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    attend on

    1. of responsibility and attend only one hour a week

    2. (this cannot be accomplished when the members attend only one hour a week and never

    3. Richard Rowinski would come in first thing in the morning and he would attend one or two classes and then he would hitchhike home on the highway and not be at school the rest of the day

    4. Meditation is an autotelic experience if, while meditating, you attend only to what you are doing in the here and now

    5. 5 Then called Esther for Hatach, one of the king's chamberlains, whom he had appointed to attend on her, and gave him a

    6. opportunity to attend one or the science teacher died during his prime time

    7. quietly, that everyone may attend on his own affairs

    8. 6 And at the end of the year, they both dreamed dreams in one night, in the place of confinement where they were, and in the morning Joseph came to them to attend on them as usual, and he saw them, and note their countenances were dejected and sad

    9. She didn't remember hearing that the President would attend on the news

    10. 6 And at the end of the year they both dreamed dreams in one night in the place of confinement where they were and in the morning Joseph came to them to attend on them as usual and he saw them and note their countenances were dejected and sad

    11. 22 Now the king's letter contained these words: King Antiochus to his brother Lysias sends greeting: 23 Since our father is translated to the gods our will is that those who are in our realm live quietly that everyone may attend on his own affairs

    12. For he is choked by the vile spirit and cannot attend on the Lord as he wishes for anger pollutes him

    13. "Neither, I just want a young man this gifted to attend one of the brightest schools in the land," replied Mr

    14. I have a wedding to attend on May 10th and I really want to feel good about how I look that day

    15. We have marked seminar rooms along the main corridor and ask that you attend one or two where you might have the most interest or expertise

    16. First, let me say that once I moved to a condo, which is less than five miles from the Barnes & Noble Store, I have yet to attend one of the sessions of this group

    17. between the ages of 7 to 15 were required to attend one of

    18. Before he could get up and walk away, Jason told him to remain seated; he had something to attend on the other side of the office so Max could speak privately where he was

    19. ‘She is expecting a lot that you would attend on her birthday

    20. At length they shall be able to serve God without weariness, and attend on Him without distraction, and not be obliged to cry continually, "Wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from the body of this death?" (Rom

    21. Perhaps to be convinced by what I am saying you have to attend one of our courses but whether you believe it or not, without exception, and I mean “without exception” the rewarded party having received something for nothing as if by reflex asks for more

    22. could attend on such people whom ordinary people cannot think

    23. The workbook contained twelve units; you were required to attend one class per week

    24. I was sure that Rochelle would send him a special invitation to attend one of the balls and Uncle Joshua could hand deliver my message to Phillipe on his way through Paris

    25. I have a good friend who’s studying naval architecture at the University of Paris and I was hoping that your mother could issue him a special invitation to attend one or more of the balls at Castle Desiree’; I’d love to see him again

    26. com and, if you have the opportunity, attend one of her “Networking is for Neanderthals” workshops

    27. Inquiry was made, and it was ascertained that, by a strange coincidence, this carriage contained the corpse of the Marquis de Saint-Meran, and that those who had come thinking to attend one funeral would follow two

    28. There were a couple of them I didn't attend once in a while, like that Oral Expression I told you about, but I

    29. "But you called him in to attend on Fred, and I am sure that was a mercy," said Mrs

    30. Indeed he must, for if he does not forget his new duties more easily than I do, he must attend on his lord again within this hour

    31. It's quite a privilege to attend on her

    32. I'll give thee fairies to attend on thee;

    33. The country in the neighbourhood of this village resembled, to a greater degree, the scenery of Switzerland; but everything is on a lower scale, and the green hills want the crown of distant white Alps which always attend on the piny mountains of my native country

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