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    Utiliser "ah" dans une phrase

    ah exemples de phrases


    1. "Ah," she said and also stood up

    2. I stand, one hand on the doorpost … there it is again … ah, that’s the doorbell …

    3. Ah, that’s where I put the other bottle … I reach for the full wine bottle I have just spotted

    4. Ah, he was a bum

    5. "Ah, we find it at last," Tahlmute said, as much for the man at the desk as doostEr

    6. I lift him onto my lap and take the book he is flapping in my face … ah, Chicken Licken … I clearly remember reading this to Emma when she was this age …

    7. "Ah," he said, ready to cut a lot more slack

    8. Ah! But, the eyes again

    9. "Ah Jesus Sammy, I can't give you that

    10. Ah, but being the astute student

    11. "Ah here love, come on, it's only a precaution, you'll be all right

    12. She looked around – ah, there was Iain hurrying towards her … Gotte bless the man!

    13. Ah, he stirs! You had better get down there before he wakes fully

    14. ‘Ghost in a Shell, and the Wolf’s Rain series; ah, here’s Akira…”

    15. Ah here it is, it’s for Catwhiskers

    16. Ah much warmer! He could hear the hair dryer going and knew she would be a few minutes

    17. Ah, you must have a ceremony to announce to all the others that she is your woman

    18. Ah, young love! I’ll have to remember to try that with Daniel

    19. "Ah, Daniel is at it again, the man is a dynamo!" Steve blurted out, "I don't know where he gets all that energy from; but he sure puts it to good use!" They all laughed, and quickly stopped when Kate and Daniel walked into the Hall together, smiling

    20. Ah, my friends, Jake called to them, come, I have much news to discuss with you both

    21. Turning his attention to Jeff, he continued; now where were we? Ah yes, Master Jeffrey, we will need some strategic plans for the future

    22. Ah but it felt good when he kissed me, I want more of that

    23. ah … that tiny crevice there …

    24. ‘Maybe it is in the other one … ah, yes, there it is

    25. “Excuse me there, oh, where was I? Ah yes, Jake is holding him up at the Riders Hall

    26. Ah, there they are, on the dressing table

    27. Ah, you missed me my friend, and I you, yes indeed

    28. Ah! I believe that you two are well suited for each other

    29. But that leaves the toaster … where shall I put that? It has to be near a socket … I look round the room, ah, now that I have cleared that bit of shelf, it could go there

    30. But first things first – I rootle about in the garden store at the back of the house, hunting for a container for my new plant … ah, this one should do

    31. Ah, Pantelis, my dear, dear, father, I dropped the baton and let you down

    32. Ah! Katie’s put the phone down at last! The kitchen door swings open and Katie storms in, she’s clearly annoyed about something

    33. It’s obvious that she’s been crying; ah bless! She looks quite pale

    34. Ah the storm is finally here

    35. Who can that be? Ah, Alastair

    36. What was it Mum told me? Seems a long time ago – ah yes

    37. Jo appears clutching a bottle of wine and some crisps – ah, bless! Now where’s that bottle opener? It’s in here somewhere

    38. "Ah, Kelvin, we're in Heaven now," she said, waving a finger, "and such brute things don't work any more

    39. "Ah, so it's working," he said, and probed her til she drew her legs up

    40. Scribble a note on the calendar – oh, is that the phone? Ah, Katie’s rushing towards it

    41. Ah my friend, you certainly have your hands full with this one

    42. Ah, at last it has arrived

    43. ah, missed that entry

    44. There’s some salad … what can I have with that? Anything in the tinned line? Ah yes, a tin of tuna in mayo … that would go nicely with the salad and maybe a jacket potato … sorted! Feeling very righteous after my session at the gym and carrying a plate of healthy dinner, I mooch into the lounge … don’t much fancy TV … a book it is! By nine thirty, I am nodding, so call it a day and go to bed

    45. Bank statements … ah … I’ll have to study those

    46. what on earth was she doing up there? The letters first I think … there’s a bundle from Sheila … from an address in Scotland … ah, maybe the Tattoo isn’t so unlikely then

    47. Is Don a Scot? Ah … Sheila asks how the job is going … is Bunty working? If so, what does she do with her mother? What’s the date on this letter? January 1963 … just after Christmas

    48. Remember me, but ah, I know that you will

    49. Ah, one of the women, perhaps that saucy new maid in the kitchen

    50. Ah yes, he was one for the ages; she would prefer to keep him around for a bit longer

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