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    Utiliser "at the same time as" dans une phrase

    at the same time as exemples de phrases

    at the same time as

    1. The greatest mystery of all, Persephone's 21st birthday party yesterday: First of all, she didn't want me to come at the same time as her other friends

    2. Jesus performed those miracles; at the same time as the Father performed them; at the same time the Holy Spirit performed them

    3. clean at the same time as Cosmicblasto

    4. Word had spread quickly, oddly enough, through the same families of the children who took the examinations at the same time as the Livingson's, but without as much success at all

    5. at the same time as those who have "no rest" and are "worshipping (present

    6. They, and two civilian space-liners making up a fleet of five vessels, had left Earth at the same time as Vanguard but a combination of Vanguard’s greatly superior engine technology and Captain Novikov’s impatience had allowed Vanguard to arrive at their destination many hours ahead the rest of its fleet

    7. Maldynado managed to open his mouth at the same time as he smirked

    8. I phoned Glenna and at the same time asked for a few hours off

    9. Aleuts received reparations and an apology at the same time as Japanese-Americans, but reparations were limited to $12,000 each

    10. Such a war would have happened not only at the same time as US conflicts with Britain, but close to the same time as Mexico's conflicts with France over unpaid debts led to the Pastry War

    11. Similarly, it became also clear after the elections that Ángel Acebes, Minister of the Interior, had made public all the information that the government possessed at the same time as it was receiving it

    12. He's trying to talk at the same time as he's licking chocolate and cream from his fingers

    13. It is said it is not possible for a negative thought to be in our mind at the same time as a positive thought

    14. His tumen was always placed next to ours and he happened to be making his rounds at the same time as I was

    15. She would prepare for the spell soon; she needed help to arrange for the victims to be at her house at the same time as the blood had to be spilt at the time of the casting

    16. “Zachary?” Mimi and I call at the same time as we reach the top of the stairs

    17. “Alex?” Zachary calls at the same time as Channing says, “Jo

    18. Another man holding up a card bearing her name was closer, and she saw him at the same time as he

    19. At the same time as the Jews were forced to leave Western Europe, there was a strong population shift and growth in the population of Poland and Lithuania

    20. He opened his eyes at the same time as she did, so that he just saw her eyelids finish opening, and then their gazes seemed to fall into each other, and the eyes of the other seemed to take up all of reality

    21. My husband was in the hospital at the same time as your wife

    22. Yania and Kami defended themselves by melting the webs, but the monsters and the millions of evil spirits hovering over them fell upon the two, grabbing them from all sides at the same time as a monster with a white lab coat injected them with a strong anesthetic

    23. “By the way, Mother tells me that we will not be announced at the same time as the delegation for The High People, so they’ll be leaving separately

    24. Morgan along with Leora moved so that they were standing beside him, the two arriving at the same time as Ryan had, Morgan having led Leora through the shadows

    25. The silence had overpowered his senses so his only response had been to weep, at the same time as he had been filled with such joy as he had never known

    26. The Earth’s higher energy magmaspheres, while having its own memory, serves at the same time as a storehouse of all thoughts generated on Earth

    27. places at the same time as they are near macro-quantum objects with proba-

    28. One of the reasons that Anne did not become US citizen at the same time as I did, was the fact that our children then could retain the choice to become Belgian citizens at age 18

    29. T&T split in front of us, almost at the same time as

    30. At the same time as he retrieved the boat, the fisherman shot his other hand into his tackle-bag and produced three travel-worn, tarnished plates

    31. At the same time as Gary entered Jane Martindale’s office, across town at the CN plant a meeting was in progress in Roger Cook’s office

    32. From the damage, it seemed as if his weapon had struck my collar at the same time as I triggered the spell and the sonic charge to shatter the mechanism and free me

    33. * Will talk in English in a group, but at the same time as other children rather than interacting

    34. some at the same time as me when we went shopping

    35. At the same time as this my mate with the weed walks up to me and says hello just as two coppers start walking in our direction

    36. radiation at the same time as Harry had chopped the heads off the metaphoric

    37. find it has happened at the same time as it entered your mind, or

    38. At the same time as David sounded battle stations on the ship, the rest of the Marine battle group received their call to action

    39. She would report to the party headquarters in Montreal at the same time as Ed reported for work on the air station

    40. The revision of the deeds took place at the same time as the summary courts-martial presided over by Colonel Gerineldo Márquez, which ended with the execution of all officers of the regular army who had been taken prisoner by the revolutionaries

    41. The LP as we know it arrived at the same time as 45s, was made of vinyl, just like the small disc and could play for twenty minutes per side

    42. At the same time as the policewomen opened fire, Nancy got out of the pickup truck and aimed her rifle at the four Taliban on the house roof, who were partially illuminated, using her holographic sight

    43. electron would've have to be created at the same time as the electron from

    44. I have been stimulating his hidden memories and those of my other apprentice agents for weeks now, while my stepdaughter, Ingrid Weiss, accessed her own memories of past incarnations at the same time as me, in 1941 ‘B’

    45. Electra Glide In Blue is a creation of Hollywood that reflects the good cop / bad cop confrontation, which takes place at the same time as the Woodstock Festival in 1969

    46. In comparison, Mike Crawford and Ingrid Weiss have opened fully their minds by now, with Ingrid in fact having her mind opened by The One at the same time as Nancy

    47. Lara Bowen saw two dark gray ships appear out of nowhere at the same time as twenty machines a bit larger than big men materialized on the landing pad and immediately rushed on their rubberized tracks towards the bodies of the World Council soldiers

    48. zero or negative) exists at the same time as ours

    49. Why had she been in the Tower alone in the middle of the night without her faithful and devoted husband by her side? It was difficult to believe that her being there almost at the same time as Elizabeth Bascomb was merely coincidence; however, there was no apparent connection between the two women other than that they had both known the Underwoods

    50. ‘’While physically very young, Dows was endowed in 1941, at the same time as her adoptive mother, Nancy Laplante, with the ability of remembering her past incarnations, which cover 7,000 years and 72 lives

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