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    1. It was then that Knume wandered thru the garden with Luray following, nearly invisible behind him and the ax collection slung over his shoulders

    2. Once back in the forest it was pleasantly cool and quiet except for the occasional sound of a distant ax

    3. Many loggers had gotten an early start also and the woods sang with ax and tackle

    4. to a wheelbarrow and an ax, was a large tarp

    5. the Comte de Foix in Ax les Thermes for many years, but

    6. After all, who hasn‘t an ax to grind nowadays? By having succeeded in its efforts at marginalizing the individual, group grievances and special interests have provided the Democratic Party an opportunity of gathering fish with a mesh net rather than reeling them in with bait and tackle

    7. Beyond wrath and blood lust, beyond the will to survive and in doing so kill a man, would they show remorse? Guilt? Would they stay their hands in a moment of doubt? When they would see their own brother coming at them with ax and sword, would they judge him wrongly, the animal inside having the final word? When all this is said and done, will there be victory? Or nothing but loss? It would be for the Gods to decide

    8. Men were yelling and there were loud thuds, as an ax into wood

    9. The door caved in as an ax broke through it and a man rushed into the room holding the ax

    10. 15 He has also in his right hand a dagger and an ax, but cannot deliver himself from war and thieves

    11. But my guess is that it was more a question of when and not if Terry would give Ian the ax

    12. Why not see if the others were as willing to live on a tight budget for three years, especially if one of them was about to get the ax?”

    13. He soon got out of the car and subjected us to a ten minute lecture before removing Kiyori's ax from his bag

    14. “The ax, it's always the ax,” Kiyori muttered as he stared at his empty hands

    15. He was wearing the berserker's boots and carrying his heavy ax

    16. Halfdan dropped the ax to the rocky ground and put his hands in the air, saying, "I mean you no harm

    17. Halfdan gripped the ax and said, "If they do, I'll cut off their heads

    18. Yngvild thought for a while, then asked, "And how will you get across the fjord? Swim with that ax?"

    19. Still crouching, so his full height would not be visible at the door, Halfdan raised his ax and tapped the square-end of its heavy blade onto the door

    20. "Yes, please," Halfdan said, sitting on the platform and resting his ax on the floor

    21. When Halfdan left, carrying a bag of food and the ax, he walked slowly back across the harvested farm-field; back to where Yngvild -- sitting with her back to a tree, bow and arrows still in her hands -- had fallen asleep

    22. He turned away, went back to the men, picked up his bag and ax

    23. He also smashed his ax onto the heads of hurt foes lying on the rocks

    24. He swung his ax with power, roaring

    25. Halfdan tried to protect Haki as the berserker cleared a path through the foes with a chipped, unstoppable ax

    26. Haki swung his ax back over his head, killing a foe behind him, then swung it forward, chopping through the helmet and skull and jaw of another foe, scattering teeth all around

    27. Haki was about to swing his ax at the door when Halfdan said, "Wait

    28. She stepped closer to him, seeming to not even notice the huge ax on his shoulder

    29. He took the ax from his shoulder and moved the blade towards the young woman's face

    30. He stepped to the bed and laid his ax onto the messy grey blankets

    31. He lunged that way and swung his ax

    32. He lunged and swung the ax again in the direction of her voice, but again hit nothing

    33. The last thing I want to do is piss off a cop with an ax to grind, and this cop made it perfectly clear that he personally wants Maurice to hand over the million dollars to him

    34. The pike was a long heavy pole with a combination spear-point and ax on the end

    35. “Hum, Millsap has an ax to grind with him, but there’s more to the story because he wouldn’t have waited twelve years to settle this

    36. By Tuesday the weather started to warm, but Trask decided to use his new toy, as Charly called it, so drove up Bigley Road hill and, armed with bow-saw and ax, entered the woods

