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    Utiliser "be in contact with" dans une phrase

    be in contact with exemples de phrases

    be in contact with

    1. I need to know how you are able to be in contact with him

    2. We shall be in contact with you both soon

    3. You cannot be in contact with your stomach if you only view it as a material part of the body, or worse, as a dys-functional material part of the body to be whipped into shape

    4. Celia cut short Lorna’s profuse thanks and told her that Rick would be in contact with her on Wednesday, two weeks later, to make final arrangements

    5. •Hygienic design - since the alarm will be in contact with urine, it is essential for good health that the alarm can be easily cleaned or disinfected after each use without its functioning being affected

    6. The more that you stay in contact with your partner in a non-sexual way, ie through normal touching contact, the more that she will be receptive to you when you want to be in contact with her in a sexual way

    7. Ivan told him that he wanted to help people and be in contact with many people on a daily basis

    8. Sagittarians excel at professions that allow them to be in contact with many different people and to travel to new and exciting locations

    9. Lezura said to the captain, “Captain, when will you be in contact with the commander-in-chief and the prime minister?”

    10. Always be in contact with your

    11. The gaps in her education, caused by the custom of not sending British royal children to schools were they would be in contact with commoners, were becoming more and more obvious to 313

    12. The unknown is everywhere, within and without, and thinking is always in the known and of the known so throw the known and be in contact with the unknown

    13. The members were also permitted to be in contact with family and friends

    14. Another way, although less effective, is to be in contact with local real estate investors who aren’t interested in the contents

    15. She just needs to be in contact with you,” Dr

    16. be in contact with something that his dad had given

    17. While all our physical organs may be detached from objects of sense, the internal senses may be in contact with the objects, setting up a reactionary force with a more violent contact with objects than we would have entered into merely by physical contact

    18. earth would somehow make that person's tongue be in contact with a place that is not on

    19. person's tongue be in contact with a place that is not on this earth

    20. “There is nothing for you to be ashamed of or hide from! You have family that loves you and you should be in contact with them and not coasting around the edges primarily focused on just keeping them safe from a distance, as your one only contact with them

    21. I had shredded many of them to transport it, but a lot of material remained—enough to reach around Panel A and be in contact with the hull

    22. This gave them a great excuse to be in contact with a movie star

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