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at variance exemples de phrases
at variance
1. than that it should come into the hands of a set of people with whom those resolutions could scarce fail to set them in some measure at variance
2. It contributed its principles to, and Followers subconsciously drew from these other cults, precepts at variance with the teachings of its founder, Jesus of Nazareth
3. Many of these at first glance seemed at variance with centuries’ old surmises
4. 2 Be not at variance with a rich man, lest he overweigh you, for gold has destroyed many, and perverted the hearts of kings
5. And they who have them half-withered and cracked are both waverers and slanderers [railing against the absent] and never at peace with one another but always at variance
6. He would have gone often to hear Jesus teach, but he feared to be seen by the people in attendance upon his teaching, for already were the rulers of the Jews so at variance with Jesus that no member of the Sanhedrin would want to be identified in any open manner with him
7. 4 It was the apparent misfortune of Abner to be at variance with all of the leaders of the early Christian church
8. "For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law
9. But then, why should they, anyway? Won’t the male dominated society seek to straightjacket them as role models to self-serve man’s interests, and judge them on the scale of conformity? Since the male tenets are at variance with the feminine instincts, don’t women come to pretend? And, unable to comprehend women, won’t the confounded men end up according the benefit of doubt to them, at every turn
10. But since realized sages dwell in the essence, they can recognize ways that are at variance with it
11. 'I'd say you would be at variance with the laws of the realm and the well-established practices of orderly commerce
12. No sinner, cursed with a body at variance with his soul and able in spite of it to hear the music of heaven and give it exquisite expression, shall ever again be identified by me with what at such great pains he has kept white
13. A queer expression was in his eyes as he looked at her, an expression entirely at variance with his calm and good-natured talk, the exceedingly anxious expression of a man who knows his whole happiness is quivering in the balance
14. motion was at variance with that of this ancient merchantman
15. are in this matter at variance with him no less than with
16. Our clergy and the wise men are at variance again
17. , that the Bible writers of all ages use the same terms throughout 10 denote the final curse of God on sin; and hence the 'popular and scientific’ are not only not at variance, but coincide
18. On a subject so overpowering I desire to speak with profound caution and reserve; but I acknowledge that the positiveness with which both good and bad men at the present time decide against any retributive infliction, seems to me at variance both with Scripture and the analogies of the world that now is
19. "What! dost thou still persist, Sancho," said Don Quixote, "in saying, thinking, believing, and maintaining that my lady Dulcinea was sifting wheat, that being an occupation and task entirely at variance with what is and should be the employment of persons of distinction, who are constituted and reserved for other avocations and pursuits that show their rank a bowshot off? Thou hast forgotten, O Sancho, those lines of our poet wherein he paints for us how, in their crystal abodes, those four nymphs employed themselves who rose from their loved Tagus and seated themselves in a verdant meadow to embroider those tissues which the ingenious poet there describes to us, how they were worked and woven with gold and silk and pearls; and something of this sort must have been the employment of my lady when thou sawest her, only that the spite which some wicked enchanter seems to have against everything of mine changes all those things that give me pleasure, and turns them into shapes unlike their own; and so I fear that in that history of my achievements which they say is now in print, if haply its author was some sage who is an enemy of mine, he will have put one thing for another, mingling a thousand lies with one truth, and amusing himself by relating
20. I strive to make peace between those whom I know to be at variance; I am the devoted servant of Our Lady, and my trust is ever in the infinite mercy of God our Lord
21. Grote has remarked, is a wonderful thing, that one of the wisest and best of men should have entertained ideas of morality which are wholly at variance with our own
22. Nor did he recognize that in the dialectical process are included two or more methods of investigation which are at variance with each other
23. 'although every one may hear of ravenous dogs and wolves and cruel man-eaters, it is not easy to find states that are well and wisely governed,' are curiously at variance with the notions of his age and indeed with his own life
24. There is no touch of satire which strikes deeper than his quiet remark that the greater part of the precepts of Christ are more at variance with the lives of ordinary Christians than the discourse of Utopia ('And yet the most part of them is more dissident from the manners of the world now a days, than my communication was
25. Neither is this divine form of goodness wholly separable from the ideal of the Christian Church, which is said in the New Testament to be 'His body,' or at variance with those other images of good which Plato sets before us
26. How good of you, I said; but I should like to know also whether injustice, having this tendency to arouse hatred, wherever existing, among slaves or among freemen, will not make them hate one another and set them at variance and render them incapable of common action?
