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    Utiliser "allergic" dans une phrase

    allergic exemples de phrases


    1. Some of us could be allergic to one or more of the components of the medicine

    2. immediately experience allergic reactions to some chemicals or treatments that the skin

    3. I gather he is besotted with your cat, Jo, I’m allergic to cats so he’s never been able to have one

    4. place to find the perfect cat, and the perfect place to find out that we were allergic to cats! Because we were free to move among them, play with them, and hold them, the allergy symptoms were suddenly running as wild as the kittens

    5. CAUTION: Chamomile is in the rag weed family, and many are allergic to herbs

    6. Clivers are a safe herb with no contraindications associated with animals though an allergic reaction is always possible

    7. Animals that have plant allergies may be sensitive to nettle, which may cause allergic dermatitis (aside from the irritant reaction which the fresh herb causes when touched)

    8. “Just don’t send petunias, they’re allergic to them

    9. Unfortunately, I am allergic to them, but I still find ways to hangout with them

    10. Maybe it was an allergic reaction of some kind

    11. “You’ve been on the ship a couple days now, with no allergic reaction?”

    12. I’d become allergic to them

    13. My allergic reaction was subsiding

    14. Shortly afterward, another friend observed, “That’s why you had the allergic reaction to the plasma

    15. We’ll then go to a restaurant that serves foods that you won’t have any allergic reactions to because no bee stingers will be on the menu (I checked in advance) and then we’ll go home

    16. “Has any of your patients…I mean, customers…has any of them ever had an allergic reaction to this?”

    17. Allergy: 1–2% of the population experiences a mild allergic reaction to

    18. I wanted Levi, that much I had established, but how it would work between us is what bewildered me, especially if Levi was mortal, could he be having an allergic reaction to me of some sort? At this stage of my life, nothing was impossible and Lady Luck had moved on a long time before I was ever turned

    19. ” Unfortunately, AZ has its own vegetation and constantly stirred up dust in the air to which I soon was terribly allergic

    20. amped up the honey use since I found out I was allergic to pretty

    21. Feverfew can trigger an allergic reaction in patients with common

    22. Feverfew can trigger an allergic reaction in patients with common pollen

    23. It should not be taken by migraineurs who are allergic to other NSAIDs or aspirin

    24. harmful or can cause allergic reactions in your child

    25. I’m allergic to nothing that I know of

    26. But I was allergic to it

    27. allergic reaction, then you should stop using the

    28. "I remember, I was in the caravan when your mum rang and told me dad, she was allergic to Salt

    29. Anaphylaxis – a severe and sudden intense allergic reaction that affects the whole body

    30. Asthma – an allergic reaction that commonly affects the breathing

    31. You are determined to be allergic to the allergen if your skin becomes red, sore and itchy around the area the needle was inserted

    32. If you have had no reaction to the allergen after a period of roughly 20 minutes then you aren’t allergic to that allergen

    33. The discs are usually kept in place for a period of 48 hours and then assessed by a dermatologist for allergic changes

    34. · Test the ingredients and sample a drop or two first to check for allergic reactions

    35. For one, if your skin is allergic to certain types of makeup, then you should carefully select the makeup products you would apply on it

    36. If you want to see if the color of the makeup would match your skin tone, or if you are allergic to it or not, you should avoid using the testers found in the stores

    37. If you experience allergic reactions, then take antihistamine, or call your doctor, so that you can take something that can provide you with immediate relief

    38. If you have experienced allergic reactions to some of your makeup items, one of the best ways to pinpoint the product that is causing it, is to check its labels

    39. Alice’s eyes were red and slightly swollen, and she had already explained to Jim that sometimes she was allergic to the ingredients in some scents

    40. Now, they were ragweed blossoms, his wife was allergic to flowers, so when

    41. I did not speak to Tim for some time until I went to court one day and returned to see him passed out in his cell it turned out while I was gone he had been stung by a bee and being allergic had been rushed to hospital

    42. “He’s allergic to bug bites!” Rebecca shouted as she waded into the water to drag Saul out

    43. “Yeah, that stupid fool! He knows he’s allergic

    44. You are allergic to something

    45. Find out what your cat is allergic to

    46. Some Ibizans have allergic reactions to insecticides and

    47. small allergic rashes started to appear

    48. After my birth, I then developed high fevers with colic and was allergic

    49. “Jody, I just had an allergic response to the hand soap in

    50. Could it be an allergic

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    Synonymes pour "allergic"

    allergic hypersensitised hypersensitive hypersensitized sensitised sensitized supersensitised supersensitive supersensitized