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    Utiliser "angelica" dans une phrase

    angelica exemples de phrases


    1. Accompanying him is a young woman called Angelica Burford, and yes, she belongs to the Glaston Burford family

    2. "Yeah, it was a pretty crazy here in Roma," he said, "Angelica and me were freakin' out over here when the earth-a-quake hit us

    3. Angelica gave him a look and shook her head

    4. She took a deep breath and focused on what Angelica was saying

    5. "Ayyyy… what's a matter with you?" Angelica cried out, turning to him

    6. Beds and food would have to wait- they were off to see Angelica Dalton

    7. Francis next prescribed some Chinese medicinal herbal formulas, the first of which was called Chen Li Pills and were made up of milkvetch root, relative root, angelica (tangkuie) root, white peony root, and costus root

    8. “ The first herb I used was Angelica to ward off the evil which Desiree’ brought into this world

    9. It is said that angelica roots has the power to restore any deficiency caused

    10. It is said that angelica root also helps to improve kidney function not only in

    11. It is said that angelica root containing variety chemicals that help to

    12. The curate was tired and would not look into any more books, and so he decided that, "contents uncertified," all the rest should be burned; but just then the barber held open one, called "The Tears of Angelica

    13. "Thou art wrong there," said Don Quixote, "for we shall not have been above two hours among these cross-roads before we see more men in armour than came to Albraca to win the fair Angelica

    14. "Have I not told thee," answered Don Quixote, "that I mean to imitate Amadis here, playing the victim of despair, the madman, the maniac, so as at the same time to imitate the valiant Don Roland, when at the fountain he had evidence of the fair Angelica having disgraced herself with Medoro and through grief thereat went mad, and plucked up trees, troubled the waters of the clear springs, slew destroyed flocks, burned down huts, levelled houses, dragged mares after him, and perpetrated a hundred thousand other outrages worthy of everlasting renown and record? And though I have no intention of imitating Roland, or Orlando, or Rotolando (for he went by all these names), step by step in all the mad things he did, said, and thought, I will make a rough copy to the best of my power of all that seems to me most essential; but perhaps I shall content myself with the simple imitation of Amadis, who without giving way to any mischievous madness but merely to tears and sorrow, gained as much fame as the most famous

    15. But putting the question of his valour aside, let us come to his losing his wits, for certain it is that he did lose them in consequence of the proofs he discovered at the fountain, and the intelligence the shepherd gave him of Angelica having slept more than two siestas with Medoro, a little curly-headed Moor, and page to Agramante

    16. "If Roland was not a more graceful person than your worship has described," said the curate, "it is no wonder that the fair Lady Angelica rejected him and left him for the gaiety, liveliness, and grace of that budding-bearded little Moor to whom she surrendered herself; and she showed her sense in falling in love with the gentle softness of Medoro rather than the roughness of Roland

    17. "Tell me, Senor Don Quixote," said the barber here, "among all those who praised her, has there been no poet to write a satire on this Lady Angelica?"

    18. cover and saw a kind of greenish paste, something like preserved angelica, but which was perfectly unknown to him

    19. Around each layer arrange a decoration of fresh or candied fruits of bright colors, glacéed nuts, candied rose petals or violets, bits of angelica, or any other effective decoration

    20. The success with which Barye has combined the human and bestial characteristics of the minotaur is most remarkable and a similar triumph is won in the hippogriff—the winged horse, with forefeet of claws and beaked nose, which leaps so swiftly over the coiled-shape of the dolphin-serpent, which serves for his pedestal—bearing upon his back the charming, nude figure of Angelica held in the mail-clad arms of Ariosto’s hero

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    Synonymes pour "angelica"

    angelica angelique