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    Use "without effort" em uma frase

    without effort frases de exemplo

    without effort

    1. lowered, which you can see without effort

    2. The hatch opened without effort and beneath was a generator like the one they took to the Cloud

    3. Now I can see a ray of gold light released from the Teacher’s right hand that enters without effort into the left hand of the medicine woman next to Him

    4. Without effort on

    5. It just seemed to roll off his tongue without effort or apparent thought beforehand

    6. It just seemed to roll off his tongue without effort or

    7. unconsciously, with or without effort, each group member must come into

    8. the bank, but none in your pocket, you know that, without effort, you can write a

    9. without effort, but is putting away a tidy sum each month for his future security

    10. His fingers closed lightly about her rounded wrist, but she felt that he could splinter its bones without effort

    11. A huge, balding guy with big hands that can grab my waist without effort

    12. There is no success without effort but make the effort and you will profit

    13. In a few years, without effort, simply by luck, he had accumulated one of the largest fortunes in the swamp thanks to the supernatural proliferation of his animals

    14. enough, so that you understand them without effort

    15. No one lives without effort

    16. Or are you just God and it just happens that way without effort, thought, or planning?

    17. The spirit turns words into action in perfect work and further messages, without effort

    18. · Stand without effort

    19. Yes, it is easier said than done but nothing worthwhile in this life is accomplished without effort

    20. A ghost glides out of the room without effort

    21. Everyone in the hall sank to their knees, and Aesa joined them, folding almost without effort

    22. they traveled over a lot of ground without effort

    23. Without effort or strain, she immediately heard a deep, soothing voice in her head that

    24. “What do you mean?” his mouth fell into the words without effort, as they had a million queries before, but this time it felt bottomless – a slow, long moan without end

    25. But it doesn’t happen without effort, especially at the beginning

    26. (7) we shall obtain all necessary conditions without effort; and

    27. It is a state of “have without having” and “action without effort

    28. so I could hear without effort the mixed music of jazz, the soft sizzling of food and the

    29. He pulled the axe quite out, swung it with both arms, scarcely conscious of himself, and almost without effort, almost mechanically, brought the blunt side down on her head

    30. Here she succeeded better, for she was one of those happily created beings who please without effort, make friends everywhere, and take life so gracefully and easily that less fortunate souls are tempted to believe that such are born under a lucky star

    31. At length the boat touched the shore, but without effort, without shock, as lips touch lips; and he entered the grotto amidst continued strains of most delicious melody

    32. Levin rose to his feet, took off his overcoat, and scurrying over the rough ice round the hut, came out on the smooth ice and skated without effort, as it were, by simple exercise of will, increasing and slackening speed and turning his course

    33. She quickened her pace and rose smoothly, just as he had fancied she would, and as she left the ground gave herself up to the force of her rush, which carried her far beyond the ditch; and with the same rhythm, without effort, with the same leg forward, Frou-Frou fell back into her pace again

    34. Did I not always see some hard fiber in her nature? Did I not, even at the time when I was proud to obey her behest, feel that it was surely a poor love which could drive a lover to his death or the danger of it? Did I not, in my truest thoughts, always recurring and always dismissed, see past the beauty of the face, and, peering into the soul, discern the twin shadows of selfishness and of fickleness glooming at the back of it? Did she love the heroic and the spectacular for its own noble sake, or was it for the glory which might, without effort or sacrifice, be reflected upon herself? Or are these thoughts the vain wisdom which comes after the event? It was the shock of my life

    35. I swam underwater without effort, hardly kicking my feet, never stroking with my arms, as if drawn along by a current, and either I had no need to breathe or I breathed in water and took oxygen from it as efficiently as a fish

    36. The custom suited me well, for it gave me a good reason to detach myself from the rest of the party; when the house was full, the garden-room became a rival to the nursery, where from time to time people took refuge to complain about the others; thus without effort I kept in touch with the gossip of the place

    37. She recognized each one like people recognized the house they grew up in, a parent’s voice, the creases of their own hands, instinctively, without effort or conscious consideration

    38. It was seldom that Caleb volunteered so long a speech, but his happiness had the effect of mountain air: his eyes were bright, and the words came without effort

    39. He believed without effort in the peculiar work of grace within him, and in the signs that God intended him for special instrumentality

    40. However, people who think making money can be done without effort and hard work will be disappointed

    41. Without effort at concealment I hastened to the vicinity of our quarters, where I felt sure I should find Kantos Kan

    42. On earth they could never have moved without effort, yet even to the last they kept in action

    43. " Both these expressions he brought out without effort and almost without noticing them, and yet those

    44. The motives she understood easily and without effort that guided these people, and, being of the people, fully sympathised with them

    45. Men need but understand this: they need but stop troubling themselves about external and general matters, in which they are not free, and use but one hundredth part of the energy, which they employ on external matters, on what they are free in, on the recognition and profession of the truth which stands before them, on the emancipation of themselves and of men from the lie and hypocrisy which conceal the truth, in order that without effort and struggle there should at once be destroyed that false structure of life which torments people and threatens them with still worse calamities, and that there should be realized that kingdom of God or at least that first step of it, for which men are already prepared according to their consciousness

    46. So that, apart from the example of common workingmen satisfied with little, with whom I came in closer intercourse, my very wants themselves were gradually changed by my life of labour; so that in proportion to my growing accustomed to this labour and acquiring the ways of it, my drop of physical labour became indeed more perceptible in the ocean of common labour; and in proportion as my labour grew more fruitful, my demands for other men's labour grew less and less, and, without effort or privation, my life naturally came nearer to that simple life of which I could not even have dreamed without fulfilling the law of labour

    47. Men need only understand this, they need only cease to trouble themselves about the general external conditions in which they are not free, and devote one-hundredth part of the energy they waste on those material things to that in which they are free, to the recognition and realization of the truth which is before them, and to the liberation of themselves and others from deception and hypocrisy, and, without effort or conflict, there would be an end at once of the false organization of life which makes men miserable, and threatens them with worse calamities in the future

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