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    Use "without considering" em uma frase

    without considering frases de exemplo

    without considering

    1. ‘Treacle,’ said the Dormouse, without considering at all this time

    2. This presented enough difficulties without considering the immortals, they lived for eternity unless badly wounded or poisoned without receiving Healing in time

    3. ” Alex knew the liberties Dawn often took without considering the consequences

    4. The monetary volume of this accumulated resource will reach trillion dollars in few years, without considering the receipt of money, goods and services in the spontaneous deposits form of collaborators or individual grantmakers of organizations of other sectors and of altruistic people that believe in the efficiency of our proposal to participate in some way of the XUSING Project

    5. Therefore, the necessary money in real already exists to implement our solution, without needing of external loans because the country already spent in the service of the public debt more than 450 billion of real in interests, in other words, 30% of GDP, without considering the expenses with safety against illicit acts that involve the search for the money, so much for the public sector as of the private initiative, reaching more than 10% of GDP

    6. The return on the investment in our Project only happens with elimination of the cost of the administration of the euro, without considering the cost of the lost opportunity when it stops spending, because many resources will remain for other enterprises that will impel European Union in world level as potent economic block and example of social success

    7. Keeping that in mind, I tried to pick the words that made the most sense for each faction without considering the other factions too much

    8. without considering the Guru’s wishes

    9. Without considering all that I would be giving up (since I had had no contact with AA and knew nothing of progression), I said yes, so we drove down to U

    10. without considering the sequence of events that take place in the world they are describing, our

    11. sumes that it makes sense to talk about fundamental particles (or interactions) in isolation without considering the external conditions that contribute to sustaining those particles

    12. without considering how they might be rewarded, but she thought that David might

    13. Before my father passed away, Jim Dumbell wrote in the Charlotte Observer: “Probably no one amasses that kind of wealth and reaches the age of 71 without considering what will become of it when he’s gone

    14. So when we understand His attributes we can’t understand them completely without considering what happens as they combine with all the other attributes of God’s love

    15. You can’t have a discussion today without considering being on the Internet

    16. She also wondered how everyone could just drive around with guns in their cars without considering the consequences

    17. Lots of hair stylists may apply different types of hair care accessories, gels, and other substances on your locks just to style it, without considering the effects of the things that they have used

    18. On so many occasions people have something to do and they just dive right in, without considering better and quicker ways for achieving the same results

    19. No wealth-building plan is complete without considering taxes and inflation

    20. annihilated my people without considering [the

    21. desires without considering the consequences

    22. And even after the reception, without considering anything else, a widowed Prince Consort is not a politically strategic position

    23. them as true (most of the time) without considering the logical side to the

    24. Even without considering him, the

    25. For example, the passage in Isaiah 52:1 can be used by the unbelieving Jew to support circumcision, without considering Jeremiah 9:25

    26. needs, without considering the impact of our actions

    27. “You two have followed us without considering your actions

    28. Clemance to the quotation of Old Testamentwriters 'without considering, Who said it? and, When was it said? Chapters written in all early age for infant minds, are dealt with as if they were written in precise formula

    29. But, nevertheless, dear master, this time you made your calculations without considering the Fairy!"

    30. And without considering, without noticing whether there was anyone in the room or not, he flung his arms round her, and began to cover her face, her hands, her neck with kisses

    31. From the moment when he had waked up and understood what was going on, Levin had prepared his mind to bear resolutely what was before him, and without considering or anticipating anything, to avoid upsetting his

    32. Once again, it is not a good idea to change existing code without considering how INTCK is being used, because the methods differ significantly in their calculations

    33. Many rookies spend most of their time thinking about stocks they want to buy without considering when to sell

    34. One common mistake investors make is they rely too much on the historical ROIC and project it indefinitely into the future without considering that returns typically decline over time or that a business is limited in the amount of capital it can redeploy in the business

    35. Without considering Vega, you run the risk of paying overly inflated premiums during periods of high volatility

    36. You keep on placing bets without considering the consequences

    37. Without considering what he would do he moved unconciously with quick, resolute steps toward the crowd

    38. And without considering the multiplicity and complexity of the conditions any one of which taken separately may seem to be the cause, he snatches at the first approximation to a cause that seems to him intelligible and says: ‘This is the cause!’ In historical events (where the actions of men are the subject of observation) the first and most primitive approximation to present itself was the will of the gods and, after that, the will of those who stood in the most prominent position- the heroes of history

    39. Coming out onto a field under the enemy’s fire, this brave general went straight ahead, leading his men under fire, without considering in his agitation whether going into action now, with a single division, would be of any use or no

    40. Some bullish CEOs normally give higher ranges of earnings outlooks for the year without considering the possibility of economic contraction at any time

    41. 7 million on the portfolio-and that is without considering the Trails receivables

    42. I heard enough of what she said to you last night to understand her unwillingness to be acting with a stranger; and as she probably engaged in the part with different expectations, perhaps without considering the subject enough to know what was likely to be, it would be ungenerous, it would be really wrong to expose her to it

    43. Without considering that it was not in her mother’s plan to keep any horse, that if she were to alter her resolution in favour of this gift, she must buy another for the servant, and keep a servant to ride it, and after all, build a stable to receive them, she had accepted the present without hesitation, and told her sister of it in raptures

    44. I heard enough of what she said to you last night to understand her unwillingness to be acting with a stranger; and as she probably engaged in the part with different expectations—perhaps without considering the subject enough to know what was likely to be—it would be ungenerous, it would be really wrong to expose her to it

    45. I resolved to seize the opportunity, and, without considering any longer what course I should pursue, I replied to Pugatchéf—

    46. going straight into his tiny study to do so without considering whether he were busy or not

    47. Whether for some reason I looked on him as my " salvation," or whether I pounced on him at that moment because I took him for some one of another world, I don't know—^I did not consider it then—but I pounced on him without considering

    48. The fears of the more poetical Sophia Ivanovna, that Dmitri, with his thoroughgoing, resolute character, having fallen in love with a girl, might make up his mind to marry her, without considering either her birth or her station, had more ground

    49. Without considering what he was doing Olenin embraced Maryanka and was going to kiss her, but she suddenly extricated herself, upsetting Beletski and pushing the top off the table, and sprang away towards the oven

    50. As soon as the question is put in this form, there will be but one answer: I want at once, this very minute, without any delay, without waiting for any one, and without considering the seeming consequences, with all my strength to fulfil what alone I am indubitably commanded to do by Him who sent me into the world, and in no case, under no condition, will I, can I, do what is contrary to it, because in this lies the only possibility of my rational, unwretched life

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