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    Use "without thought" em uma frase

    without thought frases de exemplo

    without thought

    1. important that it is without thought that it is done quickly

    2. Almost without thought, almost as an observer he watched his body respond to hers

    3. I knew we were, I just blurted the question, without thought

    4. She played the heavy gold chains through her fingers mechanically without thought

    5. As one who has no master, they lash out without thought or consideration

    6. Without thought, or compunction, and with surprisingly little regret

    7. Her sling had come into her hand without thought, but she didn’t know if she could steady herself enough to aim well, and at this distance she wouldn’t get a second chance

    8. Actions without thought is robotic and thought without action is lazy

    9. Q: Without the mind means without thoughts

    10. Many followed him immediately and without thought

    11. Without thought, Joshua had ridden straight ahead trying to put as much distance between them and the Egyptians as possible

    12. I cannot imagine a land without thought to share

    13. Without thought, he turned

    14. King Njal sneered, "How are you going to hurt me now, black troll?" Without thought, Halfdan said, "I don't need to hurt you -- you are already hurt

    15. Without thought, Joshua had ridden straight ahead

    16. The things that are done for Christ, without thought of present

    17. knew what was needed quickly, without thought, and with

    18. without thought or hesitation and rely on their training

    19. Yet wiga Ihn had responded too quickly, and without thought or judgment

    20. A child will eat all the candy in a jar without thought to the future or to the consequences of his actions

    21. For an instant, I was without thought

    22. Without thought, question or doubt, E walked over to the still running car and hopped in, pulled it up a few notches and waited inside

    23. `Death,' he answered without thought

    24. You eat without thought of the mechanics of eating

    25. They intermarried without thought

    26. acted without thought of reward, you shall have one

    27. You came to bring us an amazing gift, and in return, we tried to destroy you without thought

    28. Without thought, I stepped into the tunnel

    29. debt to you is great, and although I know that you acted without thought of

    30. commit themselves without thought about their ability to follow through

    31. ” Colleen said without thought

    32. Without thought, both men ascended with a slow, consistent pace, with knife firmly gripped in Mitchell's hand

    33. Inside, he could feel their unconditional love, their desire to be physically stroked without thought or hesitation

    34. Without thought, the ego cannot exist, and so your true identity will unfold itself

    35. *Most repetitive or casual actions are without thoughts of “me,” unless they go wrong

    36. Again she reacted without thought, her body twisting away from the rush of dark

    37. for the moment without thought for tomorrow

    38. The fact is we have a tyrannical, self-appointed Head Councilman who kills people without thought in order to satisfy his greed

    39. Without thought, Nord swung his ax around, catching Lov with an upward swing

    40. · Hasty = irritated, impatient, thoughtless, rash, done quickly without thought of impact

    41. An emotion is words without thoughts and never goes to Heaven

    42. Fighting a war or contesting an election without thought of winning

    43. For once, let us take the time to reflect with the intent of foreseeing possible scenarios before haphazardly marching into brave new worlds without thought of the environments we are destroying, transforming, and creating

    44. ” he said automatically without thought, and after he had spoken, he stared at the space where he imagined the words had faded and wondered where they had come from

    45. “What golden sword?” he uttered without thought, mesmerized by the surreal revelation

    46. Without thought to himself, he dove ten fathoms down and freed these trapped souls

    47. Try it without thought without trying to be intellectual knowledgeable or trying to say

    48. He reacted without thought, taking her suddenly by the arms, pulling her roughly to him, pressing his lips awkwardly to hers in an attempt to kiss her

    49. They moved slowly and deliberately, without thought or feeling

    50. of need shall find us doing the proper thing automatically and almost without thought, or

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