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    Utiliser "aim for" dans une phrase

    aim for exemples de phrases

    aim for

    1. Sometimes the best of us can aim for a goal and overlook something that is obvious to others

    2. Belle instructed, “Aim for those two large boulders at the foot of those Ponderosa pines, just there, she pointed

    3. Throwing a prayer heavenward, I aim for what I think is the right lane and, make it across the roundabout

    4. Aim for his

    5. He guessed that the old port of Illeander was where Cruzel would aim for

    6. We were trained to aim for the chest or in a hostage situation or where the suspect needed to go down immediately for the head

    7. I believe many policemen are now trained to aim for the head to avoid the bullet proof vest some criminals wear

    8. (Reinhold Niebuhr) render it undesirable for certain groups to extend legal rights to members of other groups that ―necessity‖ may otherwise claim for themselves‖

    9. In Islam (also partly copied from Christianity), they recognize Jesus, but not as part of the Triune Godhead that its followers claim for him, but to be a prophet only

    10. options, but Sarah’s husband was adamant that three was the magic number to aim for

    11. Depending on project scope, aim for 5-15 sessions in total with some

    12. A Workers Comp claim for a business with one full-time employee would skyrocket my rates

    13. ” He also reflected, for the doubting lawmakers, that: “The bishop has authority to teach, and he has authority to teach you!” He also recently decried how “this tendency for the government to claim for itself authority over all areas of human experience flows from the secularization of our culture

    14. told that sales are the most important thing a marketer can aim for

    15. 17 For this evil was from the Lord against the children of Ephraim for they transgressed the word of the Lord in going out from Egypt before the period had arrived which the Lord in the days of old had appointed to Israel

    16. Jemelda had struck a blow at the heart of the life the Lost One was trying to reclaim for Ralph’s people

    17. He said to them Draw out now and present to the ruler of the feast; And they did so; And when the ruler of the company tasted that water which had become wine and knew not where it was but the servants knew because they filled up the water the ruler of the company called the bridegroom and said to him Every man presents first the good wine and on intoxication he bring what is poor; but you have kept the good wine until now; And this is the first sign which Jesus did in Cans of Galilee and manifested his glory; and his disciples believed on him; And his fame spread in all the coun- try which was around them; And he taught in their synagogues and was glorified by every man; And he came to Nazareth where he had been brought up and entered according to his custom into the synagogue on the Sabbath Day and stood up to read; And he was given the book of Isaiah the prophet; And Jesus opened the book and found the place where it was written The Spirit of the Lord is on me And for this anointed he me to preach good tidings to the poor; And he has sent me to heal the broken-hearted And to proclaim forgiveness to the evil-doers and sight to the blind And to bring the broken into forgiveness 38 And to proclaim an acceptable year of the Lord

    18. Allen, the Coast Guard had earned national acclaim for the more than 10,000 dangerous and skillful helicopter and boat in the wake of the hurricane

    19. “You’re supposed to aim for the center mass, not the head

    20. mainly aim for helicopters, jeeps, large groups of soldiers, and things in that category while Tim and I aimed for Shadow and the Leader

    21. strategic marketing that I aim for is the hot dog theory of marketing

    22. usually aim for three pages an hour

    23. Claims processing still depended on a hand-written claim form coming by snail mail to the claims processing office

    24. Mankind continues to aim for the stars, seeking what others have, offering a peace branch to

    25. Claim Form - the form that must be completed to claim prizes larger than a

    26. being played) that will require filling out a claim form for payment

    27. use colours but don’t overdo it, try and aim for a nice balanced layout

    28. That is a nice level in terms of number of visitors for a keyword phrase to aim for

    29. goal is that it gives you something to aim for – it means that you can turn your

    30. For example, if you have become more consistent in scoring splits and spares, then you should aim for higher goals, such as hitting more strikes

    31. For example, if you aim for improvement in employee productivity, then you should provide the steps in achieving it

    32. It is blazingly fast and has gained critical ac-claim for its sensible and impressive features

    33. Aim for a slow and easy breath that allows tensions to release from your

    34. “She has a pretty good aim for a lady nearing her centenary

    35. Just as we aim for truly organic produce, we desire to have meat and seafood that’s free of contamination

    36. In this day of "Integrated factory systems" it's getting more an more difficult to have your machine independent of the rest of the factory's gear, but aim for having it pretty well

    37. can claim forty-plus years of experience in direct sales and the network

    38. Having become more familiar with the controls, she decided that the sandy beach was probably the best place to aim for

    39. It was obvious now that the long number was the ticket claim for someone’s laundry

    40. The console launched with a variety of first-party titles meant to showcase what the system could do, including the commonly bundled Wii Sports, the party game Wii Play, and The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess which received widespread critical acclaim for its art, story and gameplay, including its intuitive sword-and-shield use of the motion-sensing controllers

    41. His mother, he was sure, was telling him that he couldn’t aim for a trio of monsters; if he tried to run down all of them, he would lose all of them

    42. "Aim for the eyes

    43. “Your right wrist is your rudder, aim for the skylight on the count of three,” Molly said

    44. There is the old expression how if you aim for nothing that is exactly what you will hit

    45. approved a health claim for Psyllium in regards to its ability to reduce cardiovascular disease risk

    46. to aim for revenues well in excess of this threshold

    47. Aim for 2-3 liters spread through the day

    48. God’s ultimate and highest aim for every single one of us is to transform, shape, and mold us into the express image of His Son Jesus Christ – and part of this sanctification process will be the Holy Spirit coming after our word and speech life

    49. The more we aim for, the more we will get!’ he told his team

    50. “If you want me to counters-sign your overtime claim form,” she had said, “you’d better tell me what’s been going on

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