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    widely known frases de exemplo

    widely known

    1. Then, when he heard all of the details concerning the young man, who was, as it was now becoming clear, quite widely known as The Telephone Man, he realised that it had, in fact, been a very close shave for his daughter

    2. becoming clear, quite widely known as The Telephone Man, he

    3. His love of dragons was widely known, so one day a real dragon decided to visit this dragon lover

    4. It's widely known that black on white racism does not occur

    5. His opinions were widely known and he had often described members of the press as; “an intolerable nuisance, liars, mischief makers, a reproach to civilisation, and a blemish upon the profession they pretend to follow

    6. This is not widely known, but much of Europe did once try to prohibit tobacco

    7. What: This may be the most widely known and least disputed argument in this book

    8. Were the atrocities widely known, and known in time to have been stopped? Technology at the time was not what it is today

    9. I have not made my ministerial “status” a secret in Hamilton but neither have I gone out of my way to make it widely known

    10. we are orbiting the binary star widely known as Behenii-1 in most tourist star maps, also known to some of you colloquially as Persebs or Binary 888

    11. This, of course, was widely known, as both she and her husband had previously made reference to her working for

    12. The Excellence Club had something of a reputation when it was founded, although at the same time it never made its existence widely known, relying instead on word of mouth

    13. twenties, Tseng was widely known throughout the Shinra

    14. What Obama’s rush to legislation says is that if the content of his “urgent” bills were widely known and understood the legislation would be likely to fail

    15. High, who admits he spent little time with the guards, said it was widely known that

    16. Beyond those, Talia is in many ways a typical elven maiden, and furthermore, as the daughter of a Prince, information about her is more widely known than most

    17. So after we were married at twenty-six, in a wedding almost as stupendous and well attended as your own, she and I traveled the world in disguise, enjoying a life and a love that would have been legendary were they widely known, and improving our craft as wizards

    18. “One day he mentioned it in passing to a friend, and a few years later that one told someone else, and eventually his story was widely known

    19. Example 1 The American Pilgrims It is not widely known today and seldom mentioned that on landing on this continent in 1620, the pilgrims under the leadership of William Bradford, Governor of the Plymouth Colony, pooled all their supplies in a “common”

    20. The trashed economy of Cuba is widely known

    21. and which were nonetheless widely known as early as

    22. Though it is widely known that all are masters, whether in their

    23. The results in the tests have varied widely – in some women libido went up, in others it stayed the same, and in others it went down! What is fairly widely known is that oral contraceptives alter a woman's natural estradiol fluctuations (this is the group of hormones which includes estrogen), which is considered to be a primary source of the female libido

    24. The Dingo is widely known throughout the world

    25. The Barbary Macaque is one of the most widely known and

    26. In addition, (as is widely known) but re-affirmed in this

    27. Angel Gabriel, he was widely known as the trustworthy one

    28. In Galilee, the traveling female musicians used by Jews who lived like the Romans were widely known for their libertine ways, many being not much more than prostitutes

    29. ‘’But the Iranians will arrest her the moment she lands there: she is widely known to be a Canadian military intelligence officer

    30. Yeshua was widely known to associate freely with women and to have had numerous female disciples and followers, yet the great majority of those women were never mentioned by their name or described properly

    31. For now, it is enough to know that Joshua—Jesus, for example, was not as widely known as you might think, nor was he anywhere near as influential as he became over time, which was precisely the point—to influence a long-term line of development until it was time to bring it to an end

    32. “At this time, he was widely known and his mystical abilities feared, so he was not incarcerated in a prison

    33. For now, it is enough to say that Joshua, for example, was not as widely known as you might believe, nor was he anywhere near as influential as he became over time, which was precisely the point—to influence a long-term line of development

    34. “Colonel, that information was for Nancy no more than widely known historical data, that is for persons from the year 2012

    35. However, what isn’t widely known is that the collective human

    36. “I hope things at the hotel are all secured,” he said with apparent sincerity, his affections for the lovely building having been widely known and so strong that he had boarded several of his horses in the stables there

    37. Charles Chestnut, the young houseman who had been employed at the Ocean Forest for many years, ever since he was in grade school, and who was widely known for his charming smile and hospitable nature, stood perfectly still in the doorway with his cap clenched tightly in his small hands, giving the impression that he was humbly awaiting the conclusion of the conversation he had plainly overheard

    38. The fact that Ingrid had been educated by Nancy Laplante about future events and history was widely known to the members of the 99th Wing, something that had earned Ingrid her nickname of ‘The Oracle’

    39. He is widely known for his blog, www

    40. It was not that he was a racist but Gooding already had a sizeable negative credit balance at his pharmacy and was widely known to have limited financial means

    41. Even Nintendo, widely known for its aversion to adult content (with very few exceptions, most notably Conker's Bad Fur Day for the Nintendo 64), began publishing more M-rated games, with Silicon Knights's Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem and Capcom's Resident Evil 4 being prime examples

    42. While said to be compassionate and generous with people in need, the people from the future were also widely known by now to be ruthless with those who attracted their ire

    43. If all goes well, maybe we could end up opening inter-time trade between the Imperium and the 20th Century of Timeline ‘B’, where time travel is widely known to exist, after this business is taken care of

    44. The Sverdlovsk Group was widely known to be rather ruthless when it came to its security

    45. The Pan Am detainees, as they were now widely known, were able to hear all

    46. It’s widely known that meditation has a whole range of benefits to our wellbeing

    47. One of the more widely known is the "Fruit of the Month" club

    48. that spot widely known by blackjack players as “third

    49. It is more widely known as a Hindu

    50. Davids, as it is more widely known, was

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