    37. He widened the hole in Chuck's chest with the ax, and cut a groove into his stomach

    38. Murdam brought the butt of the ax down on the jaw of Chuck's severed head until the jaw was in pieces

    39. Bill: Michael could be as tactful as a blunt ax in his correspondence with his French supporters

    40. the fact that his head was a blood-speckled double-sided ax

    41. Bloodstained Blade entered the dining room, dipping his ax head

    42. expression, being an ax head, but from the way his arms were crossed, I

    43. me, his ax head having just split the doorframe

    44. Fortunately, Bloodstained Blade had embedded his ax head in the

    45. out, and that was before I got chased by an ax demon and kicked out a

    46. BONG! I rol ed sideways as his ax head cut the floor, but he recovered

    47. Beside the ax head, al

    48. Only when the red of his hair turned to the grey of the hills did he put down his ax

    49. And even now is the ax laid to the very roots of the trees

    50. Conan snarled a savage curse and hurled his ax with ferocious will

    1. With everyone’s confidence in his gardening knowledge thoroughly shattered and with old scores being settled, his programme was axed from the schedules and his publishing deals quickly dried up

    2. his programme was axed from the schedules and his publishing

    3. It turns out that economists have made some quite convincing arguments that the inefficient things are at least somewhat more likely to get axed

    4. million dollars for Indian health on hold, axed a 35 million dollar loan to Bangladesh and suspended a

    5. Haki danced around spear-tips and axed them both down

    6. The man of the house was so enraged at me he axed his own

    7. door twice, paused, and then axed the door two more times

    8. She’d had almost two months built up when she got axed

    9. ” She axed that one from the list and drew a circle around the remaining myth she intended to bust

    10. Panting petrified and exhausted, Roger sat on his bed armed with the axed and ready to attack

    11. Ant looked like she had pole axed him

    12. After my mother’s head was blown off, her body axed nearly in two, people in Kinnakee wondered whether she’d been a whore

    13. I was shocked by the news and equally blown away by how coldly Findlay had axed my husband, and not just because what hurts Joe hurts me

    14. "Axed me if I was 'ungry," replied the hoarse voice

    1. “When they ran out of corpses to catapult over the walls, records say that an old bearded man took two axes to the wall and attempted to scale it in the dead of night

    2. He picked the right staging axes to bring, to use on a strap of smaller timbers that he hung from a little adapter pulley off the backbone

    3. Their helmets bore badges over their foreheads with a symbol on it like a distorted ‘T’ or maybe the head of one of the axes Alan’s Knume cherub uses

    4. A rank of men with polished bronze axes completed the honor guard

    5. axes across the pathway to stop Salamander from

    6. “When’d you sharpen up?” Desa asked about his axes

    7. When they’d been at it nearly a half an hour, Luray said, “We can’t figure this out today, especially if you guys are ever going to use those axes

    8. “Good, I got to put these away,” he shook the axes, “and get ready to hitch up this team, come walk with me while I’m in a good mood

    9. She tried to let go of his after she was over, but he kept all six of his axes in one arm and a hold of hers with the other and lead her back thru the gardens

    10. With blades empowered by silver and the strength of their rage, they did what came naturally, and together, their twenty-one axes reduced hundreds to ash

    11. And for a time it seemed their line of axes could not falter, and that they would stay in the mouth of the cavern, forever swinging until the pile of ash before them became a mountain

    12. ‘Excellent, could you get that loaded onto the wagons along with the scholars, some axes, shovels and picks?’

    13. His stone-brothers took nearly as much as he; their axes and hammers filled the spacious chamber with enough blazing silver-fire to nearly match M’jllner’s glow

    14. At his side, the wise old Oldem clanged a pair of massive silver axes together, howling at the Hell’s Gate in the old tongue – shouting out ancient profanities, cursing the very wombs of the Dark Lords’ mothers

    15. His axes had bathed in the black-blood, yet seemed eager to spill more

    16. The pair of huge axes were the only thing keeping him from being overcome, and they were slowing

    17. Once more, his axes were in his hands, though now those hairy hands were riddled with swelling black veins

    18. Shimmering axes of blue-tinged steel rested on their stocky shoulders

    19. He felt warm blood on his face, heard the stinging of swords and axes, but he would not be held back

    20. From the work storage area we took a large quantity of sail cloth, rope, trawling nets, carpentry tools, sewing tools, shovels, and pick axes

    21. There were maces, axes, spears

    22. the walls of the armoury were a few axes with heads bigger than me

    23. Soldiers and Guardians were there also, hacking with blades and axes at black bull and ram skulled beasts

    24. Behind them the remainder of the charge would wield swords, spears, and axes to hack down demons that avoided being trampled by their steeds

    25. “Form the lancers! Ready axes! Ready swords! Sound the charge!”

