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    Utiliser "antidepressant" dans une phrase

    antidepressant exemples de phrases


    1. exposure to the antidepressant while in the womb

    2. doctor about the health risks of taking the antidepressant during pregnancy

    3. Have a read of the topic in this appendix on antidepressants, and when you visit a medical professional to get help be aware that many antidepressant drugs can themselves cause sexual dysfunction that can lead to a lowering of sexual desire

    4. Amitriptyline (a drug more commonly used as an antidepressant but also used to treat pain) has been found to be an effective treatment

    5. “Are you saying you were on an antidepressant and never told us?”

    6. I told him it was a sedative, not an antidepressant

    7. In October of 2004, the FDA concluded that antidepressant medications can

    8. it could cause a “hostility event” in some who took the antidepressant

    9. and antidepressant medications had inmates conked out by

    10. In several clinical trials 5-Hydroxtryptophan has been tested on its own or against other antidepressant drugs,

    11. Perhaps his hyperness this last day or two, along with his ensuing behavior, was the result of too much of that antidepressant he had recently been given by the family practice doctor

    12. He had been on this antidepressant for six months and initially it seemed to help but it wasn’t doing much now

    13. training program with those of a prescription antidepressant drug in people over 50 years

    14. In a double-blind follow-up to this trial, the antidepressant

    15. melatonin did not enhance its antidepressant effect

    16. powerful as full applications of antidepressant medications or St

    17. uncontrolled or used 5-HTP in combination with antidepressant drugs

    18. intervention, cognitive behaviour therapy, with the effects of antidepressant drugs was

    19. Exercise can ease depression and improve well being, in some cases as effectively as antidepressant medications

    20. 5-HTP is a substance related to L-tryptophan that increases serotonin production and has shown antidepressant activity

    21. and the antidepressant activity of light therapy has been shown to be independent of

    22. John’s Wort, an herb well known for its antidepressant activity, has been examined for its effectiveness in treating SAD

    23. to have more antidepressant activity than evening light for people with SAD

    24. watching TV on the couch with a bottle of beer or vodka as an antidepressant, as

    25. that a low dose of an antidepressant would do the trick

    26. Dworkin mostly focuses on the pacifying effects of antidepressant

    27. There is no greater antidepressant than communication and fellowship with God

    28. with his physician he agreed to try an antidepressant shown to be effective for generalized

    29. I hastily packed a bag and told her Dr Fatthi was waiting for me to give me a new antidepressant

    30. “She died of a Cyclic Antidepressant overdose,” Doctor Bushell said gravely

    31. Doctors have used cocaine to counter depression and morphine addiction, but a cocaine addict can then develop depression, so it is a vicious circle; cocaine addiction is sometimes treated with an antidepressant desipramine

    32. Information on the antidepressant drug Wellbutrin

    33. Wellbutrin, sometimes known as Bupropion, is an antidepressant drug used to treat major depressive disorder and seasonal affective disorder

    34. While the drug was initially developed to serve the purpose of an antidepressant, later research and subsequent use indicated that the drug was effective in helping people to quit smoking and even limited the withdrawal effects of smoking

    35. Weillbutrin is one of the most popular antidepressant drugs in the United States, and one of the major reasons for its popularity is because it does not have side effects such as sexual dysfunction and obesity, two of the most common side effects of antidepressants

    36. It must be emphasized that Wellburtin is not the only antidepressant that causes such a side effect

    37. Due to this increase in the number of patients, pharmaceutical companies have started to advertise the use of antidepressant medications to treat the condition

    38. There are 3 main types of antidepressant used to treat anxiety:

    39. Tens of thousands of patients would be forced to undergo lobotomies in the United States over the next two decades, and not until antipsychotic and antidepressant medications appeared in the 1950s was the surgery slowly replaced

    40. ” But by the time the book came out there was already a small backlash against the new antidepressant, which Kramer unwittingly helped fuel, as his musings helped confirm the worst fears of a growing group of “antipsychiatry” advocates

    41. Unlike in the harsh early days of the technique—which was used before there were any practical medications for mental illness, and before much was known about the seizures it triggered—ECT was now done at much, much lower doses, and with full anesthesia to minimize the negative effects of the treatment and maximize its unique antidepressant effect

    42. ) He wanted to make some changes in the eight different medications I was taking for my mental illness and addictions: he wanted to get me off of Adderall and onto something less abuseable, and off my antidepressant, Wellbutrin, in part because of its small seizure risk

    43. After Celexa comes Paxil, another antidepressant

    44. 2 The atypical antidepressant bupropion, which is approved for smoking cessation by the

    45. critical neurotransmitter system for the action of currently used antidepressant

    46. compounds and the antidepressant effect of GABAergic agents suggest that

    47. blockade is suggested to be crucial to the antidepressant effects of the tricyclic

    48. Krystal JH (2007) Ketamine and the potential role for rapid-acting antidepressant medications

    49. nefazodone, an antidepressant thought to exert its action by antagonizing the

    50. Bupropion represents a novel class of antidepressant with dopaminergic and adren-

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    Synonymes pour "antidepressant"

    antidepressant antidepressant drug