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    Utiliser "beat down" dans une phrase

    beat down exemples de phrases

    beat down

    1. The sun beat down on my stinging forehead and from somewhere nearby I thought I saw Alexis wave but then he swam from view

    2. A merciless sun beat down through a cloudless sky, scorching the earth and threatening to turn it into powder

    3. She sat cooling her feet in the brisk water of the lake, as the hot southern sun beat down upon her face

    4. The trees bowed in the increasingly strong wind, the smell of wild flowers filled her nostrils, and the sun beat down upon her face, warming her cheeks

    5. Small drops of sweat formed under Zarko’s hairline as the sun beat down

    6. The sun was high in the sky now even though it was only just after mid-day it beat down on the trench and us like a hammer on an anvil and crushing people with its force

    7. The morning moved on and the sun climbed higher into the clear blue sky and beat down like a hammer on an anvil we had drained our water bottles and thirst was now beginning to get to us

    8. We could hear the cries of the wounded from ‘No Man’s Land’ as they suffered from their wounds and the heat that beat down on them as they led in the open

    9. I sat there and the sun beat down my lips throat and eyes were burning and I was thirstier than a drunken camel but I had no water to quench my thirst

    10. The sun beat down hotter and hotter with each passing moment, reducing the traveller’s clothes to their waists once more

    11. Not only did they heist, they beat down, and bitch-slapped the Soprano's

    12. All of Laru's Dark and evil could beat down upon them, and most likely, it would as soon as the war came

    13. Before she had time to take a step, a huge shadow beat down upon them

    14. 23 And I will beat down his foes before his face, and plague those who hate him

    15. with the stone in the sling, and beat down the boasting of Goliath?

    16. Lord Robert hailed a cab, and before the heat of mid-afternoon had begun to beat down, the foursome were resting comfortably on an iron train bound for Pravik

    17. 17 And he beat down the tower of Penuel, and killed the men of the city

    18. 45 And Abimelech fought against the city all that day; and he took the city, and killed the people that was in it, and beat down the city, and sowed it with salt

    19. At least I was marketable and after years of being beat down working for my father had not been rendered unfit

    20. It beat down minute by minute, its strength increasing with the maturity of the day

    21. Frankly, we can feel beat down in the dating scene at home and sometimes it can be strategic to receive such complementary letters from gorgeous women

    22. perspiration lit his bare, muscular chest, where the sun beat down on him

    23. The sun beat down, birds sang in the trees

    24. It was a beautiful day and the June sunshine beat down on Drew Durning and Todd Snaithe as they walked along the footpath that split the allotment plots in half

    25. He beat down the din with a bull-like roar, and bellowed: 'What devil's play is this? Let one of you speak, so I can understand what you mean!'

    26. The sun began to beat down hotly, in spite of the canopy above the poop-deck

    27. As Balthus looked he saw the Cimmerian beat down a thrusting shortsword, avoid the stroke of an ax with a cat-like sidewise spring which brought him within arm's length of a squat savage stooping for a bow

    28. Where Conan beat down opposition by the sheer weight and power of his blows, breaking spears, splitting skulls and cleaving bosoms to the breast-bone, Valeria brought into action a finesse of sword-play that dazzled and bewildered her antagonists before it slew them

    29. I went to my old cell, and with all my strength, beat down the door

    30. I beat down the voice in my heart that told me I loved her

    31. The private group wanted everything to look perfect on television while they beat down the free speech people and protestors a block away, out of sight, what you might call a perfect Republican convention

    32. The tall magnolias and row of oaks, several of which were nearly dead and covered with moss, provided a welcome shade from the broiling sun that beat down upon him and seemed to penetrate the brim of his white hat

    33. The sun beat down on him relentlessly as it had done on the carcass for the last two days

    34. “You guys planning a beat down?” he inquired with a touch of laughter in his voice

    35. The bright sun beat down on the rolling green of the immaculately manicured Versailles Club’s links style golf course reminiscent of courses found on the shores of the North Sea in Scotland

    36. Could he, Jason, beat down a man who wouldn’t defend himself?

    37. beat down on his face

    38. in his motorized wheel chair the sun beat down on his

    39. The hot sun beat down on Melanie's head as she watched the absurd to and fro between the brothers

    40. For the procurement director to beat down the supplier to a point where there is no interest by the latter to bring new ideas, ways of working, structural developments or creative concepts to the table could be short sighted

    41. you haven't been "beat down" yet

    42. The rain beat down on them as they rode over the rises and valleys of the road out of Turnstone

    43. "I was beat down from such an early age that I believed what she told

    44. place and literally beat down the door and caught him with another

    45. The merciless suns beat down on Casey’s neck and shoulders, heating her skin to unbearable temperatures as they traversed a mountainous incline

    46. The hot sun beat down on her and reflected off the rocks

    47. Her wings beat down again, and again

    48. Boy, this is gonna be a long trip, I thought as the warm water beat down on me

    49. Lucy bent her head over her plate, trying to escape the unshaded light that beat down on her eyes, sore with crying, and hurt

    50. frustration because just as I was ready to hand a beat down to the insubordinate sink he climbed up on my chest and gave me a very unwelcome wet kiss

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