27. And the creation of health is the institution of a natural order and government of one by another in the parts of the body; and the creation of disease is the production of a state of things at variance with this natural order?
28. And is not the creation of justice the institution of a natural order and government of one by another in the parts of the soul, and the creation of injustice the production of a state of things at variance with the natural order?
29. Well, and is not this one quality, to mention no others, greatly at variance with present notions of him?
30. No, I repeat again, that nothing shall induce me to renew attempts evidently at variance with the Almighty's pleasure
31. It was a text which might seem to the casual observer at variance with the lofty morality elsewhere preached by Jesus Christ
32. "Are you at variance with the Englishman?"
33. His severe black suit, with fine ruffled shirt and trousers smartly near him, bulky in the shoulders but tapering to a small waist and absurdly small feet in strapped beneath high insteps, was oddly at variance with his physique and face, for he was foppishly groomed, the clothes of a dandy on a body that was powerful and latently and closely clipped, almost foreign looking compared with the dashing, swooping dangerous in its lazy grace
34. The bright new sheen of the gray coat was sadly at variance given them
35. But Melanie faced her straightened and a mantle of dignity, strangely at variance with her childish face and figure, fell upon her
36. Casaubon's aid and quitting his travels; and this defiant determination to fix himself in the neighborhood by taking up something so much at variance with his former choice as Mr
37. The soundness of Studebaker Preferred rested, therefore, largely upon a stable statistical showing which was at variance with the general character of the industry, so far as its individual units were concerned
38. United States Steel’s accounting method in 1931 is at variance with its previous policy, as shown by its treatment of the large sums received in the form of income-tax refunds in the three preceding years
39. Our definition of an investment basis for common-stock purchases is at variance with the Wall Street practice in respect to common stocks of high rating
40. He not only did not renounce them subsequently, but when he was in doubt or inwardly at variance, he referred they always proved correct
41. The district-attorney's persistence was visibly at variance with the sentiments of every one, of the public, of the court, and of the jury
42. le Duc d'Angouleme, surnamed by the liberal sheets the hero of Andujar, compressing in a triumphal attitude that was somewhat contradicted by his peaceable air, the ancient and very powerful terrorism of the Holy Office at variance with the chimerical terrorism of the liberals; the sansculottes resuscitated, to the great terror of dowagers, under the name of descamisados; monarchy opposing an obstacle to progress described as anarchy; the theories of '89 roughly interrupted in the sap; a European halt, called to the French idea, which was making the tour of the world; beside the son of France as generalissimo, the Prince de Carignan, afterwards Charles Albert, enrolling himself in that crusade of kings against people as a volunteer, with grenadier epaulets of red worsted; the soldiers of the Empire setting out on a fresh campaign, but aged, saddened, after eight years of repose, and under the white cockade; the tricolored standard waved abroad by a heroic handful of Frenchmen, as the white standard had been thirty years earlier at Coblentz; monks mingled with our troops; the spirit of liberty and of novelty brought to its senses by bayonets; principles slaughtered by cannonades; France undoing by her arms that which she had done by her mind; in addition to this, hostile leaders sold, soldiers hesitating, cities besieged by millions; no military perils, and yet possible explosions, as in every mine which is surprised and invaded; but little bloodshed, little honor won, shame for some, glory for no one
43. It is a point difficult to fix where the features and countenance are so much at variance as in your case
44. When smart investors' assessment of the ultimate impact those responses will have is at variance with conventional market wisdom, ideas can be born
45. What have you uncovered and what do you believe that is at variance with what the market believes and is reflected in the share price? Without that, they say, how can you possibly expect to beat the market?
46. The tent-flap jerked open and the doctor entered, his quick, brusque movements at variance with the sad, doglike eyes
47. According to Russian authorities, whose accounts are completely at variance with Napoleon’s own assertions, the Emperor lost more than 50,000 men in the attack, including 1200 officers and 49 generals; while the Russian losses, dead and wounded, amounted to 40,000, including 1732 officers and 18 generals
48. Vanity is a sentiment so entirely at variance with genuine grief, yet a sentiment so inherent in human nature, that even the most poignant sorrow does not always drive it wholly forth
49. Nekhludoff remained in this room for about five minutes, feeling strangely depressed, conscious of how powerless he was, and at variance with all the world
50. A child is systematically deceived concerning the most important affair in life, and when this deception has become so incorporated with his being that it is difficult to uproot it, then the world of science and reality is opened to him—a world that is wholly at variance with the faith which he has imbibed from his teachers—and he is left to reconcile those contradictions as best he may