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    Utiliser "anthropological" dans une phrase

    anthropological exemples de phrases


    1. All science can indicate is, at an anthropological time certain, 1

    2. Historiographers can satisfy their taste for history even more, overseeing the Bahamas Historical Society Museum where an interesting collection of chronicles and anthropological artifacts exhibits an excellent depository of history, particularly that of the Lucayans, the first inhabitants of the archipelago

    3. The Cosmo-Art Theorems and Axioms represents the apex of my anthropological

    4. I wrote about the close connection between my anthropological and cosmological

    5. Sophia-Analysis is a way of working that follows an anthropological

    6. Sophia-Analysis is an anthropological science that studies the laws of

    7. But would their standard of evolution thus erected on the land of religion stand up to logic? After all, the three millennia or more of anthropological data that modern man is in possession fails to indicate an iota of variation in the existing species not to speak of the evolution of the new! That being the case, could it be then the world came into being on its own, as it were! Well if it were so, the question that arises is, wouldn’t have the first men made their progeny privy to that story? But that didn’t happen either, as we don’t even have hearsay to go by about our origins

    8. I will be called as an anthropological expert, to testify for the prosecution in Davis Keller’s trial

    9. But, his opinion is discredited and so is any anthropological evidence suggesting Keller is just a mere mortal slug like the rest of us

    10. It would have been nice to have anthropological proof Keller evolved, but a qualified inconclusive is good enough

    11. “What do you mean?” he followed behind, intrigued by the suggestion of an anthropological connection between primitive games and ancient hacking

    12. This may sound grisly: but it is an anthropological fact

    13. The anthropological term: ‘band’: specifically means a group of humans; numbering between 25 to 35 individuals

    14. In almost every anthropological analysis of pre-historic human remains, the head of each society was also the head-hunters, the head killer, the fastest, strongest, most vicious, cunning, brutal, insensitive, killing man-ape

    15. Lets not connect Egyptian anthropological evidence to the Old Testament and the Torah

    16. Unless there is a cultural comparison, a historical comparison, and an anthropological comparison: there will be no sane context or perspective in trying to decide just how to design a society for humans instead of for machines

    17. The only remaining anthropological evidence from sites in Europe shows that Neanderthals of Europe lived as self-sufficient tribes

    18. This is why all of the anthropological evidence found so far, is so confusing

    19. If any of the suggestions made in this book seem too far-fetched because they stray too far from what the reader’s ‘id’ thinks is conventional wisdom; the latest anthropological discoveries and conclusions bears out the fact that both modern humans and Neanderthals their cousins are capable of living in the coldest freezing climates on earth without any need to wear clothes

    20. The huge Mastodons and Wooly Mammoths they hunted and killed during the many Ice Ages is a proven anthropological fact

    21. What is not told and is hidden and whitewashed by the anthropological facts of pre-history is the historical fact that the ancient ‘god’ of not only the Semites but all of the undead deities of that time: demanded all their living human hosts sacrifice their firstborn human babies to them every single year

    22. This is clearly supported by the archeological and anthropological record

    23. diction to al above-listed psychological and anthropological concepts

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    Synonymes pour "anthropological"

    anthropological anthropomorphic