    26. To his surprise, Carl wandered off with a host of Guardians and soldiers, some bearing axes, to return later bearing another cross, even larger than the first, that stood over fifteen feet high and was ten feet wide on the cross bar

    27. wood resisted the axes as if it were iron, and only dented them,

    28. Unfortunately, the police have become easy targets for community activists and political malcontents with axes to grind; inclined to promote racial unrest and false allegations and other unfavorable impressions notwithstanding a few bad apples that have (otherwise) damaged the reputation of their honorable profession

    29. It was not intended to promote arbitrary designs by prejudicial jurists with political axes to grind

    30. Assumptions by modern revisionists seeking to belie historical traditions, avidly supported by special interests with political axes to grind, however discredited such assumptions oftentimes are, may further promote muddled-headed thinking by ultimately winning the battle of ideas, however questionable their premises, by perpetuating falsehoods that, on the surface, oftentimes appear plausible to variable, ―discerning‖ young minds armed with partial knowledge, but sufficient enough to receive distorted impressions at their face value, rendering many vulnerable to questionable or unlikely propositions that bear little or no resemblance to the truth; advanced by (political and social) deconstructionists alienated from their (hated) customs, offering in exchange, contemporary standards predicated on historical fallacies, deception, inflicted reasoning and ignominious viewpoints

    31. Such is often the case, however, with a number of ―reform‖ minded individuals or groups harboring a decided agenda or with political or social axes to grind

    32. ‖ A society that is either unable or unwilling to properly reconcile the Past with the Present, or has historical axes to grind, however, cannot properly evolve into something more meaningful

    33. His dated brand of sixties-styled social activism, aside from having lost much of its relevancy in recent years, only serves to promote anger and resentment, if not violence among the uninformed and other individuals with axes to grind, by re-opening old wounds

    34. As things were, the approaching hordes of Hell weren’t as relentless as I would have hoped in their pursuit of overrunning our position; instead of simply barraging us with hellfire, storming the impromptu trenches and cover positions of what few defenders remained with their halberds, axes, scything claws and gaping maws, they were content to keep our heads down by taking occasional shots, keeping everyone busy by assaulting a position with enough force as to give ground

    35. As it turned out, they passed a few farmers walking with axes over their shoulders, apparently headed to cut firewood, and only one other vehicle, a cartload of hay whose driver seemed to be sleeping while his horse found its way to wherever it was going

    36. 21 Yet they had a file for the mattocks, and for the coulters, and for the forks, and for the axes, and to sharpen the goads

    37. 31 And he brought out the people that were in it, and put them under saws, and under harrows of iron, and under axes of iron, and

    38. 130,000 Stone axes found in Crete suggesting early stone age activity there

    39. 5 A man was famous according as he had lifted up axes on the thick trees

    40. 6 But now they break down the carved work of it at once with axes and hammers

    41. army, and come against her with axes, as hewers of wood

    42. 9 And he shall set engines of war against your walls, and with his axes he

    43. They also used very long bows as well as either round or flat clubs, lances, and occasionally stone axes

    44. The cries of men and birds filled the air, mingled with the slashing of swords and axes and the dull thud of clubs and stones

    45. Axes and swords and torches were thrust through the iron bars while voices called, challenging, calling for the High Police to come and fight

    46. The Lord was pleased with the man's honesty and gave him all three axes to keep, and the woodcutter went home happy

    47. Axes, war hammers, and two-handed broadswords can only be wielded in this manner

    48. The attackers carried weapons of all sorts: Guns, axes, shovels, baseball bats, kitchen knives

    49. They painted their faces with images of ferocious beasts to frighten their foes into submission, then charged into them like a herd of frenzied buffalo wielding large two handed swords and axes as their weapons of preference

    50. anate along the axes of UAPs/UFOs,

    1. Axing away, chipping here and there

    2. That would surely add up to an axing, even if the van weren’t smashed to oblivion

    3. One by one, Boss began axing the unprofitable/unmotivated traders

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    Synonymes pour "ax"

    ax axe