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    Utiliser "be preoccupied with" dans une phrase

    be preoccupied with exemples de phrases

    be preoccupied with

    1. We are also not here to be preoccupied with indiscriminate or unregulated gratification of the senses, or to imitate the behaviour of others whose lives are so misdirected

    2. She doubted he noticed, as he seemed to be preoccupied with something

    3. elements? It was silly for her to be preoccupied with such questions, but for some

    4. He seemed to be preoccupied with

    5. The werewolf appeared to be preoccupied with his dinner guests at the moment, pinning Zacchaeus on his back, having finished off with Adrinius who lay grousing on the ground beside him

    6. When you become tired of al these, when you begin to be preoccupied with the One - with God, with

    7. Why live in defeat and bondage when you don't need to? An interesting thing in the Old Testament, Numbers 33, in 52, God said drive these enemies out of the land, because if you don't, they'll be a prick in your eye, and a thorn in your flesh, so what you leave unaddressed in your life after you become a Christian becomes a prick in your eye, it affects your vision; becomes a thorn in your flesh, you're preoccupied always with things that you should not be preoccupied with

    8. tion, the mind will be preoccupied with material objects, the evil con-

    9. In both cases, you will be preoccupied with your former partner and this will prevent you from healing your own emotional wounds and moving forward

    10. "Not to be despised, by any means," repeated Porphyrius Petrovitch, whose mind seemed to be preoccupied with something else—"not to be despised!" he continued in a very loud tone of voice, and drawing himself up close to Raskolnikoff, whom he stared out of countenance

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