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    Utiliser "access road" dans une phrase

    access road exemples de phrases

    access road

    1. They had been most gracious and charming, but as they were leaving, her son suggested that he have someone from his unit dynamite the bridge over which the estate’s main access road passed, in order to isolate the place

    2. the adjacent Interstate 40 access road and

    3. Some children began to play on the access road

    4. There are few access roads and a scattered population of Whites and Indians

    5. They followed the access road for about three miles

    6. chain-link fence, and a locked gate - with one access road

    7. We will thus be dropped by helicopter on a number of selected hills dominating the access road to Masan and will establish defensive positions on those hilltops

    8. Going to the designated station, which was part of a row of four similar stations set along the access road, the three chariots from Saragossa stopped there, while the four chariots from Marseille were directed to the next adjacent station

    9. Walking out of the fortress, built on the sunken bastions system invented by the celebrated French engineer Vauban, Ingrid passed first the main inner gate, guarded by Canadian soldiers of the Royal 22th Regiment, the unit based in the Quebec Citadel, then went down through the outer gate and its narrow S-shaped sunken access road, barely wide enough to allow the passage of heavy trucks

    10. We kept walking down the asphalt Kron House access road, and forgot to exit into the woods to pick up the trail back to where Frank had parked his pickup truck

    11. unpaved access roads that zig-zagged their way around

    12. Looking around and seeing no one about, he emerged from the trees and crossed the access road to the houses beyond

    13. He turned off his headlights and pulled into the woods using an old access road that was overgrown with saplings and ferns

    14. We weren’t on a farmer’s access road, this time

    15. It wasn’t but a twenty-five minute ride down the unpaved access roads that zig-zagged their way around the fenced-off fields of hay, alfalfa, and grazing live stock

    16. the first shot is fired, you two block the access road and create

    17. I fixed that damn access road for next to nothing, wondering

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