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    Utiliser "artisan" dans une phrase

    artisan exemples de phrases


    1. such unlimited options within His darkness how could a simple, artisan, pubescent

    2. The artisan had captured the personalities of both of the Taks

    3. It’s a tool and he is an artisan

    4. “Purists call this cheating,” he said as he dabbed on a pinprick of glue, “but I’m after fish, not artisan awards, and this makes glue dots so small the fish can’t smell ‘em

    5. The lamp was round and the artisan had lifted the edge in three places

    6. complicated machinery, supplanting the trained artisan

    7. The scribe’s memory skittered over the evil he had done to the man; if the blacksmith still lived, then Simon knew the artisan would not be kind in his judgement

    8. As long therefore as we are on earth let us practise repentance for we are as clay in the hand of the artisan

    9. being who, artisan and artist that he is, unites those threads together with those of

    10. Can an artisan make a creation that exceeds himself as a creation? Can our mind comprehend the vast Universe? Will we ever have omniscience? We can either stress ourselves to solve these impossible questions or we can embrace the evolutionary path of knowledge and just try to solve the next logical question for the step we are at

    11. No wheat, no white bread, no sour dough, a couple pieces of artisan bread and something with flax that Jenny cooked up that is hard as a brick

    12. He thought confusedly, finally captive in a trap of nostalgia, that perhaps if he had married her he would have been a man without war and without glory, a nameless artisan, a happy animal

    13. He ordered them to leave him in peace, insisting that he was not a hero of the nation as they said but an artisan without memories whose only dream was to die of fatigue in the oblivion and misery of his little gold fishes

    14. artisan commoner and in his place a high born monarch with

    15. A superior quality Banarasi sari could range from Rs 30,000 to Rs 50,000 but the artisan would be lucky to earn Rs 5000 for his month-long effort while working out of a cramped little room

    16. This event attracted artisan food producers from all over the district and visitors from even further afield

    17. He decided to give Chef Luc a call to see whether he could arrange to have some of that artisan cream cheese they had found shipped over to Poxwold on his behalf

    18. �Well,� Rheus attempted to explain, �a skilled artisan can imbue a piece of tasrac in such a way that-�

    19. “So, why punish a person for their ignorance, when we can share with all our abundance?” Not artisan, but amateurs with love, handmade bread, fried eggs, not certified, but as organic as they can be, while also resourcing the food waste of a world indifferent to both health and wellness of person, animal, and planet, and cheese and bacon from cows and pigs free to range as long as they live, was the meal they were trying to give away

    20. “'And what is this?' the King asked the southern artisan

    21. Today they have to attend an opening ceremony for an NGO funded artisan training program for men and women in rural areas

    22. “Sir, pray forgive the interruption, but the tapestry artisan has arrived

    23. Could the future Earl ride away in his pajamas? And what about the current Earl? What would he say about his son and an artisan traveling in the dead of night? With naught on? Garret definitely didn’t seem to care what his dad thought

    24. “You are a true artisan,” said Fearghal, handling the blade

    25. Each artisan they enslave or hire

    26. He is ladling on the paint with a large brush, like any other busy artisan

    27. Never had such a notion been heard of, from the Pillars of Hercules to the farthest East, as the dependence of mankind for eternal life on a Jewish artisan who claimed to be 'God manifest in the flesh’! All the old religions of the world were against it—all the old philosophies

    28. Nor is it enough to declare that a lack of assent to the theory promulgated is due to the absence of illuminating grace, since it is not the office of the Holy Spirit to quench the moral understanding of man; and large numbers of persons who afford decisive evidence of enjoying the teaching of that Holy Spirit experience as much difficulty in the reception of that theory as the artisan, the philosopher, or the subtle Hindu

    29. The ordinary Hindu or Mohammedan believes as little in his eternal hell as the English quick-witted artisan or man of science

    30. Suppose now that a husbandman, or an artisan, brings some production to market, and he comes at a time when there is no one to exchange with him,-- is he to leave his calling and sit idle in the market-place?

