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    Utiliser "adventurer" dans une phrase

    adventurer exemples de phrases


    1. Oh, I knew he was an adventurer, a traveller, but he did

    2. The conquest of Mexico was the project, not of the council of Spain, but of a governor of Cuba ; and it was effectuated by the spirit of the bold adventurer to whom it was entrusted, in spite of every thing which that governor, who soon repented of having trusted such a person, could do to thwart it

    3. But in this situation, the superior vigilance and attention of a private adventurer would, in all probability, soon make them weary of the trade

    4. Filling the mugs, the trio stood blowing on the surface, until they saw Jayana and his son sip the broth themselves, a wise precaution that had saved many an adventurer before now

    5. Each bar moved down to the ground to land somewhere behind each adventurer, equidistant from the others

    6. The dangerous quagmires have claimed many an unsuspecting adventurer

    7. That is, until one passes through—with the intent to find the third—which renders the adventurer invisible immediately!

    8. The mermaid told Jane and the others that it was said that her father was a sailor and an adventurer; he came here many years ago, and never return

    9. It is rumored that he has become the right-hand man of Olgerd Vladislav, the kozak adventurer who wandered down from the northern steppes and made himself chief of a band of Zuagirs

    10. He is an outlander, an adventurer who seized the crown by force during a time of civil strife, strangling King Namedides with his own hands, upon the very throne

    11. 'I was riding for Belverus on Amalric's business,' said the Adventurer, advancing warily

    12. A few minutes later the white horse was galloping westward along the white road, and the rider wore the gray mail of a Nemedian Adventurer

    13. He was only a lone adventurer

    14. mighty adventurer of the sea

    15. Hired creepy muscle, but just that and not an adventurer

    16. While I was setting the machine up, Donna mentioned something of our moral dilemma and he said, “Being an immoral old adventurer has its advantages sometimes

    17. [7] Calamity Jane : Famous female adventurer in the history of the American Far West

    18. He was an adventurer of the kind that most people just aren't

    19. death of that high born adventurer patriarch who was begot of the

    20. In her reading, she found mention of an eighteenth century adventurer, who, it was said, may have been a Pole, one Maurycy Beniowski, the ‘King of Madagascar’ after whom a street in the capital, Tananarive was named

    21. “An enchanted rope is an essential for every budding adventurer

    22. Martha’s emotions suddenly vanished as she straightened her posture, giving the impression of a fearful adventurer preparing to face some great danger with a false sense of assurance and strength

    23. I tell him a somewhat similar story, one of a young adventurer who fled a life of harvesting sugarcane for a life of violence and intrigue, but instead of finding God…whom I’d grown up with and knew already, thank you…I’d found the Air

    24. And there are incalculable insights (and surprises!) that await the adventurer willing to explore these byways of his or her own subconscious

    25. ‘But should the dame resist long enough,’ he continued with his soliloquy, ‘for the adventurer that would be a different ball game altogether

    26. The disillusioned adventurer of time and death left his apartment as dawn slammed at his door

    27. Not one of the people here considers me to be an adventurer, or an irresponsible hunter, who shoots randomly

    28. Thus setting out, our new-fledged adventurer paced along, talking to himself and saying, "Who knows but that in time to come, when the veracious history of my famous deeds is made known, the sage who writes it, when he has to set forth my first sally in the early morning, will do it after this fashion? 'Scarce had the rubicund Apollo spread o'er the face of the broad spacious earth the golden threads of his bright hair, scarce had the little birds of painted plumage attuned their notes to hail with dulcet and mellifluous harmony the coming of the rosy Dawn, that, deserting the soft couch of her jealous spouse, was appearing to mortals at the gates and balconies of the Manchegan horizon, when the renowned knight Don Quixote of La Mancha, quitting the lazy down, mounted his celebrated steed Rocinante and began to traverse the ancient and famous Campo de Montiel;'" which in fact he was actually traversing

    29. At the door were standing two young women, girls of the district as they call them, on their way to Seville with some carriers who had chanced to halt that night at the inn; and as, happen what might to our adventurer, everything he saw or imaged seemed to him to be and to happen after the fashion of what he read of, the moment he saw the inn he pictured it to himself as a castle with its four turrets and pinnacles of shining silver, not forgetting the

