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    Utiliser "avarice" dans une phrase

    avarice exemples de phrases


    1. Anxiety, avarice and violence are evident everywhere in our so-called technologically sophisticated cultures, but no one seems to think of the children

    2. No, Lemoss, its just the environment here, what with Tom Foolery's new motor factory, the prosperity of the place generally seems to attract avarice, that's greed to you Flitter up there all high and mighty

    3. the owner’s avarice, is heated only during the

    4. As regards the house, from avarice, they think

    5. same reason: the avarice; they need a small

    6. Avarice and injustice are always short-sighted, and they did not foresee how much this regulation must obstruct improvement, and thereby hurt, in the long-run, the real interest of the landlord

    7. Though, from excess of avarice, in the same manner, the inland corn merchant should sometimes raise the price of his corn somewhat higher than the scarcity of the season requires, yet all the inconveniencies which the people can suffer from this conduct, which effectually secures them from a famine in the end of the season, are inconsiderable, in comparison of what they might have been exposed to by a more liberal way of dealing in the beginning of it the corn merchant himself is likely to suffer the most by this excess of avarice; not only from the indignation which it generally excites against him, but, though he should escape the effects of this indignation, from the quantity of corn which it necessarily leaves upon his hands in the end of the season, and which, if the next season happens to prove favourable, he must always sell for a much lower price than he might otherwise have had

    8. In years of scarcity, the inferior ranks of people impute their distress to the avarice of the corn merchant, who becomes the object of their hatred and indignation

    9. But avarice and ambition in the rich, in the poor the hatred of labour and the love of present ease and enjoyment, are the passions which prompt to invade property ; passions much more steady in their operation, and much more universal in their influence

    10. He focused on the fire, marveling at its simple avarice

    11. Such actions are prompted or motivated by delusion (ignorance), attachment (including desire and avarice), or aversion (including anger and hatred)

    12. Leora looked to him, “Yes that is true, but it will save us the trouble of having to pass through Avarice, which I believe is a more dangerous and uncertain realm than the other

    13. Taher stood over his foe; this was the first time that he had done battle with a Shaqar, which are the great serpents of Avarice

    14. His stature was tall like the giants of Avarice, thus he towered above her

    15. The one urges to adultery and corruption avarice and deceit; the other bids farewell to these things

    16. Between the rolls of flesh that surrounded them, looked out two black eyes speaking of avarice and cruelty

    17. O God, save us from the threefold ruin of hell -- lust, wrath, and avarice! O soul, gird yourself for the spirit struggle of immortality! When the end of mortal life comes, hesitate not to forsake this body for a more fit and beautiful form and to awake in the realms of the Supreme and Immortal, where there is no fear, sorrow, hunger, thirst, or death

    18. As the head of his family, didn’t he owe it to his posterity to preserve the property? Why should one blame him, when it was Rashid’s avarice that took him to his grave?

    19. The count did so, his dark face lit with avarice; behind him his saturnine captain, Beloso, crowded closer

    20. It preached against greed and avarice, but it did so by denying personal power

    21. ited States of America, the banner above the pig reads "United Swines of Avarice

    22. Above my head there were at least a dozen spiders the size of my fist, sitting in their web and watching me with undisguised avarice

    23. This is a more viable path for human salvation than silly, irresponsible “prophecies”, or the short-sighted avarice and pipe dreams offered by materialism

    24. showed his avarice and lack of love for Jesus

    25. colleagues, never saw the avarice, greed and opportunism brewing in the bellies of

    26. His most famous raid was the one in which he destroyed the idol at Somnath and carried away enough booty to appease avarice

    27. The gravest offenders in this respect are lust, wrath, avarice, and inordinate attachment which obstruct one’s realization of the Self

    28. lust, wrath, avarice, and attachment

    29. ” She led him into a marketplace surrounded by the hands of need, want, desire, and avarice

    30. “What?” they said, not meaning what, but never mind, as they reached with innocent greed and Rockwellian avarice for the individually wrapped for your convenience, health, and protection, snack size minis: perfect bite sized pieces too small to share

