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    Utiliser "apprenticeship" dans une phrase

    apprenticeship exemples de phrases


    1. I finished my apprenticeship, did my National Service for the fly-boys and then

    2. It was soon time for Catwhiskers to start an apprenticeship with

    3. “You see, my apprenticeship is with the blacksmith, and whilst I

    4. entered their 2nd year of apprenticeship

    5. “Lose the apprenticeship, how, things is not that bad surely”

    6. apprenticeship in the motoring or allied trades, but the War

    7. “Too bad, the apprenticeship pays two irons every half-shift, there are experienced guys that get a copper a call for machinery like that

    8. Besides her other chores Hipolyta took over the management of the bookkeeping for the store and lodges with only the briefest apprenticeship

    9. An apprenticeship was arranged and Harry embarked upon his fledgeling vocation while still maintaining his Malvern studies

    10. The apprenticeship into which he'd been inducted caused him to be absent from campus two days per week and presented him little time for anything but keeping up with his studies

    11. Belle told me he's immersed himself in his apprenticeship

    12. Harry spent the next half an hour explaining his motives and actions over the last twelve hours---his wanting to be more of a real contributor to the Waterhouse firm, his apprenticeship, his graduation from Malvern

    13. The same statutes of apprenticeship and other corporation laws, indeed, which, when a manufacture is in prosperity, enable the workman to raise his wages a good deal above their natural rate, sometimes oblige him, when it decays, to let them down a good deal below it

    14. the one species of labour, impose the necessity of an apprenticeship, though with different

    15. the continuance of the apprenticeship, the whole labour of the apprentice belongs to his

    16. apprenticeship restrains it more indirectly, but as effectually, by increasing the expense of

    17. evidently to have been copied from the term of apprenticeship in common trades, of which the

    18. By the 5th of Elizabeth, commonly called the Statute of Apprenticeship, it was enacted, that

    19. England, unless he had previously served to it an apprenticeship of seven years at least ; and

    20. apprenticeship to each, they being necessary for the conveniency of the inhabitants, and the

    21. Three years is, in Scotland, a common term of apprenticeship, even in

    22. any statute of apprenticeship

    23. enquire whether the workman had served a seven years apprenticeship

    24. apprenticeship may oppose it in the one case, and both that and an exclusive corporation in the

    25. the statute of apprenticeship takes place, have no other choice, but dither to come upon the

    26. serving an apprenticeship in the parish ; the fourth, by being hired into service there for a year,

    27. settlement, either by apprenticeship or by service

    28. whole year ; and consequently neither by notice nor by service, nor by apprenticeship, nor by

    29. The acquisition of such talents, by the maintenance of the acquirer during his education, study, or apprenticeship, always costs a real expense, which is a capital fixed and realized, as it were, in his person

    30. Let the same natural liberty of exercising what species of industry they please, be restored to all his Majesty's subjects, in the same manner as to soldiers and seamen ; that is, break down the exclusive privileges of corporations, and repeal the statute of apprenticeship, both which are really encroachments upon natural Liberty, and add to those the repeal of the law of settlements, so that a poor workman, when thrown out of employment, either in one trade or in one place, may seek for it in another trade or in another place, without the fear either of a prosecution or of a removal; and neither the public nor the individuals will suffer much more from the occasional disbanding some particular classes of manufacturers, than from that of the soldiers

    31. When my apprenticeship period was over, I was quite happy in my career

    32. Though by restraining, in some trades, the number of apprentices which can be employed at one time, and by imposing the necessity of a long apprenticeship in all trades, they endeavour, all of them, to confine the knowledge of their respective employments to as small a number as possible ; they are unwilling, however, that any part of this small number should go abroad to instruct foreigners

    33. In the most ancient regulated companies, the privileges of apprenticeship were the same as in other corporations, and entitled the person who had served his time to a member of the company, to become himself a member, either without paying any fine, or upon paying a much smaller one than what was exacted of other people

    34. The privileges of graduates are a sort of statutes of apprenticeship, which have contributed to the improvement of education just as the other statutes of apprenticeship have to that of arts and manufactures

    35. His efforts were based on the various curatoria he had studied or seen in his unfortunately short and, recent events not withstanding, uneventful apprenticeship

    36. With the death of his master and half-way in his apprenticeship, he was now considered officially, though without seat, a Curator, with all the rights and responsibilities his office carried

    37. Hilderich talked about his curator’s apprenticeship and master Olom

    38. He had never broached the subject during my apprenticeship

    39. Her burning hatred of him only grew with those reminders and it was fortunate that their apprenticeship was occasioned on the far side of the settlement

    40. He would be the wiser if Man could recognize his apprenticeship position for what it is

    41. a strict apprenticeship trade test, and, prior to that, complete at least some of your

    42. It’s the parents’ job to find what kind of magic their children are more talented at and then contact a wizard usually from another family, who has the same talents so they can start an apprenticeship

    43. I immediately got a wheelchair free from the state and began dropping Mike at Flat’s shop around noon to continue his apprenticeship, and then I picked him up again, many days as late as 10pm, and carried him upstairs to his bedroom

    44. “Most are twenty-four when they complete their apprenticeship

    45. At last my apprenticeship at Lexar was over and I graduated into a new tracking assignment: divorces

    46. The Horn meant my return to Eisenbaum, the continuation of my apprenticeship as a witch and the return to Leonardo’s arms

    47. learned in his apprenticeship days to make himself fade into the

    48. One hardware store was where Joe had served his apprenticeship

    49. Up to and including those three years in the apprenticeship, I was more

    50. They could have imposed on her an apprenticeship in any other field and the results would have been the same

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    Synonymes pour "apprenticeship"

    apprenticeship tutelage origin