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    Utiliser "air crew" dans une phrase

    air crew exemples de phrases

    air crew

    1. ‘They have a repair crew with them

    2. What I can say is this: Our Air Force and Navy air crew members are going up against air defenses in many areas worse than anything mounted in World War Two

    3. They are indelibly inscribed in the permanent records of the stirring and moving drama of combat and air crew recovery in Southeast Asia” (Larzelere, p

    4. The young air crewman stuck his head forward into the

    5. The air crewman slid the door shut and Bill looked down

    6. “I can’t, sir,” the young air crewman shouted back

    7. The young air crewman held up his hands in despair and

    8. his air crewman in the back of his olive-drab UH-1 Huey

    9. what happened,” the air crewman answered over the

    10. The actual daily supply never exceeded ninety one tons and the Luftwaffe were to lose five hundred planes and one thousand air crew in the attempt to supply Stalingrad

    11. In a moment the pilot and his helper will be back with the repair crew

    12. Toomb's air crew

    13. The subsequent explosion resulted in the deaths of five air crewmen aboard the C-130 and three from the RH-53D helicopter

    14. But the air crew is not cut off from the ground crew

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