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    Use "wood block" em uma frase

    wood block frases de exemplo

    wood block

    1. No Hollywood blockbusters or manufactured boy bands

    2. “When do you need it by?” asked Stephen, holding the wood block against the cheese, examining how the shapes overlay

    3. Stowing the wood blocks plus several large stones she used to hold down the satellite dish into a storage compartment, she locked it tight, climbed into the cab and started up the engine

    4. One would think that they would have gained some knowledge from the Hollywood blockbusters

    5. "That ten-dollar gold piece belongs to the first man among you that can lift the wood block off the top of the milk can using only his hands," Olin declared

    6. He applied more force and the milk can lifted off the floor, the wood block still in its place

    7. You can buy redwood blocks pre-cut and lay them into sand beds

    8. He got on all right in the town, because the roads were level and smooth, being paved with wood blocks

    9. Wood blocks now

    10. Sam Malloy crawled out of the boiler and sat on his wood block and looked at the lightening east

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