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    Utiliser "apply to" dans une phrase

    apply to exemples de phrases

    apply to

    1. The same rules of pest control apply to disease controls, the higher the stress, the greater the problem associated with it and the harder it will be to control

    2. The banks, when their customers apply to them for money, generally advance it to them in their own promissory notes

    3. How Does This Apply to You? We’ve already shown why it’s important to

    4. The same rules that apply to writing a headline for sales copy apply

    5. The subject never came into their consideration, but when they had occasion to apply to their country for some change in the laws relating to foreign trade

    6. See which of these statements apply to you

    7. “Majesty, may the dream apply to those hating you, and its interpretation to your adversaries

    8. “You’re right, you are a soldier here and as such, the same rules apply to you as to the others

    9. allowed and depending on the dojo, the same may apply to the children

    10. All the purposes of this trade being, in this manner, answered by a much smaller capital, there would have been a large spare capital to apply to other purposes; to improve the lands, to increase the manufactures, and to extend the commerce of Great Britain; to come into competition at least with the other British capitals employed in all those different ways, to reduce the rate of profit in them all, and thereby to give to Great Britain, in all of them, a superiority over other countries, still greater than what she at present enjoys

    11. Thus, the following message originally meant for me might also apply to you-

    12. And, there are certain fundamental rules that apply to

    13. How do you identify the one belief that is the most accurate, with all of these creationist views discounting spontaneous generation of life? How can we identify the truth, if we cannot unequivocally prove through normal experimentation and confirm that the timelines suggested by either Evolution or Creationism are factual? Is there any way in which the scientific method can be applied to this issue to establish with more clarity, which of these views are the most accurate? Where would we begin and what methods would we apply to test our hypotheses? I would like to propose a hypothesis that will assist us in better understanding the subject as we move forward; should we be able to provide some provable facts to support the hypothesis

    14. does not apply to

    15. The word would have to be redesigned and redefined to encompass the lies, untruths, prevarications and other distortions that apply to Barak Obama and his minions

    16. This strange specimen came with no instruction manual, and none of the books on cat care seemed to apply to him

    17. Much of the advice given in previous chapters can apply to both men and women

    18. ) Item, a local District Attorney tells a parent that state laws that prohibit the display of pornographic materials to minors do not apply to schools

    19. The same rules apply to the Spanish equivalent of they:

    20. would apply to any regular verbs which end in –ar

    21. Again, the above rules apply to any regular verb ending in –ir

    22. Of course, there was still a basic infrastructure to maintain: land management and food production for example, though since so much of this was automated it seemed the same automation could apply to just about every other aspect

    23. The theory being that one scenario could apply to the entire population, and at the same time provide sufficient distraction for the recipients, rather than allowing a compounding number of implausible occurrences

    24. This did not apply to Mr Mandela

    25. Obviously this does not apply to revolvers, where one just pulls the trigger on the double action type, but on the single action types it is not difficult to cock the hammer on a revolver with one hand

    26. The instructions about note taking obviously didn’t apply to him

    27. Judicial sentences should neither be (too) harsh nor (too) lenient however consistent with legal guidelines formally interpreted by law such that (the) ensuing consequences as they apply to its impartial application remain constant!

    28. Her concern was valid, and it did apply to me

    29. Made no difference! Normal rules did not seem to apply to them for they pulled of victories which no other unit could dream about and were at the forefront of every battle afterwards

    30. Such viewpoints are oftentimes engendered by the perception of ―partial justice‖ as it seems to apply to a particular racial or ethnic group, influencing the (collective) mindset of that group seeking justice within narrower limits that typically define that group‘s self interests rather than the interests of society

    31. The same apply to the Nigerian Police Force and most other African Police Forces

    32. Nevertheless, this remarkable decision should demand closer scrutiny by reasonable men and women over the question of competency as such vaguely defined standards may apply to certain individuals of ―limited‖ intelligence or stunted emotional development that (supposedly) renders their ability to make sound judgment problematical; yet for all intent and purposes, however, seem sufficiently capable of leading normal, productive lives; and whose marginal ―deficiencies‖ are not considered in any manner an impediment to the legal requirements respective of property and person

    33. Such thinking should equally apply to both sides of the political aisle

    34. In a series of decisions from 1901 to 1922, the Supreme Court ruled the US Constitution does not apply to territories like Guam

    35. Her dad had been so withdrawn, for so long, she assumed it didn’t apply to her

    36. And now, since arriving from Cuba, that same evasiveness seemed to apply to any talk of the war

    37. rules would apply to those sources that emit more than 25,000 tons a year like coal fired plants and

    38. His vision might naturally be seen to apply to his present and near-term future, but his reference to Jezebel takes me back to the “Northern Kingdom” and a pagan, Jezebel, who seemed to have had undue influence over the last Israelite king

    39. EPA's new emissions standards under Section 112 of the Clean Air Act will apply to 158 of those kilns

    40. Our legislators are, or should be capable of writing laws which could apply to labor

    41. It is also very probable that the regulations could be amended to better apply to the local

    42. The state will apply to the HHS for the block

    43. they believe should apply to them

    44. So, how does this apply to the opposites as indicated in the title? Satisfying the near term desire that would be termed good by the individual seeking it can be seen as having a bad effect if repeated too often and can be discerned as selfish or even evil by others at whose expense the repetitions are allowed or insisted upon

    45. A company can choose the different mediums to apply to

    46. wastage issue could apply to their business as well and she felt a timely call requesting

    47. The old live by the sword thing had to apply to her

    48. I believe that this can apply to

    49. That would not apply to his rule at all

    50. apply to Jesus’ face while He was on earth as Immanuel

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