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    Utiliser "accusing" dans une phrase

    accusing exemples de phrases


    1. After an hour or so Mrs Stavrakis appears again and tells me that “Parissis is talking about you all the time! She is furious at you! She is always accusing you of everything! She is even claiming you have refused to type some entries about ''Christianity'' for her!”

    2. She thought he was accusing her of abusing her power again

    3. witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another ;)

    4. “Before Tdeshi was born,” she corrected, accusing him of a pronoun infraction

    5. “And you think I’m accusing you of that?”

    6. around accusing his agents of murder, would he?'

    7. "Look I'm not really accusing you

    8. When he got back, he had a whole story of Alore accusing him of being a wizard again

    9. realised that he was accusing one of them of murder

    10. Klowa knew by her tone and look that she was accusing him of being spent

    11. Maybe he was a long way from accusing her of cloning

    12. His teeth ground and he looked at me with an accusing stare

    13. He shot an accusing stare at me

    14. accusing the neighbors of spying and invading her privacy

    15. “I mean,” Elenir restated in as calm a voice without accusing as she could manage, “it's becoming clearer and clearer that there is a Lascorii trail to follow here and we are groping in the dark!”

    16. The law which put an end to all prosecutions against witchcraft, which put it out of any man's power to gratify his own malice by accusing his neighbour of that imaginary crime, seems effectually to have put an end to those fears and suspicions, by taking away the great cause which encouraged and supported them

    17. Russell is not accusing anyone here, but we need to know what he knows

    18. Accusing me of an affair with the wife of Tony Reilly and implicating us in his murder? Holy shit, Herb! We’re in unchartered territory here

    19. “Who did the accusing?”

    20. “Also,” Maldynado said, “just to be clear before this all starts, no one has a poster out accusing me of magic use, so that kill on sight thing need not apply here

    21. She brushed his eyelids down, closing the accusing gaze

    22. The meeting had not gone well, the Prime Minister accusing him of withholding information

    23. ” He turned accusing eyes on Sespian

    24. Massaging the crowd's fear, Grindel glared at each badger in turn, seemingly picking them out one by one with an accusing stare, making them feel individually responsible for the theft

    25. “You were saying how delighted you were that Truman’s suffering caused him to be dangerous,” she said, casting an accusing scowl below the Stetson’s brim

    26. Of course, the two women hadn’t found the money by chance, but accusing Sal and George Dearling was just Mike’s device for deflecting the blame: undoubtedly, he’d bragged to both women about the money

    27. Moments later, she would launch a vicious verbal attack, accusing Beth of ruining her life and torturing her soul

    28. Given Grant's role in accusing Custer of perjury, revenge may be another motive for Custer to run

    29. Edgar’s ears perked a bit, but that passed when it turned out the politician he was accusing was Gordon Edward, no less: Limon Province’s saint

    30. For now he would treat him as a brother and offer God his prayer, seeking forgiveness for thinking such accusing thoughts even in a time that should be joyous; for a brother he hoped, had been found

    31. He looked him in the eye with an accusing stare and shouted in his face:

    32. She squinted her eyes as she directed a gaze that seemed to bore through the old man’s wizened face with ease, her accusing voice ringing around the cramped study with the authority of a mythical maiden of wrath:

    33. She did not answer; she gave Ethan a sharp accusing look and simply turned away

    34. He went on with an even, accusing tone of voice:

    35. He turned her around and grabbed her face, his words coming out harsh and accusing:

    36. His eyes were accusing

    37. ” muttered Cloud, casting an accusing

    38. I noticed no one inquired about our lack of family, or even gave Carlotta furtive accusing looks

    39. She thought about how she would phrase her question to her cousin, without sounding as if she was accusing her of anything

    40. Her cousin might have thought she was accusing her of something, and gotten upset

    41. Sit: I am not accusing anyone of anything

    42. You are accusing me of having

    43. The accusing professor quit teaching a few days before the elections, which I easily won

    44. into a method of undermining the memories of any child accusing

    45. don't know which men that you are accusing, and I am not saying that it

    46. accusatory, and accusing a spouse of doing such things is a pretty

    47. accusing anyone of the crime of child molestation in any venue or

    48. responses she told me that what I was accusing her of was

    49. 10 The chief priests and the scribes stood vehemently accusing Him

    50. 47 And on the next Sabbath Day he entered into the synagogue and was teaching; And there was there a man whose right hand was withered; And the Scribes and the Pharisees were watching him whether he would heal on the Sabbath Day so that they might find the means of accusing Him; But he knew their thoughts and said to the man whose hand was withered Rise and come near into the midst of the synagogue; And when he came and stood up Jesus said to them I ask you which is lawful to be done on the Sabbath Day good or evil? shall lives be saved or destroyed? But they were silent

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    Synonymes pour "accusing"

    accusative accusatory accusing accusive