    31. They should observe what elements mingle in their offspring; for if the son of a golden or silver parent has an admixture of brass and iron, then nature orders a transposition of ranks, and the eye of the ruler must not be pitiful towards the child because he has to descend in the scale and become a husbandman or artisan, just as there may be sons of artisans who having an admixture of gold or silver in them are raised to honour, and become guardians or auxiliaries

    32. Next, as to war; what are to be the relations of your soldiers to one another and to their enemies? I should be inclined to propose that the soldier who leaves his rank or throws away his arms, or is guilty of any other act of cowardice, should be degraded into the rank of a husbandman or artisan

    33. A man may sell all that he has, and another may acquire his property; yet after the sale he may dwell in the city of which he is no longer a part, being neither trader, nor artisan, nor horseman, nor hoplite, but only a poor, helpless creature

    34. There, surrounded by the poisonous pigments and materials of the trade, the youthful artisan worked, generally alone, cleaning the dirty paint-pots brought in by the workmen from finished `jobs' outside, and occasionally mixing paint according to the instructions of Mr Hunter, or one of the sub-foremen

    35. The skilled artisan does not as a

    36. `In those days a master painter, a master shoemaker, a master saddler, or any other master tradesmen, was really a skilled artisan working on his own account

    37. At Henley they had been politely but firmly informed that the rules of the regatta, in place since 1879, prohibited the participation of anyone “who is or has been by trade or employment for wages a mechanic, artisan, or labourer

    38. She would ask for cash, then return with artisan bread, exotic fruit, Greek yoghurt, organic chicken – the staples of a wealthy middle-class kitchen

    39. , which, of course, had at first been closed to the artisan, opened both leaves of their folding-doors to the millionnaire

    40. Listen to me, you, Feuilly, valiant artisan, man of the people

    41. An artisan was fastening Mother Hucheloup's big straw hat on his head with a string, "for fear of sun-stroke," as he said

    42. She saw that it was the work of a skilled artisan and that the diamonds were of great brilliancy and superbly set, but the cutting of them denoted that they were of a former day

    43. ' When the young artisan (compagnon) set out on his travels (tour de France) to learn his trade, he carried a stout cane which is one of the principal attributes of compagnonnage

    44. He had been an artisan of famed excellence, and with plenty to do; owned a house and garden; embraced a youthful, daughter-like, loving wife, and three blithe, ruddy children; every Sunday went to a cheerful-looking church, planted in a grove

    45. It was a short man, and seemed like an artisan who had been drinking; he was shabbily and scantily dressed; a cloth cap, soaked by the rain and with the brim half torn off, perched on his shaggy, curly head

    46. A respectable woman of the artisan class, who went about selling gospels, came into the town

    47. From that time on Maupassant no longer does what he did in his first two novels,—he does not take for the foundation of his novels certain moral demands and on their basis describe the activity of his persons, but writes his novels as all artisan novelists write theirs, that is, he invents the most interesting and the most pathetic or most contemporary persons and situations, and from these composes his novel, adorning it with all those observations which he has happened to make and which fit into the canvas of the novel, without the slightest concern how the events described are related to the demands of morality

    48. And it struck me, that the best thing of all would be to arrange the occupations of the day in such a manner as to exercise all four of man’s capacities, and myself produce all these four sorts of benefits which men make use of, so that one portion of the day, the first, should be dedicated to hard labor; the second, to intellectual labor; the third, to artisan labor; and the forth, to intercourse with people

    49. But now that I have learned the indispensability of physical labor, both hard and artisan labor, the result is entirely different

    50. Petersburg, occupied by the artisan classes, no vagaries in costume call forth the least surprise

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    Synonymes pour "artisan"

    artificer artisan craftsman journeyman designer adept craftswoman worker inventor contriver