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    Utiliser "abattoir" dans une phrase

    abattoir exemples de phrases


    1. butchered in the abattoirs of the north, minus all their messy blood and guts and dung

    2. What is this perversity? An abattoir? A meat storage room? A torture chamber? Out of all the species on the planet, only humans breed other animals—innocent sentient beings—specifically to enslave them, torture them, use them, abuse them, mutilate them, experiment on them, butcher them, and eat them

    3. torture in some of the abattoirs in Spain

    4. Lambs into the abattoir

    5. Youths are herded through the marshalling yards of conformity and don’t realise until it’s too late that they’re headed for the gates of the abattoir

    6. The house did have a small front garden, or rather something abattoir-like that had a low wall around it, mossy tiles and three different rolley bins

    7. This time, an abattoir was in trouble

    8. more like some twisted abattoir, where the cattle were volunteering to sharpen the knives

    9. to truck the crocs to an abattoir

    10. McDonald worked at the local abattoirs and trained greyhounds in

    11. By the end of the day, he is in an abattoir, suspended to a conveyer belt

    12. With that, they were ushered out of the car, which by now had begun to smell quite like the abattoir it was, and brought to the fore of the coaches

    13. In the space of an hour, Havencourt went from a pleasant, somewhat conceited city, to a full-out abattoir

    14. For the enlightenment of those who are not so intimately acquainted with the minutiae of the municipal abattoir as this morbidminded esthete and embryo philosopher who for all his overweening bumptiousness in things scientific can scarcely distinguish an acid from an alkali prides himself on being, it should perhaps be stated that staggering bob in the vile parlance of our lowerclass licensed victuallers signifies the cookable and eatable flesh of a calf newly dropped from its mother

    15. To the south-west was the industrial sector, where large houses on broad plots encompassed abattoirs, tanneries, breweries, bakeries and workshops of all kinds – too smelly and dirty for the town’s leading citizens, but nevertheless a district where plenty of money was made

    16. premises along the waterfront: abattoirs, leather tanners, sawmills, manufactories, and the dyers that had

    17. The foul-smelling, boiling jungle hut was suddenly a bloody abattoir

    18. As far as the eye could see, one could perceive nothing but the abattoirs, the city wall, and the fronts of a few factories, resembling barracks or monasteries; everywhere about stood hovels, rubbish, ancient walls blackened like cerecloths, new white walls like winding-sheets; everywhere parallel rows of trees, buildings erected on a line, flat constructions, long, cold rows, and the melancholy sadness of right angles

    19. A smell of opened graves, abattoirs, raw meat left too long in the sun

    20. But this was no library, it was an abattoir, a dungeon, a tower where ten dozen men in iron masks were penned, silently raving, forever

    21. At the point where the Montmartre sewer joins the Grand Sewer, two other subterranean galleries, that of the Rue de Provence, and that of the Abattoir, form a square

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