Utiliser "afterlife" dans une phrase
afterlife exemples de phrases
1. Alan's body had been conceived of Earth, from sperm of Paul Larkin and ovum of Grace Larkin, taken before their death and donated to the expedition in the afterlife
2. They are spooked by us I think, us in the afterlife
3. Bahkmar had nursed a secret hope that the afterlife would be free of such senseless edicts of privilege, but that hope had been squashed within days of his death
4. He shouldn't complain, he occupied a position a bit above common status here in the afterlife, as he had in life
5. The Brazilians maintained that the horrors were real: genetically modified people; eternal mortal youth without hope of, or belief in, the afterlife; rampant drug abuse and promiscuity; all ruled by a secret cabal of ancient evil scientists called the Kassikan
6. Though a pistol cannot kill in the afterlife, the pain is still as bad and all the members of the Council of Faith and Doctrine were quick to draw theirs, Moamar quicker than any
7. "We will err on the side of caution and assume that the existence of that virus is fact," Vincef said, "I can assume we are immune in the afterlife, but it is unlikely we will find a way to undo its effects in converted and trained natives
8. Why should he be when the nation was so obviously corrupt and the nation was so obviously lead by the Angels? He knew he was being herded toward the afterlife since he was a child
9. If we were supposed to have feelings for them, wouldn't they be with us in the Afterlife?"
10. "Witness the weapons practice laws once the Afterlife was part of the faith
11. As they view it, they have died and gone to Heaven and are living in the afterlife in silicon on that starship
12. He was clumsy at it, he'd have been better with a one-viewer keyboard but didn't seem to learn much new since he entered the Afterlife
13. “This is the Afterlife
14. He had never married in the Afterlife, nor did he feel the need
15. "He's also been wiping his ass longer in the Afterlife than he did as a mortal
16. “If they can, that means there really is a form of life or afterlife in these dark bodies
17. ” She had spent the first years of the afterlife in a tin shed in Scranton, until she joined the Christial Church and the expedition of Gordon’s Lamp
18. She was glad that early in her afterlife she had given herself horses and learned to ride, she would have been in quite a lot of pain otherwise
19. She owed her afterlife to the Warlord, but that didn’t mean she was his vassal, far from it
20. Now people from all over the afterlife journey back to the Bronze Age and then forward on the branch of time that holds modern Atlantis, the temple of the Goddess and the seat of all learning
21. In this time it was also a financial and educational center, using its party lifestyle to entice students from all over this afterlife
22. She wondered how much of the difference she saw was the difference between Atlantis and America and how much was the difference between reality and this afterlife
23. This, however, is not an attempt at scientific proof of the afterlife
24. In the afterlife he remains in the echo of 1648bc
25. It seemed they really knew relatively little of human history once the Afterlife began, or at least the afterlife she knew
26. The quarter century from 2150 to 2175 had seen the start of the Afterlife and was certainly a time of great changes
27. In spite of that Brasil continued to be the leading mortal power, but the nations of the Afterlife had become the real power in the environs of Sol
28. She had to endure another two hours of interrogation on the technology of the silicon Afterlife
29. She had seen him go from a televangelist, believing in electronics as the way to spread the word, to a true believer in this Afterlife as the true word of God as promised in Revelation
30. He knew what this meant, the Afterlife in Gordon’s Lamp was no more the real heaven than the Wetat
31. “It runs them in Heaven,” Ava said, “Maybe this creature is what we’ve always known as ‘Heaven’ until the Afterlife was invented
32. Since they left Sol the second time, the ship had been boosting for the nearest border of Wetat, determined to be the seed of the infection called mankind that made it out of Wetat, and built their own Afterlife
33. Even as she shouts her distress at being without her administrator privileges, she recognizes the Helmet Room and knows that her med panel, her villa on the Caribbean beach and all the powers of the Afterlife are irretrievably gone
34. From facts she gave him about the Afterlife, he was able to give her new insights
35. He'll have no chance at the Afterlife
36. At the moment, the only thing he sought was vengeance – to take as many of the undead fiends as possible with him to the afterlife
37. Once she relaxed and thought about how many couples on the ship hadn't met until the afterlife, she noticed that she enjoyed working with Thom
38. Our church is already planning another expedition, and that expedition will be staffed to begin conversions and equipped to let people see the real glories that await them here, in the better life of the Afterlife, in the Christial Church
39. "Do you know I'm quicker to drink a toast in the Afterlife than I was as a mortal
40. With her prayer complete, she swung the hammer down, ensuring Rag’nerack’s journey in the afterlife would lead him straight to the Maker
41. Andrastus told me later that he hoped to see it one day in the afterlife
42. If they took her now he would only see her again in the afterlife
43. The time was near for him to pass on, but he needed to tie up some loose ends before commencing his journey to the afterlife
44. Promise to look after your mother for me until she follows me into the afterlife where we will be reunited
45. Nobody had ever returned from the afterlife to attest to that idea
46. Bob Olson, a former private investigator and skeptic of afterlife and mediums have tested many psychic mediums before concluding that there are indeed genuine mediums who can communicate with the ‘dead’
47. He ignorantly believed in spirits, spooks and the afterlife
48. I’m not afraid of death, Raven, for I have a belief system that can give me strength and comfort about the afterlife
49. She finished off by saying that if there was an afterlife then we would all meet up there and that then we three would never be parted again
50. He didn’t believe in the afterlife anyway, he believed that life was life, and all else was timeless oblivion