    30. "Your beauty, lady mine," said he, "may now dispose of your person as may be most in accordance with your pleasure, for the pride of your ravishers lies prostrate on the ground through this strong arm of mine; and lest you should be pining to know the name of your deliverer, know that I am called Don Quixote of La Mancha, knight-errant and adventurer, and captive to the peerless and beautiful lady Dulcinea del Toboso: and in return for the service you have received of me I ask no more than that you should return to El Toboso, and on my behalf present yourself before that lady and tell her what I have done to set you free

    31. Twice he repeated the same words, and twice they fell unheard by any adventurer; but fate, that was guiding affairs for him from better to better, so ordered it that shortly afterwards there appeared on the road a crowd of men on horseback, many of them with lances in their hands, all riding in a compact body and in great haste

    32. Roughly speaking, an adventurer may be expected to have courage, or at any rate may be said to need it

    33. There is nothing more futile under the sun than a mere adventurer

    34. Yes, there is nothing more futile than an adventurer; but nobody can say that the adventurous activities of the British race are stamped with the futility of a chase after mere emotions

    35. Just nothing--like a mere adventurer

    36. air of this new adventurer, and felt such pity for the fate so evidently in store for

    37. It was an old hand at the Pacific, the English adventurer Captain Peter Dillon, who was the first to pick up the trail left by castaways from the wrecked vessels

    38. Faria has dreamed this; the Cardinal Spada buried no treasure here; perhaps he never came here, or if he did, Caesar Borgia, the intrepid adventurer, the stealthy and indefatigable plunderer, has followed him, discovered his traces, pursued them as I have done, raised the stone, and descending before me, has left me nothing

    39. The minutes lingered, and the delay had seemed an hour to the adventurer in empiricism, when the Huron laid aside his pipe and drew his robe across his breast, as if about to lead the way to the lodge of the invalid

    40. Although master of himself, Monte Cristo, scrutinized with irrepressible curiosity the magistrate whose salute he returned, and who, distrustful by habit, and especially incredulous as to social prodigies, was much more despised to look upon "the noble stranger," as Monte Cristo was already called, as an adventurer in search of new fields, or an escaped criminal, rather than as a prince of the Holy See, or a sultan of the Thousand and One Nights

    41. No—no, I am aware you know me; but I know you only as an adventurer sewn up in gold and jewellery

    42. somewhere) and the fictitious addressee of the missive which made him nourish some suspicions of our friend's bona fides nevertheless it reminded him in a way of a longcherished plan he meant to one day realise some Wednesday or Saturday of travelling to London via long sea not to say that he had ever travelled extensively to any great extent but he was at heart a born adventurer though by a trick of fate he had consistently remained a landlubber except you call going to Holyhead which was his longest

    43. Spell-bound and quivering with excitement, the Water Rat followed the Adventurer league by league, over stormy bays, through crowded roadsteads, across harbour bars on a racing tide, up winding rivers that hid their busy little towns round a sudden turn; and left him with a regretful sigh planted at his dull inland farm, about which he desired to hear nothing

    44. Lastly, in his waking dream it seemed to him that the Adventurer had risen to

    45. David made his debut as an author in 1997 with Ultimate High, the story of Swedish adventurer Göran Kropp, who climbed Mount Everest without oxygen tanks or sherpas the week after one of the most tragic disasters ever to occur on the mountain

    46. After all, with his English parentage and English upbringing, he perceived that he was an adventurer in Costaguana, the descendant of adventurers enlisted in a foreign legion, of men who had sought fortune in a revolutionary war, who had planned revolutions, who had believed in revolutions

    47. Perhaps that was a more cheerful time for observers and theorizers than the present; we are apt to think it the finest era of the world when America was beginning to be discovered, when a bold sailor, even if he were wrecked, might alight on a new kingdom; and about 1829 the dark territories of Pathology were a fine America for a spirited young adventurer

    48. Her friends, then, regarded him with some suspicion? Their fears were quite superfluous: they were very much mistaken if they imagined that he would put himself forward as a needy adventurer trying to win the favor of a rich woman

    49. The actual state of his mind—his proud resolve to give the lie beforehand to any suspicion that he would play the needy adventurer seeking a rich woman—lay quite out of her imagination, and she had interpreted all his behavior easily enough by her supposition that Mr

    50. He was not sorry to have this occasion for appearing in public before the Middlemarch tribes of Toller, Hackbutt, and the rest, who looked down on him as an adventurer, and were in a state of brutal ignorance about Dante—who sneered at his Polish blood, and were themselves of a breed very much in need of crossing

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    Synonymes pour "adventurer"

    adventurer venturer explorer