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    afrikaans exemples de phrases


    1. They responded with a form of Afrikaans which was hilarious, even if their Afrikaans school teacher was from Cape Town where they speak original (weird dialect) Afrikaans, which only they can understand

    2. The theory (proven in practise) was that if you sorted someone out long they would eventually come around and be able to speak decent Afrikaans or English! Thus very few, including me, bothered to learn an African language

    3. No doubt they were popular for they looked good being in excellent physical shape and speaking their strange version of Afrikaans which many Afrikaans women find attractive

    4. The public needed to and indeed have the right to speak to trained policemen when complaining even if most members refused to speak English and referred all English speaking callers to me since they “should f know the SAP is now in its Afrikaans phase blah blah blah

    5. As said I loved the MAG or LMG and so did SAP COIN who had a song about it! Something like this which is in Afrikaans for it is very hard to translate being slang but I tried in brackets:

    6. With a lot of curses and no doubt silent praying we got the beast down to ground level and into the local police truck where it laid quietly since it comprehended (I told it in plain Afrikaans) that execution and handbags for the Colonel's wife is his f future if he keeps on f resisting arrest! We are just trying f help him so stop this f silliness before we get fatherly and then he will f regret it before he dies

    7. * Several of you (with the Afrikaans translation of this book also) asked me why I did not have the above incidents in the book description for in South African criminal history the above were very well-known cases

    8. This was one of the biggest reasons why the 1976 Soweto uprising occurred and not Afrikaans as a language taught at school

    9. In 27 years of friendship, my friends and I never spoke anything but Afrikaans with each other so it felt bizarre

    10. " It was all a play with words in Afrikaans and I mean no disrespect for they had a tough job to do, and did it remarkably well for many years

    11. It is a sight to see the handler running flat out and yelling over his shoulder “foei los” which is decent Afrikaans for “please desist and please leave the explosives alone and please stop chasing me right now

    12. Some current members read the Afrikaans book, and are just as angry as we were about it

    13. Rather approach the "white mercenaries with harsh Afrikaans accents" who will treat you with respect and keep you safe

    14. Everyone who could not speak Afrikaans was worked out and the rank structure changed to that of the old Boer Republics until they came to their senses years later

    15. Following the Rhodesian principles a fireforce type of unit consisting of members of the elite paratroopers was created called Romeo Mike for the Afrikaans words Reaksie Mag

    16. Since many pilots were ex-Rhodesian a mixture of Afrikaans and English was used with a few words of Owambo in-between

    17. * I am quite critical of the UK imported "advisors" in African Police Forces in my book Mean Streets - Life in the Apartheid Police and its Afrikaans translation

    18. A role was found for me in this production which was being performed in English, German, French and Afrikaans, according to the mother tongue of the one in the role

    19. The mixture of Afrikaans and German I tried was useless

    20. He was speaking to them in Afrikaans, ignoring me completely

    21. His sister made an angry retort casting a slur on my motive for learning Afrikaans

    22. I made friends with the neighbours and improved my Afrikaans (the English-speaking ones were too hostile towards Afrikaners for me to want to spend much time with them)

    23. My darling Afrikaans friend and neighbour, Ludi, taught me the mores of living among traditionally-minded South Africans and how to cook like they did – deliciously

    24. When I met her in January 1971, telling her that I wanted to sing opera, she replied in her characteristic blend of Dutch and Afrikaans, “No

    25. It was reinforced when I made the mistake of enrolling her in an Afrikaans-language school, reputedly able to offer better quality education than the English-medium school farther away

    26. I went every Sunday after bringing my child – she’d asked to attend the Sunday school of her Afrikaans classmates

    27. Improvising on the piano – I’d insisted on having one in my classroom, I played honky-tonk versions of little kids’ songs (Afrikaans and English), making up words or adapting them to my purpose

    28. A brother? Would this be the person referred to briefly when only family were present, conversation in a lull (I’d be hardly noticed, sitting quietly among them), and a voice would ask softly in Afrikaans, “Have you heard from Boeta in the Cape?” (This province was so far away that for most practical purposes it could have been another country

    29. But halfway through the first course, when it seemed I wasn’t listening, Cecile quietly asked her brother in Afrikaans if he had “heard anything from the Cape

    30. Nic and I exchanged our vows in Afrikaans and English, according to who was speaking

    31. Some results were: I got trained in writing Afrikaans correctly (rounding off my years of self-instruction); I got a basis in Tswana, one of several African languages that swirled around the city where we lived – and also encountered the bizarre notions of the lecturer (“They pronounce the word this way because they’re too lazy to do it another way

    32. Since most of the lecturers wrote in Afrikaans, translators into English were in demand

    33. (For those who are not aware, the name “Isak” is Afrikaans for the Biblical name “Isaac”

    34. In the Afrikaans version of my book, I also quoted the Afrikaans version of Burger’s book

    35. In this regard, please do not take my translation of the text in quotations marks as literally accurate, word for word and letter for letter, but rather concentrate on the message the quotations portray, as every effort has been made to accurately reflect the core message of every quoted passage, from his book, in Afrikaans: “5 Minute voor en na die dood”

    36. There was this Afrikaans TV pastor who basically stated the following: “If a church brother of yours wants to dispute what you believe by using the bible as evidence, he is not from God, but from Satan” I actually ordered the DVD just to have his statement on record

    37. On the first gravestone she managed to read in Afrikaans:

    38. To their credit the Afrikaans had built a small town around the farmhouse which would house the Aryan Brotherhood of the Fourth Reich for more than twenty five years

    39. Within two days of their arrival Beck called a meeting with all the staff and the Afrikaans associates in the dining room of the mail house

    40. He is an Afrikaans leader who has good links with the States

    41. Many of the Afrikaans and Rhodesians had Germany connections and most of them looked upon the reports of Nazi atrocities as nothing more than British and American propaganda coupled with the fact that they already operated an apartheid regime in which blacks were segregated where ever possible

    42. Recruitment into the Brotherhood was straight forward; many Afrikaans signed membership forms and paid subscriptions to the cause without much questioning

    43. First to arrive were Werner Seeler, a former Gestapo who had adopted the name of Gotfried Colman who now worked as an Afrikaans Security advisor to the Orange Free State

    44. The only way we can carry out the Fuhrer’s plan is to increase our power within the state and to achieve that goal we have to motivate more Afrikaans and get them signed up into the Brotherhood

    45. “They have been seen in Port Elizabeth and Durban both of them operating as Security Officers for some wealthy Afrikaans Businesses

    46. He is now known as Nigel De Jong and pretends to be Afrikaans

    47. He is now known as Pieter Van Cruyt, again Afrikaans in origin

    48. ” Tamir would later find the translation from Afrikaans to English, Vryheid meant freedom and wondered why they on earth they would call the place that

    49. Albert Ritchie shrugged his shoulders as if Sam could see him then said, ‘Sam I agree with what you say but the Afrikaans are adamant that Beck perished and they have backed it up with statements from members of his staff which state quite clearly that he was taken out of the house to the pig pens then burnt alive

    50. He had become the English immigrant working with his Afrikaans friends on a co-operative farm that covered 25,000 acres of bush and near desert close to the small town of Adavale

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