    31. Precancerous Black Friday specials sandwich Thanksgiving between sales of greed and avarice in a world dying by their still gravy stained shopping hands

    32. When compassion based, other-centered states begin to emerge, and only then, will there be a significant decrease in the militarization and policing of the world and a turning towards healing the wounds of avarice and violence

    33. wounds of their avarice and never with their avarice, we will forever let

    34. On the other hand, the masses were likely to die because of hunger and poverty while they were witness to the unspeakable avarice of those inhumane traders in people’s souls

    35. Chattel slavery and cheap labor an unwelcome introduction into capitalism…captured Africans stripped of all personality and humanity…a mechanism of an oppressive system of human sorrows…victims of avarice and self-appointed superiority…pregnant slaves shackled to fears, her naked breasts heavy with tears, her seed in jeopardy of annihilation in a nation that defended the enslavement of Africa’s babies because black skin made it so…no place to go but Heaven… with the connection to Africa stricken from the reach of her children… but the royalty that flows through the veins of her offspring has managed to elude the ad¬versary’s thievery…it remains unscathed, needing only recognition of its presence…the Transatlantic and watery graves, but those that survived became chained up slaves, yet the royalty remains

    36. Chattel slavery and cheap labor an unwelcome introduction into capitalism…captured Africans stripped of all personality and humanity…a mechanism of an oppressive system of human sorrows…victims of avarice and self-appointed superiority…pregnant slaves shackled to fears, her naked breasts heavy with tears, her seed in jeopardy of annihilation in a nation that defended the enslavement of Africa’s babies because black skin made it so…no place to go but Heaven… with the connection to Africa stricken from the reach of her children… but the royalty that flows through the veins of her offspring has managed to elude the adversary’s thievery…it remains unscathed, needing only recognition of its presence…the Transatlantic and watery graves, but those that survived became chained up slaves, yet the royalty remains

    37. Surely, there were riches here beyond the dreams of avarice

    38. It is also called Avarice or Covetousness

    39. Avarice gone mad; worshipping frugality and asceticism

    40. Senators sneering at the avarice and corruption of wealthy business men, while practicing business in secret, and being twice as greedy as the businessmen they hated because of their more open, and more honest greed

    41. He singled out the larcenous Jewish culture of greed and avarice as being evil and he was entirely correct

    42. They warned and moralized the poor about the sins of greed, avarice, and stinginess

    43. They turned their avarice into a religion

    44. They share addictions with each other, they share laziness with each other, they share snobbery with each other, they share exclusionary practices with each other, they share hate with each other, they share fear and terror with each other, they share envy with each other, they share selfishness with each other, they share meanness with each other, they share greed with each other, they share mistrust of each other, they share avarice with each other, they share the lowest lusts of the body with each other, they share pornography with each other, they share filth with each other, they share moral ethical rotten behavior with each other, they share fear with each other, they share dead boxes with each other, they share eating dead animals stuffing their bellies until the intestines inside their bellies become huge fat extended bubbles of rotting stinking accumulations of fecal matter that gives them terminal cancer: terminal colon cancer, intestinal cancer: all kinds of cancers that come from indulging themselves and sharing their indulgences as spoiled consumers

    45. Only when you are an evil hoarder, only when avarice and greed and selfishness fills your rotten soul is does this sound like a ‘god idea

    46. Then people would be left alone to live their own lives… as long as they did not attack anyone, as long as they do not have any root intention towards other humans that is negative, evil; stinking of hatred, cowardice, envy, jealousy, fear, avarice, covetousness, etc

    47. Why did Europe descend into the Dark Ages after the Roman Empire slowly rotted, and crumbled? Because Rome had taught all of Europe for a thousand years by peer example; that the only things that matters, is brutality, greed, and avarice

    48. And they would be blessed, and all their sins of greed and avarice and killing and hate and rapacity would be forgiven

    49. Their eyes shine too much with the lust of avarice

    50. The main motivation of the Spanish Conquistadors was their overbearing avarice for gold

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    Synonymes pour "avarice"

    avarice avaritia covetousness greed rapacity avariciousness cupidity selfishness acquisitiveness