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    Utiliser "ashcan" dans une phrase

    ashcan exemples de phrases


    1. He offers it to Russ, who grins, spits out his wad of chewing tobacco in a trashcan

    2. One icy morning, John, the garbage collector, found a scrawny kitten nearly frozen to death between a cardboard box and a trashcan

    3. He would shuffle over to the trashcan container full of dry food, scooping out a feed bucket full and walking around to the different dog dishes, dispensing it evenly, while I would open a can of wet dog food and spoon-feed it to the prancing, salivating, weird-noise-making, heathen dogs

    4. There were days that I was so hungry I would have almost eaten out of trashcans

    5. I wadded the torn sheets into a ball and deposited them in the trashcan behind Roy’s

    6. threw the empty can in the trashcan and then bowed and got on his motorbike and

    7. I threw away the plastic sandwich bag and empty juice bottle in the nearest recycling trashcan

    8. I threw the empty cup in a trashcan and just then a different nurse came to me

    9. it toward the nearest trashcan

    10. and toss it into her trashcan

    11. spaces, and empty all of the trashcans

    12. nearest trashcan at the end of the alley, before entering

    13. Passing the trashcan he dropped it inside

    14. He took the phone he used to call 911, wiped it for prints, and threw it away at a bus stop trashcan

    15. kitchen, there was a stove, fridge, table, microwave, and trashcan, and each bedroom had a bed, dresser, and closet

    16. terd ball rolling for the shadow waiting behind the trashcan by the teachers desk, and it is done

    17. Peter’s desk move casual y toward the trashcan as his

    18. In shock, I remained curled in a ball against the trashcans; until the clown’s gloved hand gently touched my face

    19. Ahead of me… the old green door with the streetlamp shining just above the entry; to my side… the trashcans, still as ripe as I remembered

    20. No gentlemen, you see, my entire life was filled with the harshness of the streets and the trashcans that lined them

    21. As I did before in Big Whig’s office, I told my story as it happened; trashcans and all

    22. Now finished with their food, they tossed their trash into one of the trashcans along the way and headed for the door

    23. He scaled a five-foot wooden fence and helped pull her over, watching the heavy bum gracefully leap over the trashcan, somehow bellowing laugher in such an oxygen consuming chase

    24. Behind her, the remaining witnesses huddle behind the minimal shelter of mailboxes, trashcans and stairs

    25. David then looked in the trashcan

    26. An overflowing trashcan stood near the washer and dryer, bursting with dryer lint, empty liquid detergent bottles, and soda cans

    27. He covered his outburst by wadding the wrapper into a ball and shooting it towards the nearest trashcan

    28. Nodding slowly, his eyes stopped at a metal trashcan

    29. Tom walked over to the trashcan and popped open the lid

    30. smelling trashcans and climbing up trees

    31. These ZombeGOs, whorders of mynd creating mindlessness, wander pass and from cemeteries for the enthronement of I'mage, where tombs are trophies for egos and the vain and the grieving spend tens of thousands of dollars on a glorified trashcan, wastecasket – wastekit

    32. Her clothing was not fit for the trashcan

    33. debt collectors, and the IRS, and they all went into the trashcan, unopened

    34. and disposed of the bag and gloves in an island trashcan

    35. "Yeah, there's one doctor at my clinic that calls it a "trashcan diagnosis" and that hurts because I was diagnosed by a

    36. The building’s janitor hit the zombie over the head with a metal trashcan, transferring its attention to him

    37. “Aw, fuck!” he growled, kicking a nearby trashcan

    38. man stop at a trashcan to toss the flyer inside without even

    39. into the trashcans that flew into the air, too weak to stop the

    40. newspaper into the trashcan, and reached for the pie resting on

    41. Elon crumpled the paper up into a ball and tossed it across the shop to land with a swish into a trashcan

    42. Once they were safe, she would spool out all the tape and burn them in a metal trashcan

    43. That poor, stuffed shaggy dog had survived chicken pox, a spilled glass of Kool-Aid, and an unceremonious toss into the trashcan

    44. Their rites over the bird had brought them into keen attunement; they looked up from the trashcan in unison, like grazing antelope at a distant sound

    45. Finally, without warning, the instructor ripped the page off, balled it, and deposited it in the wire-mesh trashcan to his left

    46. Right now, as they ate hot dogs on a bench behind the museum, he was riffing on Susan Sontag’s “Notes on ‘Camp’ ” and the artistic merits of the graffiti that seemed to be swallowing New York’s lampposts and trashcans

    47. Out on the street again, they dumped their empty coffee cups into an overfull trashcan

    48. Now the sole signs of life were a trashcan fire in a lot down the street and the takeout joint on the corner, the counterman ghostly behind bulletproof glass

    49. Well, sure, there were alcoholic window-washers, just as there were alcoholic lead guitarists, but maybe, Charlie suggested, he should go scout around for a trashcan? “Not the Mary Poppins bit again,” D

    50. The farther they went, the more spraypaint he saw: silver aliens doing battle on the backs of benches, wire-mesh trashcans engulfed in flame

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