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    Utiliser "at bay" dans une phrase

    at bay exemples de phrases

    at bay

    1. Also there are various electronic devices such as Yard Guard (Arbico) that really work! Another helpful tool is your dog or cat since they can keep many animals at bay

    2. cold stone walls that surrounded him, he somehow found the strength to hold at bay

    3. I put my face in my hands and take a deep breath, trying to keep the tears at bay

    4. By repeating his name, by bouncing the echo of his voice off the cold stone walls that surrounded him, he somehow found the strength to hold at bay the constriction, the weight of fear that otherwise would have crushed him

    5. Who do you think kept the dinosaurs at bay? They protected us and cared for us

    6. ‘In that case, if we could get Drens to bring the boat into that bay there …’ he points to an indentation in the coastline near Ciutadella

    7. The FORWARD BEND is one of the Yoga exercises which helps to keep old age at bay

    8. But down around the port, came a more thriving version of life in shiny, tiled kitchens, and white lace curtains flapping a gentle hint of an incoming breeze that would help to keep the flies at bay

    9. She'd had one cup a little while ago and there was still a touch from it, with enough concentration she could keep the dimness at bay and actually enjoy the wonderful scene

    10. pausing to keep the spin of the world at bay,

    11. ‘I assume you want to use that bay of yours, Berndt

    12. Each time I stopped for a drink, I did my best to be casual and filled my mind with all sorts of loopy trivia to try to keep my nerves at bay

    13. There was a great bay before them, at least four miles wide, surrounded by thousand foot cliffs all along the far side

    14. The palace she saw at Knossos was a country cottage compared to the city that covered the islands in this great bay

    15. It keeps prying eyes at bay, but not prying ears

    16. She is in shock, working as quickly as she can to keep the starkly brutal images of Leona and Bex at bay

    17. him and took a few steps back, thinking of running, but holding the urge at bay

    18. I address myself to the soup again, swallowing is helpful and diverts my mind … keeps those tears at bay too

    19. In order to keep the demons at bay

    20. Impossible! he fumed, as the staff of charred wood continued to hold his twirling weapon at bay

    21. Emily remembered where Brice had found Tetloan, his family ruled in the mountain city of Argor where a barrier of white walls and cliffs kept invaders at bay

    22. It didn’t do anything for his stutter but a cold coming on was certainly held at bay

    23. Though she longed to near him, the hate in his eyes kept her at bay

    24. and yours – at bay

    25. They knew that a fierce countenance kept most people at bay

    26. It was a former life shattered by things they knew were never far away really, but tried with all of their might to keep at bay -

    27. of the land sometimes helped keep homesickness at bay

    28. But still we kept it at bay

    29. He glanced over his shoulder to make sure the demons were still being kept at bay by the Guardians before he ripped off his black t-shirt, tying it tightly around Hans’s wound

    30. arrive, while the adrenalin was still keeping it at bay, and headed for the TV room

    31. Holding them at bay would be her new strength

    32. kept the estuary at bay with its gardens blending into the shore

    33. ‘HELP ME!’ The leak had become a torrent as if the entire rubber seal no longer fitted – notwithstanding the inside air pressure which, she thought, should keep the water at bay

    34. seems to be holding them at bay for the moment, but the instant the field is shut down, that may all

    35. He knew fire was pain but if it was surrounded by stones it could be kept at bay and didn’t present a threat

    36. spiked on a great bayonet, so that you couldn't move an inch

    37. She knew it must be early because the darkness still held the daylight at bay and a full moon flooded through her window, reflecting from the TV screen at the end of her bed

    38. The patrol dogs were used to keep the crowds at bay, and a few would be able to keep control where hundreds of dedicated men could not

    39. He bought by the kilo and sold to the girls in tiny quantities without a dealer’s mark-up, therefore far below street prices and, to help keep the dogs at bay, even extended them credit

    40. Although the remainder of the first half consisted largely of one-way traffic towards the Lincoln goal, the visiting keeper kept the enemy at bay

    41. When at last he reached the relative shadow of the trees he could still feel the heat, but the scorching rays of the sun were gone as if kept at bay by the forest

    42. She breathed heavily as if it would keep the pain at bay, but that did not hold any truth

    43. “Fuck,” Jade said, turning to the man, but he held out his hand to hold her at bay

    44. Not an unpleasant feeling, it actually kept all the unpleasant feelings at bay

    45. Something, which kept the reality at bay

    46. But a person can only keep reality—and anger—at bay for so long before the truth comes back again

    47. Most of the Cherokees, the Chicksaws and the Choctaws were marched west at bayonet point, to the Indian lands of Oklahoma

    48. However, he had heard that there was a plan to build a settlement in the Great Bay that would build ships to ply the eastern coast

    49. Most of the yams were run by retired warriors from the Great Bay Tribes

    50. They stood and held the position and our enemy at bay long enough for me to escape the death trap, with the help of the Black Adders who showed up to help, but before any of them could follow me the sorcerers brought out heavy weapons and broke though our shield walls, completely devastating the squad

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