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    Utiliser "at length" dans une phrase

    at length exemples de phrases

    at length

    1. Whatever it was he talked about, he talked about it at length and wanted his chin scratched two or three times during the lecture

    2. He was pressed close to a cute little dark girl with a billow of curls who questioned him at length about the life of someone his size

    3. Khalid then translates simultaneously for the pilot, who speaks at length

    4. Somewhat self-consciously, I relate at length how well the meeting went, how impressed the Trustees appeared to be and everything

    5. I spoke with his mother at length and she told me that it is only little Rissa (named for your Joris and a darling child) who gives him a reason to keep going

    6. Luray was rather withdrawn the whole time, she went off by herself foraging for great lengths of time both days, not quite out of sight, but far enough that they could not converse

    7. Sam had seen some resentment building and had spoken at length with Jake about it

    8. He spoke at length about the sort of terrain we would encounter on our journey from Ciutedella to the Naveta

    9. She and her dragon had spoken at length about what would take place and how she would change

    10. We will check it out in the morning at great length

    11. They talked at length but words would not come from me

    12. Her constant eye movement and protective manner indicated to Alexei that she had to be the Queens’ personal guard, Altera; Duncan had spoken of her at length

    13. Interspaced at great lengths were limbs with deep dark green foliage on them

    14. At length, she sat quietly as her daughters absorbed as much of the information as they were able

    15. “Yes,” he said, “and this might be of interest to you, I was questioned at length by Jorma

    16. Alistair explained at length that the twin organisations known

    17. Ava was worried that she was going to hear about it, and hear about it she did, in detail, at length

    18. James told him … at length

    19. Kaitlyn was silent while she thought about what was just said, and at length sat back on her heels, wiped a stray tress from her face with the back of her hand, then answered, “He needs to see the very results of his own efforts, without his having time to reflect upon his most extensive expectations? A riddle

    20. ” He spoke at length of the tales and stories she had confided in her charges so long ago

    21. If we were to attempt a landing we don't have the firepower to hold off a tribe of determined savages with spears for a great length of time

    22. At length it appeared that this wish was about to come true

    23. Thus he roamed about in misery for a year, and at length came to the forest where Rapunzel, lived in loneliness

    24. "This is a handy cove," says he at length; "and a pleasant situated grog-shop

    25. "Yes, I haven't had much of that in my life," she said, "as you've heard about at length

    26. They questioned him at length about technology, about the engines that drive starships and the foundries that forge silicon

    27. This notion is connected with the system of political economy, which represents national wealth as consisting in the abundance and national poverty in the scarcity, of gold and silver ; a system which I shall endeavour to explain and examine at great length in the fourth book of this Inquiry

    28. Running water and salt and other folk remedies can provide barriers and there are books which explain such psychic defense at length

    29. Whether, by the continual exportation of those metals, a trade of this kind is likely to impoverish the country from which it is carried on in any other way, I shall have occasion to examine at great length hereafter

    30. During their talks, he never seemed too keen on speaking at length about himself or his past, rather simply answering questions with general statements and a readiness to shift the subject at hand

    31. The young blond gasped out his words, like he had either been running for a great length of time or had been very recently frightened

    32. In that lengthy article, the reporter related his interview with a Tibetan Buddhist monk

    33. It would not, surely, be worth while to examine at great length the errors of a system which never has done, and probably never will do, any harm in any part of the world

    34. At length she stood back to take a place next to Glen

    35. After about 15 more minutes of walking, we at length began to, at the end of the tunnel we followed

    36. Carl was a scientist, and they had discussed this theory at length over the last few months

    37. Abbott had assured Raven, at great length, that he would be protected at all times, although it seemed strange to protect him, only to throw him into the ring later in the same week

    38. “I’ve spent a few hours reviewing the charts,” she said at length

    39. At length he said,

    40. At length she said, “I disagree, Commander

    41. It was a dreary march, but Fumsu was at length reached, and crossing the river, I entered the village, thankful to have reached my destination after being on the road for over sixteen hours

    42. During Soffen and Brock's only winter visit with Grey, the trio discussed Brock's vision at length, exploring it in every detail

    43. "Hoot, chiel!" cried the King at length, spluttering wrathfully in the broadest of his native Scotch, as was his habit when angered or

    44. Perhaps her father’s comfort was part of it – Lord Weston might be more willing to negotiate at length, and meet concessions, if he felt secure

    45. It took some time before either badger could look at the other without bursting into a fit of the giggles, but at length their laughter subsided and both turned away as though embarrassed

    46. At length he asked another question

    47. “Oh, we chatted about practically everything,” she replied at length

    48. “Where the hell did you get all of this?” he asked at length, looking up in a wondering gaze, with his eyes, doubly magnified, appearing enormous

    49. Eileen had gone to great lengths to explain her idea fully, but somehow I still had my reservations

    50. At length, even with their slowed down pace and their almost paranoid wariness wearing them down they finally reached the base of the bullhorns

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