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    Utiliser "as a result of" dans une phrase

    as a result of exemples de phrases

    as a result of

    1. Certain goals may no longer be attainable as a result of adverse situations

    2. Levels of digestive enzymes may be lowered as a result of taking various medication, poor eating habits or ageing

    3. He has a mobile but doesn’t tend to give the number out to all and sundry, preferring to keep a bit of freedom from the perpetual messages that so many of his colleagues have to field as a result of being more profligate with their own mobile telephone numbers

    4. When the Soul enters the body formed as a result of laws of nature, the body is considered to be alive

    5. Firstly, could you tell us if the operation came about as a result of a tip off, and if so, could you reveal to us the source

    6. That is to say, how many people would have had to die as a result of this shipment alone?"

    7. All this certainty did not happen right away, but as a result of a pro-

    8. This individual was possibly off radar as a result of internecine strife within the C-Block or for falling foul of any one of the various killer whales that this particular little fish may have been sharing the pond with

    9. as a result of my researches i came to the conclusion that we as

    10. All my residents have suffered loss as a result of war – either tangible loss in the shape of careers thrown off course or emotional trauma caused by bereavement - and I can empathise with them … if for a different, and drastically less acceptable reason

    11. as a result of the sinking

    12. CARRIE: The fact that she wanted to go through with filing the charges, the medical examination, and the embarrassment that she knew was inevitable as a result of a rape trial

    13. As a result of the recent eruption of Vesuvio, the sunsets are fantastic … deep reds streaking across the sky, interwoven with oranges and greens, resulting in the most amazing displays

    14. ROBERT: Did Samantha get pregnant as a result of the intercourse?

    15. ROBERT: Was she infected with any venereal disease as a result of the encounter?

    16. At some stage during that time, she manages to tell Caderl the news about their marriage and I witness him having a quiet, if enthusiastic word with Berndt, clasping him by his injured arm in his excitement and then having to apologise speedily as a result of being a little too excited

    17. Karen chips in about how dreadful a teacher’s life has become as a result of the increased paperwork demanded by the powers that be, Alastair adding his pennyworth that, as a musician, he doesn’t have to do paperwork

    18. field existed, such as it was, as a result of the wartime demolition

    19. Conditioned responses are instilled either gently, with repetition over time, or as a result of one traumatic experience

    20. can tell you as a result of my research about atoms

    21. Mr Blake will be taking early retirement from the practice as a result of his injuries but he emphasised that he would be continuing to act for the charities which are so close to his heart - including the Danvers House Foundation and various schools in the area

    22. Then as a result of the above things happening, Google may remove the

    23. rather than as a result of any disciplinary action

    24. sure whether this was as a result of an exhilarating ride on horseback,

    25. ‘Not really … he’d been right down to the bottom of life as a result of a serious drink problem … he’d lost his family and his job

    26. And it was there, that perhaps as a result of a leak in the roof and subsequent soakings from the late spring and early summer rains, the loft above the stalls, heavy with sodden fodder, gave way over the area in which he was working

    27. As a result of the sale, he possessed unlimited funds; without which, his rise to power in Shattered Rock would not have occurred quite so swiftly and peacefully

    28. As a result of their meticulous planning and the backing of the village noteworthies, they had erected a ten-foot fence around the entire village within three days

    29. ones, a young man becomes a hero as a result of a brave

    30. city as a result of a contest, having Poseidon as

    31. As a result of the previous repetitive predicament, Denise would sometimes have to spend several hours weaving and ambling about the streets—asking for directions and seemingly understanding which route to take from the instructions received—but often ending up farther away from her destination than when she had first sought out assistance

    32. This was partly as a result of a number of well-known Christian

    33. And his happy-go-lucky partner in crime for all of his life was also to receive special protection as a result of this very real, albeit faceless menace

    34. would be blurred as a result of Aetes’s blow, and I experienced severe headaches many days

    35. Propelled by hardship as a result of poverty, they went on to succeed in life and attain an abundance of wealth

    36. Occurrence of thermal strains in concrete probably not only at its external heating, but also as a result of a self-heating due to exothermic reaction of hydration

    37. Calcium salts of usually well water-soluble appear as a result of action of acids

    38. a loss that happens as a consequence of or as a result of another

    39. “Yes, your mother thought it appropriate we give proper respect to a mortal who died as a result of our cause

    40. 4 If we wanted to perform an experiment that would prove that galaxies and other celestial objects in space are in general moving away from us, how would we go about doing this? The initial thought that led people to believe that objects are moving away from Earth (and that the Universe, as a result of this, is thought to be expanding), originated when they encountered the red-shift phenomenon when viewing the majority of stars and/or galaxies

    41. If we consider the accurate letter skips that are used in each case, the unique and defined starting positions in each book, and the patterns that are mirrored around Leviticus; it is statistically much more improbable that this phenomenon occurred as a result of mere chance

    42. With that water removed, and the Earth’s electro-mechanical function adversely affected, and because we can today measure a continuous decline in Earth’s magnetic field strength, we can postulate that gravity would have overcome the magnetic field’s influence on the layer of water above the atmosphere as a result of the rotational core mechanics being altered

    43. C: -- This passage also addresses the consequences of adopting a false belief when it comes to understanding our origin - it specifically spells out homosexuality as a result of this - but not only that, there are also 24 other characteristics that are mentioned, which would be found increasingly in people if they changed their belief from that of being created by God, to that of spontaneously evolving

    44. Their journey through the Palace was one of mixed feelings of nervousness and awe at the wonders that lay sprawled wall to wall – paintings of battles and ceremonies of kings, queens, heroes, and legends; tapestries; polished armour standing with spears or swords resting at an angle; mirrors as tall as the thirty-feet-high plaster ceilings worked with golden cornices of grapes and vines or paintings of angels flying through blue skies with white clouds; large chests bound in brass or steel or gold; polished furniture of oak, pine, or redwood; tables; stands; dressers and cabinets; ornaments; artefacts; statues of red-and-blue marble or white stone or gold-and-silver, including dragons and other mythical beasts – all arranged in perfect order and all glistening and gleaming as a result of meticulous dusting and polishing from the hundreds of servants in black livery slashed with red and gold or red and blue who walked busily about the hallways amongst the guards, soldiers, and Guardians who stood at every corner and staircase

    45. The Sickness, they said, was growing stronger in his mind as a result of wielding the tainted Power

    46. The Alit’aren’s theory was that Adem had received a temporary surge in the Power as a result of his close proximity to one of the Dark Angels

    47. “King Olderon of Monjor is also facing revolution as a result of the taint

    48. The damage a madman could do with the Power as a result of his loss of comprehension of his environment was serious enough without the thought of those madmen becoming evil and plotting against the innocent

    49. His morning’s Healing was overlooked as a result of the attack last night

    50. He’d heard – and reported – a few stories of people dying as a result of CO2 poisoning

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