Utiliser "ascendance" dans une phrase
ascendance exemples de phrases
1. ) This unequal treatment mantra is surprising, in view of her $320,000 salary from a Chicago institution, which salary had been doubled from the original $160,000 with the ascendance of her husband
2. These are usually people with a thin resume, having accomplished little prior to their ascendance
3. ascendance of the Female Spirit
4. But then he would recover, with time as no hindrance, and restart his ascendance, knowing that the only rules were his own
5. If we were to instigate trouble now, if we were to attempt to thwart the Viirin Caretakers, would we soon---would we ever---depart on the ascendance that we’ve awaited our entire lives? I think we all know the answer to that question!”
6. ’Twas much looser now than e’er before, for my Adventures had not only made me wiser, but thinner! Thus, ’tis oft’ true that as we gain Mental Substance we frequently lose Substance of the Grosser Physical Sort, which perhaps presages our Ascendance, after Death, into the Spirit World!
7. Like many others Hill believes that the ascendance of China as a dominant global economic power is inevitable
8. While this stance remains prevalent, in clear ascendance is the argument that as industries and companies have become ever more global in scope, so must the investors who follow them