Utiliser "all important" dans une phrase
all important exemples de phrases
all important
1. It was a smallish town; a newish housing estate became a huddle of older dwellings and then two streets with shops, a squat church complete with graveyard and the all important bus station
2. And he marks well both the time and place, for the Life-Light is all important
3. opponent for all important solutions
4. As we progressed through the countryside Dispatch Riders roared up and down thee road and verges carrying their all important orders and messages on their motorcycles
5. For the average golfer, or even the majority of professional golfers, a one iron simply isn’t needed and just takes up room in the all important golf bag
6. job is then to build a relationship and trust so that your prospects make that all important
7. Hence awareness itself is all important, not the content of it
8. products, which builds and sustains that all important trust and familiarity
9. there, is how building your list is all important and how it's the be all and end all of
10. students all across the city to all important sites and sights and forced them to use
11. As we've said, it's All Important to Hook The reader at the
12. fun it is an vital part of the all important
13. to Sunday school where they learn the all important
14. The Arct approach them with a robot behind them carrying a case of tools and the all important microchip's
15. 1) It has a memory whose job it is to record all important threatening
16. But even these ugly creatures have an overall important
17. He will vary at placing his feelings as either all important or not at all important
18. Some board of citizens, representing a balanced cross-section of political opinion might have a number and detail reference guide to count what the candidates provided and return it to them for more information, until their positions are more definitively known on all important issues
19. Actually, all important non-verbal communication should be learnt at this level
20. Navy in 1959 as soon as it would have started to threaten the all important oil traffic
21. She was famished and exhausted but coffee was always, absolutely always her first port of call for sustenance and she had missed out on her all important afternoon cup
22. Money in this world has become all important, being the
23. In sport the morale of the team is all important
24. Verifying all important assumptions and estimates
25. All important documents are printed out, as they are a loteasier to consult on paper (easier to browse, never a dead battery)
26. all important strategies and concepts
27. This task was all important
28. This is an all important step in
29. This emphasizes information in the mind, and helps you to recall important details after
30. I gave her a stern look even though I knew she was just jesting, “I think you will find that I haven’t diminished any my love across all important parameters
31. The list, itself, comprised a Michelin guide to middle class realty the world over, associated with which, were the all important names and contact numbers
32. The fact that we have two flat pictures on our two retinas to help us, and that we can focus at different planes, would not suffice to account for our knowledge of the solidity and shape of the objective world, were these senses not associated with another sense all important in ideas of form, the sense of touch
33. These are all important factors to consider
34. There can be no butterflies without there first being caterpillars and a the all important transitional phase from caterpillar to the butterfly
35. Intimacy, sharing and communication are all important toward this end
36. John Puller had looked to his older brother for advice on all important decisions in his life, from asking a girl out to what position to play on the high school football team, from much-needed help on a physics exam in his junior year of college to the most appropriate way to approach their father about his decision not to go to West Point and become an officer
37. He felt transported back to the moment when he had walked in through the broken window – apart from one small important detail
38. How strong is the trend? Are there any warning signs that suggest it could turn? How far might it go? What should our expectations be when it does turn? How can we monitor the strength of the trend as it waxes and wanes, and gain some more insight into the relative buying and selling pressure behind the trend? These are all important questions, and they all can be addressed by some very simple analyses
39. Keep all important counts which expire within five or six weeks of a Top-to-Top count
40. It tells us where the market might pause, breakout, or reverse, both now and in the future, all important markers for the entry, management and exit of trading positions
41. Of course, like all important investment principles, this one is often ignored in bullish periods; enthusiasm and optimism gain sway and the stable-cash-flow rule can be easily forgotten
42. ) Could and should the SEC be given other powers to protect the public, beyond the present ones which are limited to requiring the printing of all important relevant facts in the offering prospectus? Should some kind of box score for public offerings of various types be compiled and published in conspicuous fashion? Should every prospectus, and perhaps every confirmation of sale under an original offering, carry some kind of formal warranty that the offering price for the issue is not substantially out of line with the ruling prices for issues of the same general type already established in the market? As we write this edition a movement toward reform of Wall Street abuses is under way
43. She looked as if maybe a small important gear had just shifted inside her mind
44. This is not because business people think that current earnings per se are so all important, but, rather, because the ability to report favorable current earnings may have the most favorable impact on stock prices and access to capital markets, which in turn may provide the greatest potential for wealth creation
45. Read all, I pray you, with the open mind, and if you can add in any way to the story here told do so, for it is all important
46. This is how all important market corrections and bear markets begin
47. The words are all important
48. Ventilation, underground flooding, and mine safety are all important considerations in underground mining, but with uranium they’re crucial
49. Lady Bertram did not think deeply, but, guided by Sir Thomas, she thought justly on all important points; and she saw, therefore, in all its enormity, what had happened, and neither endeavoured herself, nor required Fanny to advise her, to think little of guilt and infamy
50. In two of these families, which were more especially examined by Muller, and which are nearly related to each other, the species agree most closely in all important characters: namely in their sense organs, circulating systems, in the position of the tufts of hair within their complex stomachs, and lastly in the whole structure of the water-breathing branchiae, even to the microscopical hooks by which they are cleansed