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    Utiliser "as a whole" dans une phrase

    as a whole exemples de phrases

    as a whole

    1. We started with nothing remember? I think it was a whole five thousand I invested initially if you remember

    2. It was a whole culture of pretending to be hard-line while being secretly sybaritic

    3. However, the tenor of the Old Testament as a whole was that

    4. country as a whole saw millions of Jacks and Jills walking under a

    5. There was a whole rank of people playing the pan pipes, a rank of men with lyres and those gong-like bronze tubes all well tuned and well played

    6. What resembles as a whole

    7. The floater ride was a whole section of his life, for the flight took a local year

    8. Since the early forties this whole complex has come on the market that establishes what I'll call a global genetic health immune system for the species as a whole

    9. When every team member is evolving, your team as a whole is evolving

    10. balance as a whole each smaller system within it must itself be balanced

    11. The higher the quality of your giveaway, and the more relevant it is to your market as a whole, the easier it will be to recruit new subscribers

    12. With the entire body being taught to move as a whole,

    13. “But what are we going to do with it? We haven’t announced it to the colony as a whole, but then I haven’t kept it a secret either

    14. E: -- Thirdly, when considering the Bible as an integrated unit or message system, evidence of integrated “design” should also be evident throughout the scripture as a whole, if we are to accept the Bible as the Truth

    15. How then should we treat those statements or sections from the Bible which we are unable to verify authenticity? Would it be accurate to assume that if we can prove 100% factual truth in all cases, would it be fair to treat the sections or passages for which we lack the evidence or foresight into the future, with exactly the same attitude? Would it be stretching it too far to think that we can demonstrate scientifically that the Bible as a whole is a supernatural unity and that we can accept with certainty that it contains true information on all aspects - even on subjects that we are unable to validate, due to our limitations? If we know that the information contained in this Book, predicted events that would happen in the future with 100% accuracy and continue to predict future events which we cannot assess from our point in time, should we not pay serious attention to what it says about those future events?

    16. Man and the Creation as a whole suffered because of Adam’s decision to disobey God

    17. The governing comes from the assembly as a whole

    18. As a whole, the men were frightened and paranoid

    19. Of course, handling good fortune with grace, dignity, and charity are, also, self-defining acts, but we, as a whole, are ultimately, defined by the way we overcome adversity

    20. But was that fair? Should she choose the man who reacted the most to her presence, at the detriment to the care of the keep as a whole? What if she chose a partner for her heart, and the keep then fell during one of the raids by the MacDougals?

    21. Every member brought together as a whole is equally affected

    22. Understood in this manner, diversity does not seek to diminish the collective value of other cultures considered separately, however as a whole

    23. She established herself in this world as a whole person for the first time by standing up proudly to defy the established order at sit-ins and on protest marches

    24. The American bitch was a whole different story

    25. But being to Roosevelt's left, they may have been less able to rally US society as a whole

    26. The Castigator talked to him in earnest, urging him to uphold the Law, honor his rank and office, protect him and the Council as a whole and crush the rebels before they could take root firmly

    27. Actually, there is very little mention of the subject in the Bible as a whole

    28. Society as a whole is also much less interested in institutions

    29. For the most part the General’s mind was preoccupied with the situation as a whole, not simply the battle that was soon to follow

    30. Biz was a whole new breeze

    31. The idea here is to reduce the pressure on the system as a whole thereby reducing the strain or loading on the local gum defence (immune) system

    32. for the country as a whole there should be great benefits both from services rendered and for the costs of

    33. He rushed off with his tail straight up in the air and first now did she see that there was a whole group standing around them

    34. Bank3Sector, it also offers as a whole indirect advantages to the society

    35. If the Constitution had counted the slave as a whole person, instead of the fraction, the South would have been in a stronger position to promote slavery in the new states

    36. This was a whole new genre that reminded one of pizza but was sweet

    37. “I read that a man named Willis was the first to peel away the skull from the brain, so that it could be seen as a whole

    38. No, you have not searched the scriptures, you merely read what the preacher told you to read and therefore you accept it as true, notwithstanding the fact that it is taken totally out of context, related to scriptures as a whole

    39. Tai’s earlier report of the soporific drink clearly incapacitated those who might have resisted a tattoo, but here was a whole society

    40. concerned - whether it’s your staff, the software vendor, the consultant, or a staffing firm to fill urgent resource shortages - is rewarded based on deliverables for the project as a whole then you are all pulling in the same direction

    41. open mind, think about what is right for the company as a whole and to remove any

    42. She was a whole lot of woman

    43. The conversation then turned to the many social issues facing the city and the country as a whole

    44. The Lord identifies Israel as “His” son, the Jews as a whole are considered to be the

    45. It was only 8pm, there was a whole night ahead-

    46. He told Colon that we were not near the Middle Kingdom; there was a whole continent and another wide sea between our present position and them

    47. This means that what we do may harm the community as a whole, or even, sometimes,

    48. The word church does NOT mean a building, but the assembly of believes as a whole,

    49. how disappointed I was with Christianity as a whole

    50. It would appear that the NAS finding prepared for President Bush is a fair summary of scientific opinion as a whole on global warming

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    Synonymes pour "as a whole"

    all told all in all overall