Utiliser "antitank" dans une phrase
antitank exemples de phrases
1. The panicked shout from the young soldier, who had just risked a quick look above the lip of their trench, attracted a horrified look from his captain: their company didn’t possess any antitank weapons
2. To face such a force, the captain had a grand total of 112 men, most of them conscripts without any combat experience and with limited training, no antitank weapons and only three medium machineguns
3. ‘’I have no antitank weapons and…wait one, Blue Two!’’
4. I however still need support and, particularly, antitank weapons, if I am to hold my positions, over
5. 92mm medium machine guns, three Japanese 50mm grenade launchers, eight German PANZERFAUST 100 antitank weapons and dozens of German ‘Potato Masher’ stick grenades
7. The jeeps and trucks of Angie’s convoy also dispersed along lateral streets before letting out over forty armed women, who started at once to advance from house to house, carrying their MG42 machine guns and PANZERFAUST 100 antitank weapons
8. ‘’With these fougasses, the buried bombs, the antitank mines and our extra complement of machine guns, we should be able to inflict very heavy losses to any enemy forces that may attack our position
9. Before the American artillery fire could be shifted by the spotter plane pilot, the leading truck hit one of the antitank mines buried in the road
10. That suited Ingrid just fine, as that preserved some of the antitank mines dug a bit further along the road
11. ‘’WHAT KIND OF ANTITANK WEAPONS DID YOU USE? BAZOOKAS?’’ Asked Lodge, to which the pilot shook her head
12. They were easy marks for German antitank rocket launchers, the dreaded Panzerfausts
13. As it climbed the mound at the base of the hedgerow, its guns were pointed hopelessly skyward and its underbelly was exposed to fire from antitank guns
14. Gertrude and Pensky dove at once on the tanks as the Polish defenders, severely outnumbered, started to fire with their machine guns and their rare antitank guns
15. Not all that far from her, Jutta Pfennig sleeps in the ultramarine shadows of the girls’ dormitory and dreams of light thickening and settling across a field like snow; and not all that far from Jutta, the führer raises a glass of warm (but never boiled) milk to his lips, a slice of Oldenburg black bread on his plate and a whole apple beside it, his daily breakfast; while in a ravine outside Kiev, two inmates rub their hands in sand because they have become slippery, and then they take up the stretcher again while a sonderkommando stirs the fire below them with a steel pole; a wagtail flits from flagstone to flagstone in a courtyard in Berlin, searching for snails to eat; and at the Napola school at Schulpforta, one hundred and nineteen twelve- and thirteen-year-olds wait in a queue behind a truck to be handed thirty-pound antitank land mines, boys who, in almost exactly one year, marooned amid the Russian advance, the entire school cut off like an island, will be given a box of the Reich’s last bitter chocolate and Wehrmacht helmets salvaged from dead soldiers, and then this final harvest of the nation’s youth will rush out with the chocolate melting in their guts and overlarge helmets bobbing on their shorn heads and sixty Panzerfaust rocket launchers in their hands in a last spasm of futility to defend a bridge that no longer requires defending, while T-34 tanks from the White Russian army come clicking and rumbling toward them to destroy them all, every last child; dawn in Saint-Malo, and there is a twitch on the other side of the wardrobe—Werner hears Marie-Laure inhale, Marie-Laure hears Werner scrape three fingernails across the wood, a sound not unlike the sound of a record coursing beneath the surface of a needle, their faces an arm’s reach apart