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    Utiliser "beholden" dans une phrase

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    1. We were a captivated audience, beholden to this creature, utterly smitten and charmed

    2. The unsettling (perception) of being beholden to other people oftentimes engenders troubling notions of an individual‘s private failings that seeks its own outlet by projecting that individual‘s sense of frustration (and shame) on his or her ―benefactor‖ whether it be a family member, a close friend or someone more abstract like (the) taxpayer

    3. He nodded “I felt beholden to my father and his memory

    4. “I feel beholden to my good friend James and his family

    5. I don't feel beholden to the past or to whether or not

    6. Why didn’t he call me and tell me? He wasn’t beholden to me

    7. As an individual I am beholden to show mercy; I must go to the rescue of the assaulted lad, and in all consistency I may employ sufficient force to restrain the aggressor

    8. Beholden, father and son prostrated at the swamiji’s feet and washed them afresh with the tears of their souls

    9. After all, we are all beholden to do the will of the Eternal

    10. His forebears were beholden to no one and if faced with his current problem, Can thought, would do as he was doing now

    11. ware and increasingly beholden to software standards, the GPL

    12. Why not copyright recipes? Isn’t society beholden to the first person to bake a pumpkin pie, or any pie for that matter? Oh, the world of the intellectual property holder would be pretty bland if the inventor of pie had exclusive rights to development and distribution of pies

    13. beholden, and as such they too have an interest in continued company profitability

    14. Some of us are beholden to our reputation

    15. It’s our own government, and all those beholden to large foreign and corporate interests who have aggressively taken away our freedom and our human rights

    16. It was a ‘sacrifice’ that meant Modi was almost beholden to his junior minister

    17. to the service of the most wretched slave, from the heights of the much labouringly-hewn cliffs of Aswan to the smal est grain of desert sand, al that Aken’s eyes had beholden could not still the stirring in his royal breast of a restless yearning which drove him ever outwardly onwards in his quest for knowledge and consort with his worshipful people

    18. For this reason, love is not beholden to a government nor constrained by sectarian beliefs

    19. Out of this Protestant secular attempt to live a spiritual life without being beholden to any church or religious authority except your own conscience: came the reflective worship of materialism

    20. I’d earned it after all, but it had been a matter of principle not to be beholden to that woman to whom I had almost lost far more than just my wages

    21. Which is why we never took outside funding so that we were beholden to no one’s rules other than the ones we imposed on ourselves

    22. Still, as the sun began to set on her last day in the Philippines, she felt beholden

    23. " Don Quixote asked her name in order that he might from that time forward know to whom he was beholden for the favour he had received, as he meant to confer upon her some portion of the honour he acquired by the might of his arm

    24. Second, I am beholden to you as the cause of their being so busy and so mean in vain, and there is my hand upon it

    25. Thus, or words to that effect, saith Zarathustra, sometime regius professor of French letters to the university of Oxtail nor breathed there ever that man to whom mankind was more beholden

    26. “ most of those in government doing the investigating are beholden to the Stock Exchange in one way or another (via campaign contributions or through their law firms), or hope (if they are commissioners and chairmen of the SEC) to be employed in the securities industry at some not too distant date, nothing ever comes of these investigations

    27. For example, during the credit downturn that began in 2008, those businesses that were beholden to the credit markets were scrambling for cash to pay off debt, while those in a stronger position were able to be opportunistic and buy back stock, make acquisitions, or grow

    28. There's another that you're more beholden to than you are to me and my boys, maybe, but he don't allow me to tell his name

    29. He had been marginalized with fabricated scandals publicized in media outlets beholden to Chutani

    30. You need not feel beholden

    31. But you’re now utterly beholden to the share and leveraged up to the gills to keep with its fall

    32. “We’re beholden to you,” said Pa

    33. That good man gave me a list of those to whom he considered me beholden, and the amount; while the thing was fresh in every one's mind I made a compliment, which he considered ample, and more than ample, to every one of those on that list that was within my reach; to those few that remain on that list uncompensated, I feel beholden and much indebted

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