the residence, he ordered us to hide behind the colossal wicker easy chairs, which we did without delay, as Batam and the guards

    18. The entire settlement was protected by a tall, wicker wall

    19. Other lich folk hastily turned cranks to open the broad, wicker doors to their settlement

    20. Llewellyn spoke briefly with the guards at the tall, wicker gate

    21. Each of the members of the group nodded their heads to Einar and his fellow guards as they passed once more through the great, wicker doors

    22. As the fighters and magic-users passed out of the wicker gate lich-troll fishermen and farmers waved their support from their boats and wagons

    23. Marcus took the Mage’s chair and Roelle the wicker Healer’s

    24. wicker chairs and surveyed the view

    25. After searching for it uselessly in the taste of earth, in, the perfumed letters from Pietro Crespi, in the tempestuous bed of her husband, she had found peace in that house where memories materialized through the strength of implacable evocation and walked like human beings through the cloistered rooms, Leaning back in her wicker rocking chair, looking at Colonel Aureliano Buendía as if he were the one who looked like a ghost out of the past, Rebeca was not even upset by the news that the lands usurped by José Arcadio would be returned to their rightful owners

    26. The first night that the group visited that greenhouse of illusions the splen-did and taciturn old woman who guarded the entrance in a wicker rocking chair felt that time was turning back to its earliest origins when among the five who were arriving she saw a bony, jaundiced man with Tartar cheekbones, marked forever and from the begin-ning of the world with the pox of solitude

    27. Sitting in her wicker rocking chair, she would recall the past, reconstruct the grandeur and misfortunes of the family and the splendor of Macondo, which was now erased, while Álvaro frightened the crocodiles with his noisy laughter and Alfonso invented outlandish stories about the bitterns who had pecked out the eyes of four customers who misbehaved the week before, and Gabriel was in the room of the pensive mulatto girl who did not collect in money but in letters to a smuggler boyfriend who was in prison on the other side of the Orinoco because the border guards had caught him and had made him sit on a chamberpot that filled up with a mixture of shit and diamonds

    28. PILAR TERNERA died in her wicker rocking chair during one night of festivities as she watched over the entrance to her paradise

    29. the door but seated himself in one of the wicker chairs

    30. The same with furniture upholstered with textured weaves and wicker are

    31. The man in the suit seemed agitated and kept pointing at a wicker basket lying on top of a work desk

    32. To subdue him, they pushed him into a wicker laundry basket and buckled the

    33. Brad shifted uncomfortably in his wicker chair

    34. Two waitresses then circulated quickly around the tables with small wicker baskets to collect the customers’ tips for the dancing girl, something that made Bernard nod

    35. The man in the wicker chair started tapping his foot again, and the man behind the tape recorder listened intently for the duration of the song

    36. When the last ringing chords from the guitar had faded away, the tape recorder man looked at the wicker chair man and said,

    37. Sam moved slightly, and the wicker chair creaked; then he answered,

    38. next to me on the wicker bench

    39. They sit at the base of the wicker bench where I laid them

    40. He went inside and came back with a wicker basket

    41. His interest now awakened, Mazarin followed with his eyes the cart as it drove into the courtyard of the castle and stopped besides the stables, where the woman jumped out and tied up her horse before grabbing a large wicker basket and walking towards the main entrance of the central dungeon

    42. Half an hour later, clad in a red dress, brown corselet, white shirt, brown shoes and white linen cap, Claudette left the campsite for the fort, a covered wicker basket in one hand

    43. She got up from her wicker rocking

    44. “You don’t need to know how to knit,” Ellen said, ignoring his question as she set her afghan into a light blue wicker basket where she always kept all her knitting supplies

    45. At this point, the wicker basket flew open and a small boy, dressed as a demon, popped out

    46. Miss Entwhistle, her simple preparations being complete, had nothing left to do but sit in one of those wicker work chairs with thin, hard, cretonne-covered upholstery, which are sometimes found in inhospitable spare-rooms and wait

    47. The laundry was empty except for a wicker basket in one corner that had a dirty shirt at the bottom

    48. The basket was round, made of plaited wicker, with a Little Bo Peep arched handle

    49. I settled Tahira next to an unsteady zinc table with unsteady, uncomfortable, wooden wicker chairs and ordered her ouzo and mezelikia, tidbit appetizers of fish, octopus, salad, stuffed vine leaves and other specialties

    50. It is stealing away, kidnapping two children: in a wicker basket on its back

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